Shirshasana Head-stand Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners
Shirshasana (Head-stand Posture)
Technique 1:- Spread a folded blanket or keep a cushion on the ground. Locking the Fingers make a sort of a cup and place it along with the elbows on the cushion or the blanket. Put the head in the finger-lock. Slowly raise the legs up until the whole body becomes vertically stretched. Balance the body on the elbows,
Technique 2:- Instead of resting the head on the palms, keep it on ground with the palms on either side. This is somewhat more difficult than the first one. It puts a greater stress on the head. This is known as Vrikshasana also.
Technique 3:- The only difference in this posture is that you place your right foot on the left thigh while standing on the head. This is known as Viparitakarini Mudra also.
Benefits:- Its various benefits are given in a number of books and it is recommended that it be practiced for several hours; but I am not in this favour. The head face, eyes, etc, are very delicate organs. By standing for a long time on the head an excess of blood is directed towards it which causes permanent red streaks in the eyes; excessive heat produced by this Asana causes pain in the eyes. It is also possible that eyesight might weaken and cataract develop; humming sounds begin to be heard. Sometimes puss is formed in the ears and deafness may result. I have met a number of people who suffered from all these troubles for doing this posture for prolonged durations. If properly practiced, it induces sound sleep and generally cures the disorders of mouth nose, ear and throat. The flow of blood is directed upwards so that disorders of the upper organs are cured; sensory nerves, arteries and veins are activated; improves vision; maintain health, increases the span of life; helps in maintaining continence. The body becomes radiant and the concentration of mind improves. The flow of seminal energy is directed towards the brain resulting in sex-sublimation. The accumulation of this energy, known as Ojas Shakti, helps in meditation and makes the aspirant bright mentally and physically
This posture must be followed by rest posture to restore normal circulation of blood.
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