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Showing posts from July 16, 2013

Parshva-trikonasana Side-triangular Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Parshva-trikonasana (Side-triangular Posture) Stand with feet about two and a half feet apart. Stretch the right hands in line with the shoulder and the left hand over the hands. Breathing should be natural. Now bend on the right side in such a way that the right knee bends and the right hand holds the right heel. The left hand should be kept straight in such a way that the left side of the body and the left leg are in one straight line. Repeat on the other side. Practise the posture three times on each side. Benefits: This posture is very helpful in cases of lumbago and disorders of heart and joints of the legs.

Viparita karan-asana Shoulder-Stand Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Viparita karan-asana (Shoulder-Stand Posture) Lie down on your back and raise the legs. Now support the hips and waist on the hands and straighten the body up. Fix the gaze on the big toes. Remain in this posture as long as you can. Benefits:- The benefits are the same as those of Sarvangasana (Shoulder-Stand Pose)

Uttanapadasana Legs-up Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Uttanapadasana (Legs-up Posture) Lie down on your back. Keep the legs straight and joined and place the hands on the sides, the palms on the ground. Rise both the legs, keeping straight, about two feet from the ground. Keep the gaze on the toes. Benefits:- It has all the benefits of Sarvangasana ( Shoulder-stand Posture).

Purna-Supta-Vajrasana Full-lying-down Bolt Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Purna-Supta-Vajrasana (Full-lying-down Bolt Posture) Knee down. Place your hands firmly on the thighs. Inhale, retain the breath and slowly bend your head backwards so that finally you lie down on your back. Then, keeping the head on the ground, raise the back and waist above the ground, balancing the body on the head and knees. Keep the posture for some time and then exhale slowly. Do it three or four times. Benefits:- Fat on the stomach is reduced; waist, thighs and knees become elastic; backache is relieved; body becomes symmetric and healthy; muscles of the legs are strengthened and disorders of the lungs are cured.           

Supta vajrasana Lying-down Bolt Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta vajrasana (Lying-down Bolt Posture) Technique1:- Sit in the posture of Vajrasana (Bolt-Pose). Inhale and lie down on your back. Place the head on the ground. Keep the hands on the thighs as in Vajrasana. Retaining the breath in, remain in this posture for some time. Then, exhale and sit up. Gradually increase the repetition upto five or six times. Technique 2:- If the heels cannot be kept under the anus, they may be placed by the side of the hips, After practicing this posture foe some time, the first technique may be tried. Benefits:- It has all the advantages of Vajrasana. Feet, palms knees, thighs, stomach, waist, back and neck become strong and healthy.

Pavanamuktasana Knee-to-nose Posture 1 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Pavanamuktasana (Knee-to-nose Posture 1) Lie down on the ground. Inhale and fill the stomach fully. Raise the right knee and press it on the stomach with your hands placed on the knee. Raise the head and bring the knee close to nose. The left leg should be kept straight on the ground. Practise this, in this manner, on both the legs alternately. Benefits:- It keeps the wind in the stomach in check and helps in passing it without difficulty. In case of distended stomach. This posture releases the wind and makes the stomach light. If practiced after taking a glass of water, but without pranayama, you will have a clear motion.