Chakrasana Circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chakrasana (Circle Posture)

Technique 1:-Lie down on your back. Bend the legs at the knees. Let the heels touch the hips. Now, take your hands towards the head, over the shoulders, and place them on the ground. Then, with the support of the hands and feet, raise up the chest and waist. Bring the hands feet quite elose to make almost a circle of your body. With the support of the hands and feet, raise up the chest and waist. Bring the hands and feet quite elose to make almost a circle of your body.

Technique 2:- Stand straight. Take your hands back over the shoulders and slowly bend backwards so that the palms finally rest on the ground. Now, gradually try to bring hands and feet together so that body eventually assumes the form of a circle.

Benefits:- Strengthens and makes flexible chest, back, stomach waist, neck, arms, hands, legs, knees, feets, etc., and keeps them healthy. Gives perfect control over the body and makes it agile and nimble. Prevents hunch-back in old age and tremors of hands and feet.
