Pavanamuktasana Knee-to-nose Posture 1 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners
Pavanamuktasana (Knee-to-nose Posture 1)
Lie down on the ground. Inhale and fill the stomach fully. Raise the right knee and press it on the stomach with your hands placed on the knee. Raise the head and bring the knee close to nose. The left leg should be kept straight on the ground. Practise this, in this manner, on both the legs alternately.
Benefits:- It keeps the wind in the stomach in check and helps in passing it without difficulty. In case of distended stomach. This posture releases the wind and makes the stomach light. If practiced after taking a glass of water, but without pranayama, you will have a clear motion.
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