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Showing posts from January 6, 2012

Nourishment Of Life

NOURISHMENT Life is a divine gift, and a disease free sound health is a great blessing. Nourishing food is essential for a sound health. We need to know what to eat, so that the food consumed may not only satisfy our hunger, but also keep us healthy through its medicinal effects.           Food provide a base to live a healthy life. If food is to our taste and easy to digest, it surely keeps us healthy. A number of health food charts based on modern scientific studies are available that prescribe the quantities of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, etc, to be taken daily through various items of food according to the calorie requirement of our body. But because of defective digestive system, our body is not able to burn fully all the calories we consume, as a result we fall sick. Therefore, we should pay due attention to food and consume such things as would provide nourishment to our body acting as medicines and keep us disease free. The present book prescribes ‘treatment through f