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Showing posts from January 24, 2012

Essential Elements To Eat

ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS TO EAT In order to keep our body healthy and strong we should eat things which contain the following elements: 1.      Protein : It builds the body, imparts agility, vigour and energy. It compensates the body losses. It is found aplenty in pulses, cereals, gram, peas, milk, butter milk, cottage cheese, fatless milk, fruits, dry fruits, tec. Protein is responsible for the production of new cells and regeneration of dead cells in the body. Protein also provides energy like carbohydrates. Pulses contain about 20-25 percent protein. 2.      Fat : It gives heat and energy to the body. It is found in milk, curd, ghee, butter, oil, almonds, walnuts, cashewnuts, ground nuts, etc. The oiliness in things indicates the presence of fat. Oils and vegetable ghee are the food stuffs full of fat. 3.      Minerals salts : Minerals preserve the body, strengthen the bones and protect the body from disease. They are found in fresh vegetables, fruits, wheat, rice, milk, etc. 4.      Carb