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Showing posts from March 11, 2013

Roughness Of Hands How to Cure Relief What are Causes Remedies Diet Therapy Treatment

ROUGHNESS OF HANDS Wash your hands with water mixed with vinegar, regularly. Squeeze on lime in the lukewarm water, and dip your hands in it for some time. It will cleanse all the filth of your hands. Later, apply cream on the hands. Regular practice can bring softness on the hands. To remove roughness and wrinkles on the hands, add one tsp. of sugar in the lime juice in the cup of your palm and rub both the palms together till the sugar dissolves. It cures roughness and wrinkles on the hands. Before going to bed in the night, take some malai, add juice of one fourth of a lemon, a little bit of glycerine, one tsp. rose-water, and almond oil. Blend them well and massage your hands thoroughly with it. Wash it off with a glycerine soap lukewarm water. This will enhance the beauty of the hands. Mix some barley flour in water and rub it on the hands. Take out the juice of fresh potato and massage your hands with it. It cures wrinkles. Add pure wax and camphor in the sesame oil, stimulate it

Wrinkles On The Face How to Cure Relief What are Symptoms Remedies Causes Diet Treatment Therapy

WRINKLES ON THE FACE Some people develop wrinkles on the face at an early age. Such wrinkles can be reduced with a little bit of efforts. One needs to exercise. Some of the simple exercises are given below. The wrinkles generally appear on the cheeks. Pronouncing ‘E-O’ loudly is helpful in making the cheeks strong. First of all, wide open your mouth, pronounce E and stretch your lips as good as possible, thereafter pronouncing O let the cheeks squeeze inward. Repeat this process many a times. Spread small bits of shredded paper on the table, and try to blow up these bits with your mouth as far as possible. Blowing exercise will bring tension to your cheeks, which is helpful to cure wrinkles. Fill your mouth with water, do not drink it, retain in the mouth try swelling your cheeks one by one. Repeat this process every morning while cleaning your mouth and face. Like swelling with water, try to do this exercise with air intake. Try swelling your cheeks turn by turn. This exercise is quit

Steam Bath What are Benefits How to take

STEAM BATH Steam-bath enhances the beauty of face it also proves useful in the treatment of boils, pimples, spot etc. Heat some water to the boiling point, in a wide-mouthed pan. Add a spoon of glycerine in the boiling water. Wash your face lukewarm water followed by a wash with normal cold water. Wipe your face gently with a clean towel. Now massage the face with plain unsalted butter. The fingers should move from downwards to upwards direction. The cheeks and chin should be massaged using the tips of fingers making circular motions. When the butter applied on the face melts, bend your face towards pan and start using the steam of the boiling water. Cover your head, face and the pan with a large towel so that the steam does not escape. Keep yourself in this position for 5-10 minutes. When your face becomes sweaty, remove the towel and wipe it with a dry towel. After 5 minutes, sprinkle ice-cold water on your face, apply cold cream on face and lightly massage with the palm. Again wash

Uterus Propase Vaginal Contraction How to Cure Relief What are Causes Remedies Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy

UTERUS PROPASE, VAGINAL CONTRACTION Sometimes a women’s uterus is displaced. It is known as uterus propase. The vagina appears to be loose. In such a case, mix 3 parts of alum salt and 1 part finely ground gallnut. Tie a tsp. of the powder in a clean in a clean piece of cloth or gauze and insert it in the vagina before going to bed. It will tighten the vagina and remove looseness. Allopathic doctors recommend surgery for uterus propase. But homeopathic treatment is also beneficial in this respect. 

Amenorrhoea How to Cure Relief What are Causes Remedies Diet Symptoms Treatment Therapy

AMENORRHOEA Lack or stoppage of menses is called amenorrhoea. There are several reasons for stoppage of menses—diseases of the local reproductive parts, absence of uterus, lack of proper development of generative and other internal parts and lack of hormonal coordination. Menses stop after child-birth also. Other factors include anemia, mental shock stress and strain, catching cold before and after menstruation, getting drenched with water, etc. The natural reasons of amenorrhoea are pregnancy, menopause, breast feeding the infant, etc. While taking treatment for amenorrhoea, it causes should be looked into. Radish: Grind radish seeds, carrot seeds, carrot seeds and fenugreek seeds in equal quantity, sieve and take 2 tsp. with hot water. It will cure amenorrhoea. Sesame seeds: Boil 15 gms. each of black sesame and jiggery in two cups of water and strain. Take it regularly for some days. It will facilitate menstrual discharge. Salt: If the menstruation has stopped because of exposure to