Paschimottanasana Front-leaning Posture-1 to 12 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners
Paschimottanasana (Front-leaning Posture-1)
Sit on the ground, stretch the legs straight and stiff and join them. Hold the toes with the respective hands. Exhale with Moolbandha and Uddiyanbandha. Place your head on the knees by bringing the chest forward. Retain the breath as long as you can. When you feel like inhaling, life your head a little, inhale slowly and again place the head on the knees.
Janubaddha Paschimottanasana (Knee-lock Front-leaning Posture-2)
You have to follow the same technique as in the previous pose except that instead of holding the toes of your feet, you have to hold the knees firmly. Then inhale, draw the belly in and place your head on the knees.
Padabaddha paschimottanasana (Feet-lock Front-leaning Posture-3)
Stretch your legs and join them together as in the previous pose. Make a finger-lock, bend your chest forward, draw the belly in and put the finger-lock around the soles of your joined feet. Exhaling and lowering the head as well as raising the head and inhaling should be done exactly as in the first posture, i.e.,(1).
Do as in the previous posture except that in this one you have to take your arms to the back and hold each elbow with other hand Then exhale, bend forward and place your head on the knees; raise it gradually when you want to inhale.
Parshnibaddha Paschimottanasan (Heel-lock Front-leaning Posture-5)
Stretch both legs as before and hold the heels over the toes with the hands firmly. Exhale while placing the head on the knees and retain the breath out. When you want to inhale, raise your head and bring it to the normal position.
Dvihasta-prasarana Paschimottanasan (Hands-spread Front-leaning Posture-6)
The only difference in this posture is that you have to stretch your arms to the sides and then place your head on the knees, exhaling and inhaling as before.
Prishtha-Mushthibaddha Paschimottanasana (Finger-lock-at-back Front-leaning Posture7)
In 116(4) You had to hold your elbows at the back while in this posture you make a finger-lock instead.
Ekapada Paschimottanasana (One-leg Front-leaning Posture-8)
Stretch your legs. Bend the right leg and place the heel beside the right hip. Now bend forward and hold the big toe of the left foot with both the hands. Place the head on the left knee, inhaling and exhaling and exhaling as before. Repeat it with the other leg also.
Ardhabaddha-Padma-Paschimottanasana (Half-lotus Front-leaning Posture-9)
Fix the left heel on the right groin. Now turn your left hand from the left side towards your back to hold the toe of the left foot. Hold the right toe of the stretched foot with the right hand. Inhale and exhale as before. Repeat this Asana with the other leg also.
Padagriva Paschimottanasa (Foot-on-neck, front-leaning Posture-10)
Stretch the left leg straight, hold the right leg up and place it on the neck. While touching the left knee with your head, hold your left sole with the stretched hands. Repeat it with the other leg also.
Januprishthabaddha Paschimottansana (Back-knee-lock, Front-leaning Posture-11)
Stretch the leg in front of you and bending the right leg, place the sole of the right foot flat on the ground. Now take your right arm behind your back, encircling the right leg and thigh. Take the left arm also behind the back from the left, make a finger-lock and touch your knee with the head. Repeat it with the other leg also.
Viparitapadaprasarana Paschimottanasana (Legs-stretched-on-side,Front-leaning Posture-12)
In this posture you have not to stretch your legs in front of you. Stretch the right leg towards the right side and the left to your left side fully. Bend to touch the left knee with your head and put the finger-lock round the left foot. Repeat it on the other side also.
Benefits:- Paschimottana, as also all its variations, reduces distended stomach and cures practically all the related diseases. The body becomes symmetric, well-buit and supple. Gstritis, enlarged spleen, seminal diseases and dyspepsia are also cured. Of Sushumna opens up; helps in the upward directing of Prana (Vital breath), preservation of semen and awakening of Kundalini; brings under control the body, Prana and sense organs, thus enhancing concentration of mind.
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