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Showing posts from July 11, 2013

Dvipada-angushtha-sthitasana Toes-balancing Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvipada-angushtha-sthitasana (Toes-balancing Posture) Sit on your feet. Raise the heels to the hips and turn the toes towards the soles so that the body is balanced on the two big toes only. Raise the arms to the level of the shoulders and stretch them. Place the knees close to one another. Keep the posture for some time. Benefits:- Toes become strong and develop capacity for endurance.

Apanasana Ud-diyanabandha Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Apanasana (Ud-diyanabandha Posture) Sit in Siddhasana ( Perfect Pose) and exhale completely. Do Uddiyana bandh and hold the stomach below the ribs on both sides with hands and press hard. Retain the posture as long as you can. Inhale gently and return to the normal position. This practice may be done five to seven times. Benefits:- This posture cures enlarged spleen and liver and disorders of stomach. In case of excess of wind and phlegm, it restores the balance of the humours.

Chamgadarasana Bat Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chamgadarasana (Bat Posture) Sit on the ground with the legs stretched in front and the soles placed together. Bend the chest a little forward and stretch the arms, each on its side, below the knees. Now pressing the elbows with the knees, raise the head. Maintain the posture for some time. Benefits:- This is a very useful posture for improving digestion ; strengthens the joints of hands and feet; pushes out accumulated gas; makes the chest strong and keeps the body healthy.

Pada- Trikonasana Triangular Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Pada- Trikonasana (Triangular Posture) Sit in Vajrasana (Bolt Pose). Place the heels at the side of the hips at a short distance, Keeping the palms together, place them between the thighs. Keep the head, neck and spine straight. Now exhale and draw the stomach in ,i.e., making Uddiyana Bandh. Benefits: This posture is very useful for making thighs, knees and ankle strong and the joints of ankles flexible. It also prevents dislocation of ankles and early exhaustion due to much walking and running.

Nabhipidasana Navel-press Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Nabhipidasana (Navel-press Posture) Sit on the ground with the legs stretched forward. Bring the soles together with the hands and place them near the navel. With the help of the hands, make the heels and toes touch the stomach and chest respectively. Remain in this posture as long as you can. Benefits:- It increases the strength of arms and legs; helps the movement of prana in the Sushumna; invigorates spermatic duct.

Ardhotthitasana Half-raised Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ardhotthitasana ( Half-raised Posture) Stand straight. Inhale and take your arms above the head and join the palms. Keep the heels and toes together and balance the body on the toes. Bend the knees slightly and assume half-sitting posture. There should be a distance of about one foot between the knees. Retain the breath in when you are half-sitting. Do it repeatedly. Benefits:- If practiced after taking a glass of water, but without Pranayam, constipation is relived, hands and feet are strengthened.

Hasta bhujasana Palm-sole Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ha sta bhu jasana (Palm-sole Posture)        Sit down with your legs stretched forward. Take the arms under the knees in such a way that the calves of the legs are raised on the arms. Inhale, retain the breath in, and touch the ears or hold the neck with the hands. Join the heels of both feet near the chest and rest the body on the hips. Maintain the posture as long as you can. Benefits:- It makes shoulders and arms specially strong and has a beneficial effect on the stomach.