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Showing posts from February 6, 2013

Stammer Stuttering Stammering Cure Causes Symptoms Treatment Therapy Remedies

STAMMER / STAMMERING / STUTTERING An involuntary or inability to utter a letter or syllable is called stammering. Because of defective control of muscles of the speech organs there is an obstruction in pronunciation of certain sounds or one utters them with repetition. There is a difficulty in the necessary movement of the tongue and lips and there is also a sound in the voice organs which leads to stammering.  This difficulty is usually limited to words beginning with sound produced by letters like p, b, t, d, g, k. Because of stammering one pronounces words like kabooter as tabooter. When these sound occur in the middle of a word, these is no difficulty in pronouncing them. The person who stammers should be given regular practice in pronouncing them correctly and in controlling the breath. He should be taught to speak slowly and patiently. Amla : Chewing fresh amla is helpful in curing stammering of children. The tongue becomes thinner and the speech becomes clear. Mix a tsp. of amla

Measles Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

MEASLES It is an eruptive, infectious disease of childhood. It spreads rapidly from one child to another. It is caused by a kind of virus which spreads from one person to another through breathing. Its major symptoms are sneezing by a child, running nose, red eyes and continuous dry with a grating sound. The child continues to cough for a long time. The temperature in fever rises to 103-104 degrees. Within three days of the development of fever there appear red eruptions on the face and chest. After the eruption subside, the fever and cough also begin to subside. Sometimes measles lead to pneumonia. Other children should not be allowed to come in contact with the child suffering from measles. Cloves : Grind cloves and give it the patient with honey. It will provide relief. It is based on experience. Amla : If there is burning and itching in measles boil dry amla in water and wash the body with it is cold. It will provide relief from burning and itching. Butter : If heat has generated i

Itch Itching Skin Causes How to Cure Causes Symptoms Treatment Therapy Remedies

ITCH / ITCHING SKIN   The use salt is harmful in itching. Fruits and vegetable are beneficial. Fruits and vegetable increase the alkali content in the blood which is good for health. Patients suffering from itching should stop taking salt and increase the intake of fruits and vegetable in their raw and natural from without adding anything like spices, etc. It will be highly beneficial. Banana : Grind banana pulp in lemon juice and apply on parts affected with itch and ringworm or bald patches. It will be beneficial. Lemon : Suck a lemon and mix lemon juice with coconut oil and massage the skin with it. It will be very beneficial in itch. Harad : Boil 2 tsp. of harad powder in two glasses of water and strain it. Use this water to wash the parts affected with itch or soak a piece of cloth in the water and wipe the affected part with it. It checks the itching. Jasmine oil : (1) Mix lemon juice and jasmine oil in equal quantity and massage the  body will be useful  in dry itch. (2) Mix cam