Guptasan Guptasana Celibate Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Guptasana (Celibate Posture)

First place the toes of the left foot under the testicles so that the ankle rests on the ground and the sole is turned upwards. Then, placing the right sole on the ankle of the left, keep the heel of the same foot between the anus and the genitals. Keep the hands on the respective knees and sit straight. Practise this posture also by changing the posture of feet.

Benefits:- This is beneficial for all except the house-holders. It helps in subduing the sexual urge.

 The above sixteen Posture are performed in sitting position and are employed for meditation. The posture that now follow are primarily ment for physical strength and health.
