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Showing posts from March 25, 2013

Diseases of the Digestive System Disorders How to Cure Relief What are Causes Remedies Symptoms Treatment Therapy Diet

DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Lemon: If your digestive system does not function well, the food does get digested, you feel heaviness and a  pressure on the heart because of flatulence, the stomach distends and you don’t’ get sleep at night, squeeze a lemon in a glass of warm water and drink it. Several times in a day. It will cleanse the digestive system. All the poisonous substances in the blood and the body are excreted through the urine. You will begin to feel that you have gained a fresh energy and agility. In case of indigestion smear a piece of lemon with salt, heat it and suck it. It will improve digestion. Lemon is useful in all the diseases of the liver. Orange: Those who have a bad digestive system should mix one part orange juice with three parts water and take it daily. Mint leaves: Mint leaves are beneficial in many diseases of the stomach. Therefore, mint leaves should be used daily in one form or the other. Spinach: The juice of raw spinach relieves constipation in a