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Showing posts from February 8, 2013

How to Insanity Craziness Madness Cure Causes Remedies Treatment Therapy

INSANITY / CRAZINESS / MADNESS Pomegranate : Boil 15 gms. of fresh green pomegranate leaves alongwith  15 gms. of fresh roses in ½ litre of water. When it is reduced  to one fourth, strain it and mix 20 gms. of clarified butter and drink every day. It help in relieving bouts of insanity. Guava :  Eat 250 gms. sweet Allahabadi guavas twice daily in the morning and at 5.00 p. m. in the afternoon for 6 weeks. For taste, you can add lemon juice, black pepper powder and salt to the  guavas. It will provide energy to muscles, remove heat from the body and cure insanity. Eating guava relieves tension and worries. Caraway seeds : Half a tsp. of ground caraway seeds mixed with 4 ground large raisins and dissolved in  half cup of water taken twice a day for a considerable period cures insanity. Gram : If the insanity is due to pitta, soak 60. Gms. of gram in water overnight. Grind it well the following morning with loaf sugar and mix in a glass of water and drink. It is beneficial. Soak gram daa

Too Much Of Sleep How to cure remedies treatment

TOO MUCH OF SLEEP Aniseed : A person who sleeps too much, feels drowsy and lethargic all the time, should boil 10 gms. of aniseed in ½ litre of water and when it is reduced to one – fourth, should mix a little salt and take it twice it twice daily in the morning and evening for five days. It will check drowsiness. Red chilli : Capsicum Anum is a homeopathic medicine made of red chillies. Take 5 drops of its mother tincture in a tsp. of water twice daily in the morning and evening.  It will check sleepiness.

Insomnia sleep disorder chronic primary cure symptoms causes remedies treatment therapy

INSOMNIA It is said that Henry  IV about whom Shakespeare has written a play suffered from insomnia. He used to say, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” The patients of insomnia can be divided into seven categories. The first and the largest category is of those who are victims of excessive insomnia─ people who keep awake during the night because they do not get any sleep or if their sleep is disturbed because of some reason, they can’t go back to sleep. The second category belongs to those who drink; they take sleeping pills or use some other sedatives. Another category of people are those who have been suffering from sleep disorders from cute depression or worries. The fifth category belongs to those who are somnolent ─such people are sleepy most of the time. Whatever vocation they may be engaged in and whatever the time may be, they feel drowsy and engaged in and whatever the time may be, they feel drowsy and want to go to sleep. The sleep of the people in the sixth category