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Showing posts from July 17, 2013

Prishthabaddha-Janusparshasana Knee-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishthabaddha-Janusparshasana (Knee-nose Posture) Stand straight. Take both your arms behind the back and hold each elbow with the other hand. Exhale and retain the breath out. Bend down and touch the knees with nose. Benefits:- All the limbs of the body become agile but the stomach is benefitted the most.

Dvipada-ekahasta-sthita-asana Knee-on-elbow Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvipada-ekahasta-sthita-asana (Knee-on-elbow Posture) Stand erect and spread the legs on the sides as far as possible. Place the left palm on the ground and balance the left leg by resting the knee on the elbow of the left hand. Raise the right hand vertically. Hold the posture as long as comfortable. Repeat on the other side. Benefits:- Recommended for exercising hip joints and waist region, developing agility and strength and in cases of disorders of the shoulder joints.

Prishthabaddha-ekapada-janusparshasana Knee-nose-Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishthabaddha-ekapada-janusparshasana (Knee-nose-Posture) Stand erect with feet joined together. Take the arms behind the back and hold each elbow with the other hand. Exhale, bend down and touch the right knee with the nose, simultaneously raising the left leg to come in line waist. Keep the posture for some time. Do it with other leg also. Benefits:- Pain in the spinal cord and waist caused by excess of gases, and also headache, are relived.

Vivritakaranasana Arms-in-legs Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vivritakaranasana (Arms-in-legs Posture) Stand erect, keeping your legs about two feet apart. Inhale. Raise both the arms up above the head, keeping them apart. Bend back once and then bend down, take the arms through between the legs and behind them quickly. After this, take out the arms and bend back quickly. Move forward and backward several times with inhalation and exhalation respectively. Benefits:- It makes lungs, chest and Prana strong, relieves pain in stomach and waist, improves digestion and reduces belly.

Vamanasana Dwarf Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vamanasana (Dwarf Posture) Stand on the knees and raise the back so that the heels touch the hips. Hold the ankles with the hands and then walk on the knees hither and thither. Benefits:- It prevents rheumatism of the knees. In case of the disease already contracted, regular practice of this posture cures it and strengthens the knees. No difficulty or exhaustion is felt in climbing steep hills.

Bhairavasana Bhairava Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Bhairavasana (Bhairava Posture) Stand with feet about two and a half feet apart. While inhaling with both the nostrils, raise both the hands and lock the fingers. Turn towards left side, partly bend the knee of the left leg and bend the right knee so as to touch the ground, keeping the right foot erect on toes. After some time return to the starting position, exhaling. Repeat on the right side. Practise the posture three times on each side. Benefits:- This posture is very helpful in cases of lumbago and disorders of heart and joints of the legs.