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Showing posts from July 15, 2013

Sahajasana Natural Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Sahajasana (Natural Posture) First lie down on your back with hands on the side. While inhaling with both the nostrils, raise the right hand and stretch it over the head so as to touch the ground with the back of the palm Immediately exhaling, bring it back to the starting position. Repeat with the left hand. Repeat with both the hands together. Now, inhaling with both the nostrils, raise the right leg about two feet from the ground without bending at the knee and hold it aloft. While exhaling, bring it back to the starting position. Repeat with the left leg Those five movements together make one posture. Practise it three to five times in the order given. Benefits:- This posture can be practiced by people of all ages. It combines Asana with Pranayama. Even the diseased and the weak can practice it easily. It is because of faults that we allow the diseases to attack us and fall prey to them. Lungs become weak and we are not able to exhale fully the carbon dioxide accumulated there. The

Shirshasana Head-stand Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shirshasana (Head-stand Posture) Technique 1:- Spread a folded blanket or keep a cushion on the ground. Locking the Fingers make a sort of a cup and place it along with the elbows on the cushion or the blanket. Put the head in the finger-lock. Slowly raise the legs up until the whole body becomes vertically stretched. Balance the body on the elbows, Technique 2:- Instead of resting the head on the palms, keep it on ground with the palms on either side. This is somewhat more difficult than the first one. It puts a greater stress on the head. This is known as Vrikshasana also. Technique 3:- The only difference in this posture is that you place your right foot on the left thigh while standing on the head. This is known as Viparitakarini Mudra also. Benefits:- Its various benefits are given in a number of books and it is recommended that it be practiced for several hours; but I am not in this favour. The head face, eyes, etc, are very delicate organs. By standing for a long time on the hea