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Showing posts from March 6, 2013

Eyes Health Revitalizer

EYES HEALTH REVITALIZER Amla : The use of amla sharpens the ayesight. Soak overnight 6 gms. of dry amla powder in¼litre of water. Next morning strain it and wash your eyes with it. It cures all types of eye ailments and improves the eyesight. Take a tsp. of amla powder with water every day at bed – time. Carrots :Vitamin A in carrots strengthens the eyes. Even in old age it is possible to read without spectacles. A glass of juice at 4.00 p.m daily for forty days will keep the yes healthy. Masoor daal : Fried in clarified butter massor daal strengthens the eyes. Onion : Onion juice used as eye drops sharpens the eye sight. Use it daily. Cloves : Cloves are beneficial for the eyes. Rose water  : Cleaning the Eyes – Mix 12 ml. of rose water with 5 drop each of lemon juice and honey. Put a drop in each eye four times a day. It will keep the eyes clean. Lemon : Mix a drop of lemon juice in a tsp. of water. Put two drop in each eye. It will keep the eyes healthy and cure common eye diseases.

Clear Eyesight How to get What is Diet

CLEAR EYESIGHT Eyesight becomes weak because of watching horror movies, anxiety, headache, dandruff and excessive sexual activity. Anxiety and mental tension are especially responsible for weak eyesight Do not go for spectacles as soon as you find that your eyesight has become weak. Relax. Try to improve your eyesight. To improve the eyesight softly massage the area around the eyes with your fingers. Do not use any oil. Before going to bed massage the forehead with clarified butter. Sun Rays : At sunrise, stand before the sun and cover your eyes with your finger in such a way that sun rays filter through them and touch your eyes. Do this for ten minutes. Then wash your eyes with cold water and massage your face. Similarly, when the sun is not very bright in the evening, sit down facing the sun and close your eyes and move the upper part of your body from left to right and right to left. Do it for twenty minutes daily. Then wash the eyes with cold water. It provides relief to the eyes a

Conjunctivitis How to Cure Relief What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

CONJUNCTIVITIS Symptoms : During conjunctivitis the white portion of the eyes becomes red. There is a secretion of water and mud like substance from the eyes. The eyelids become sticky; there is swelling in the eyes marked with friction and pricking pain. It is difficult to stand light. Some patients like hot food, other, cold food. Causes : It is caused by exposure to bright sun, cold wind, bright light, smoke, plague and gonorrhea. Sometimes, the eyes are infected severely. Treatment : Keep the eyes clean. Mix boric acid in warm water and wash the eyes in the morning and evening. Keep the bowels clear. Salt : Do not take salt in conjunctivitis or reduce its intake to the minimum. Mix a minute quantity of salt in a cup of water, soak a cotton swab in it and put it on the eyes repeatedly. It is beneficial in conjunctivitis. Bathua : Bathua taken as a cooked vegetable daily relieves swelling and redness of the eyes. Cumin seeds : Roast cumin seeds and grind them. Take a tsp. of this pow

Night Blindness How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

NIGHT BLINDNESS Mango : Night blindness is caused by the lack of vitamin A. Mangoes contain maximum Vitamin A which is beneficial in night blindness. The mangoes which you can suck are more useful. Honey : Apply honey into the eyes like kajal. It cures night blindness. It also improves the eyesight. Tomato : Tomatoes are useful in night blindness and short sightedness. Gwar : It is beneficial in night blindness. Gwae leaves eaten as cooked vegetable also cure night blindness. Coriander leaves : Consuming green coriander leaves in good quantity daily with meals cures night blindness. It can be combined and used with daal, chutney, kadhi, vegetables, raita, etc. Carrots : It is beneficial to take carrot juice and milk in night blindness. Water : Taking a plunge in cold water and opening the eyes while in water day blindness and enable one to see during the day.