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Showing posts from August 1, 2013

Chapter 4 Chanakya Niti The Political Ethics Of Chanakya Pandit Sri Chanakya Niti Shashtra Sastra

CHAPTER FOUR 1. These five: the life span, the type of work, wealth, learning and the time of one's death are determined while one is in the womb. 2. Offspring, friends and relatives flee from a devotee of the Lord: yet those who follow him bring merit to their families through their devotion. 3. Fish, tortoises, and birds bring up their young by means of sight, attention and touch; so do saintly men afford protection to their associates by the same means. 4. As long as your body is healthy and under control and death is distant, try to save your soul; when death is imminent what can you do? 5. Learning is like a cow of desire. It, like her, yields in all seasons. Like a mother, it feeds you on your journey. Therefore learning is a hidden treasure. 6. A single son endowed with good qualities is far better than a hundred devoid of them. For the moon, though one, dispels the darkness, which the stars, though numerous, cannot. 7. A stillborn son is superior to a foolish son endowed wi

Chapter 3 Chanakya Niti The Political Ethics Of Chanakya Pandit Sri Chanakya Niti Shashtra Sastra

CHAPTER THREE 1. In this world, whose family is there without blemish? Who is free from sickness and grief? Who is forever happy? 2. A man's descent may be discerned by his conduct, his country by his pronunciation of language, his friendship by his warmth and glow, and his capacity to eat by his body. 3. Give your daughter in marriage to a good family, engage your son in learning, see that your enemy comes to grief, and engage your friends in dharma. (Krsna consciousness). 4. Of a rascal and a serpent, the serpent is the better of the two, for he strikes only at the time he is destined to kill, while the former at every step. 5. Therefore kings gather round themselves men of good families, for they never forsake them either at the beginning, the middle or the end. 6. At the time of the pralaya (universal destruction) the oceans are to exceed their limits and seek to change, but a saintly man never changes. 7. Do not keep company with a fool for as we can see he is a two-legged bea

Chapter 2 Chanakya Niti The Political Ethics Of Chanakya Pandit Sri Chanakya Niti Shashtra Sastra

CHAPTER TWO 1. Untruthfulness, rashness, guile, stupidity, avarice, uncleanliness and cruelty are a woman's seven natural flaws. 2. To have ability for eating when dishes are ready at hand, to be robust and virile in the company of one's religiously wedded wife, and to have a mind for making charity when one is prosperous are the fruits of no ordinary austerities. 3. He whose son is obedient to him, whose wife's conduct is in accordance with his wishes, and who is content with his riches, has his heaven here on earth. 4. They alone are sons who are devoted to their father. He is a father who supports his sons. He is a friend in whom we can confide, and she only is a wife in whose company the husband feels contented and peaceful. 5. Avoid him who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind your back, for he is like a pitcher of poison with milk on top. 6. Do not put your trust in a bad companion nor even trust an ordinary friend, for if he should get angry with you

Chapter 1 Chanakya Niti The Political Ethics Of Chanakya Pandit Sri Chanakya Niti Shashtra Sastra

CHAPTER ONE 1. Humbly bowing down before the almighty Lord Sri Vishnu, the Lord of the three worlds, I recite maxims of the science of political ethics (niti) selected from the various satras (scriptures). 2. That man who by the study of these maxims from the satras acquires a knowledge of the most celebrated principles of duty, and understands what ought and what ought not to be followed, and what is good and what is bad, is most excellent. 3. Therefore with an eye to the public good, I shall speak that which, when understood, will lead to an understanding of things in their proper perspective. 4. Even a pandit comes to grief by giving instruction to a foolish disciple, by maintaining a wicked wife, and by excessive familiarity with the miserable. 5. A wicked wife, a false friend, a saucy servant and living in a house with a serpent in it are nothing but death. 6. One should save his money against hard times, save his wife at the sacrifice of his riches, but invariably one should save