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Showing posts from May 13, 2013

Coral Stone Red Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Coral has a positive influence on the thyroid function, both hyper and hypo function can be stabilized by wearing a piece of red Coral on the throat. Use in case of colic, against infertility, protects against disease. Use in case of anemia, for a healthy bladder function. Geriatric ailments and works positively. Coral helps in case of depression and narcolepsy. Against colon problems, constipation, tooth decay and works positive in case of osteoporosis and promotes the healing of bones. Regulates the pancreatic function and spleen, against hardening of the arteries. In the Renaissance Coral was used to help the teething of babies, usually children of rich families received a Coral teething ring. Coral is used as a protective amulet. It is used against the evil eye, demons, furies, succubi, incubi and phantasma. It guards against accidents, acts of violence, poison, theft, possession and sterility.   Coral is a natural product, they are the skeletal remains of small creatures that inha

Clear Crystal Quartz Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Clear Crystal Quartz stops bleeding and diarrhea. Against back aches, menstrual problems, depression and problems related to menopause, gives confidence. Quenches thirst, cleans the body after illness, for skin, gives energy. Use in case of car and sea sickness, dizziness, against fear, diseases of the glands, fever, poisoning, gout, yellow fever, ailments of kidneys, bad dreams. Use in case of athletic injuries, prevents strokes and addiction. Good for the heart, lymph nodes, lungs, blood circulation, metabolism and colon. Against leukemia and hormonal problems. Use in case of suppurating wounds, inflammation of the bone marrow, abscesses on tonsils and all sorts of fistulae. Lung diseases, tuberculosis and all ailments of the airways. Relieves pain caused by arthritis and rheumatism, against high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Use in case of morning sickness and for nursing mothers. Clear Crystal Quartz helps one to enhance ones intuitive insights. Place to pieces of Clear Crys

Citrine Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Makes one happy, against fatigue, strengthens self confidence, use in case of fear of exams. Helps one cope with mental exertion. Promotes a positive outlook. For glands, diabetes, appendix, colon, liver, kidneys, immune system, gall bladder, heart and blood circulation, muscles, and mood swings, gives one self esteem and clarity. Promotes positivity and clear thoughts. Against depression, melancholy and stimulates the mind and soul if you can't detach from grief and anxiety. Citrine gives one an intellectual control of ones emotional life. Also Citrine enhances spiritual powers.  

Chrysoprase Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens eyes and the heart, makes one practical and balanced. Eases childbirth. Chrysoprase cleans the arteries, use in case of blood circulation problems, angina pectoris, this is an excellent stone to use after bypass surgery. A protective stone for people that are overweight and heavy smokers. Use Chrysoprase water when you have prostate problems or problems with ovaries. This stone gives its wearer rest and fidelity. Chrysoprase is a stone that attracts good luck, makes one eloquent and attracts success in business and good friends. Wear a Chrysoprase to protect yourself against negativity.

Chrysocolla Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Promotes kindness and tolerance, against back aches, cramps and depressions, trust giving, helps work through experiences and utter them, balances emotions. Calms the nerves, lowers fevers, sooths throat aches, use in case of burns and thyroid diseases, it will balance your metabolism, use in case of menstrual problems. Harmonizes intense emotions and temper tantrums. Promotes sensitivity, kindness and tolerance and strengthens intuition. Use in case arthritis, sores, rheumatism,, osteoporosis, strengthens heart, lungs, bone marrow, promotes solving problems. A protective stone, against negative influences. This green stone can be used for love spells. Place a Chrysocolla in a small red or pink vase. Fill the vase half full of water and place three red roses in the vase. Replace the roses if necessary and love will soon enter your life.  

Chrysoberyl Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Chrysoberyl is used for ailments of the eyes, especially nearsightedness. Wash your eyes with an Chrysoberyl water if your eyes are tired or if you have pink eye or an eye infection. Chrysoberyl water also heals asthmatic problems, throat infections and laryngitis. Against ailments of the colon and ulcers.   Use Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye in case of glaucoma and cataract, inflammations of the connective tissue and it brings harmony into your family life, also with friends and colleagues.