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Showing posts from October 19, 2013

Viparita-namaskar Asana Inverted-bending Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Viparita-namaskar Asana (Inverted-bending Posture) 1. Stand straight, keeping feet as far apart as you can. Join your palms behind the back fingers pointing toes and head. Then bend forward to rest the head on the ground. Come to the normal position. 2. Stand as in the previous position. Bend backward as much as you can. Keep breathing normal. Benefits:- It cures asthma and cough. It removes the weakness of heart, legs, thighs and shoulders. Veins and arteries become strong and healthy.

Urdhva-hasta-sthita-eka-pada-virama Asana Raised-hands-rest-on-leg Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhva-hasta-sthita-eka-pada-virama Asana (Raised-hands-rest-on-leg Posture) Stand with feet together. Bend the left leg. Place its sole on right thigh. Raise your both hands up and join the palms. Balance the body on the right leg Breathing should be normal. Come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:-Legs, chest lungs and shoulders become strong. 

Hastotthita-eka-pada-prasarna Asana Stretched-leg-balance-on-arms Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hastotthita-eka-pada-prasarna Asana (Stretched-leg-balance-on-arms Posture) Sit as in utkatasana. Place your soles and palms firmly on the ground. Place your knees on the elbows from the outside and balance the body on the palms. Then place right toe on the left elbow and stretch left leg back. Keep the body, head and left in a straight line. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:-It cures hernia. It removes weakness of kidneys. It cures pain in stomach and disorders.

Danda-vakra-janu-shira Samyukta Asana Head-knee-jointed-leg-Stretched Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Danda-vakra-janu-shira Samyukta Asana (Head-knee-jointed-leg-Stretched Posture) Sit on the knees and insteps, turning toes backward. Bend forward and place your head close to the knees. Hold your heels with the palms. Return to the normal position. Do it several times. Benefits:-Waist and spine become flexible. Veins and muscles becomes strong. It cures liver disorders. Blood circulation improves

Vistrita-pada-bhoonaman Asana Stretched-leg-side-bend Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vistrita-pada-bhoonaman Asana (Stretched-leg-side-bend Posture) Sit on the ground and stretch both the legs. Keep both the toes together. Make a finger-lock behind the head. Hold the breath and turn waist to right side and place your left elbow on right knee. The right elbow remains up. Repeat it on the other side also. 2. Sit on the ground with the legs stretched apart in front of you. Make a finger-lock at the back of the head and bend from the waist to the right side and place left elbow on left knee. Raise your right elbow and remain in this position as for some time. Do it on the other side also. Repeat it a few times. 3. Sit as in the previous position. Make a finger-locked at the back of the head stretching your elbow on the either side. Lean forward and touch the ground with the chin. Remain in this position for some time. Return to the normal position. Benefits:-It exercises spine, stomach and waist. Ribs, veins and arteries of feet and legs become strong and

Janubadha-eka-parshva Asana Knee-locked-side bend Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Janubadha-eka-parshva Asana (Knee-locked-side bend Posture) Sit on the ground and bend both the knees, keeping the soles on the ground. Keep some distance between the feet and the hips. Then raise arms and join fingers behind head Turn from the waist to place the left elbow on right knee. Hold the position for some timke. Repeat on the other side. Do it several time. 2. Sit on your soles, Take the right arm back around the right knee. Take the left arm back join fingers. Turn the head on the right side. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:-It exercises stomach and waist, spine and ribs; thus these become strong and flexible.

Padma-bhoo-naman Asana Lotus forward Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padma-bhoo-naman Asana (Lotus forward Posture) Sit in Padmasana. Place your fists on Heels. Exhale and hold the breath out. Lean forward and touch the ground with the forehead. Then raise your head and inhale. Do it several times. Benefits:-It exercises stomach and waist. It cures hernia.

Bheki Asana Froglet Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Bheki Asana (Froglet Posture) Sit in Vajrasana. Lean forward and place both the arms back by the side. Place the chest on the knees. Raise the head and gaze in front. Breathing should be normal. Remain in the position for some time. Repeat it several times. Benefits:-It exercises stomach, waist and neck, so these become strong and flexible. It reduces excess of fat around waist. It relieves constipation. It is a very relaxing posture.

Chatvshpad-gaman Asana Inverted-limb-locomotion Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chatvshpad-gaman Asana (Inverted-limb-locomotion Posture) Attain chakrasana. Then walk forward and backward a few steps. Benefits:-It exercises the whole body and all the centres in the body become active and joints become flexible. Blood circulation improves. It removes hunch-back and other defects in spine. Body becomes elastic and vigorous.

Uthita-pada-greeva-janu-sparsha Asana Raised-leg-neck-knee-touch Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Uthita-pada-greeva-janu-sparsha Asana (Raised-leg-neck-knee-touch Posture) Stand with feet placed together. Raise your right leg and place it on the neck. Bend forward. Hold your left hands and touch left knee with your nose. Come to the normal positon. Repeat it on the other side.                                                                                                    Benefits:-Waist become elastic and slim. Spine, waist, legs and neck disorders will be cured.

Uthita-ardha-padama-janu-shira-samyukta Asana Raised-semi-lotus-joined-head-knee Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Uthita-ardha-padama-janu-shira-samyukta Asana (Raised-semi-lotus-joined-head-knee Posture) Stand with feet together. Bend the right knee and place the right foot on the left groin. Then exhale and bend forward. Place your both palms on the ground on either side of the left leg. Touch the knee with head. While inhaling raise the head and come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:- It removes the kidney impurities and weakness; and excess of the fat around belly. Improves digestion.

Hasta-pada-Akarshana Asana Hand-leg-pull Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hasta-pada-Akarshana Asana (Hand-leg-pull Posture) Stand with feet together. Bend right leg backward and hold the toes with the right hand. Balance your body on left leg. Stretch the left arm in front bending the head and waist in front. Remain in this position for some time. Come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:- Veins and arteries of the legs become elastic and strong. Thighs and shoulders become elastic.

Eka-pada-janu-utthita-kati vakra Asana Knee-rest-raised hip-semi-circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Eka-pada-janu-utthita-kati vakra Asana (Knee-rest-raised hip-semi-circle Posture) 1.  Stand on your toes and knees. Stretch left on the left side. Placing toes and heels on the ground. Raise both the hands and join the palms. Inhale and hold it, remain in this posture for some time and do it on the other side also. 2. Assume the previous posture, turn the head and waist towards the left and bring both the palms on the left toe and nose to left knee. Hold the position for a sometime and return to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. 3. Assume the posture as above, bend the right leg keeping the knee on the ground. Maintain the position for sometime. Come to the normal position Repeat it on the other side also. 4. Assume the position as in the first one. Take your hands back and hold each elbow hand. Hold the breath as long as you can. 5. Attain the position as in 4 th . Bend the head to touch the right knee and ground. Hold your breath as long as you