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Showing posts from June 13, 2013

Porphyrite Chrysanthemum Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Porfierite is also called the Chrysanthemum Stone, it's nickname derives from the inclusions inside the stone that may remind you of the autumn flower Chrysanthemum. Porfierite is a stone that will inspire you, and it will also stimulate you to 'bloom' to your fullest potential. This stone also helps you to overcome negative emotions and teaches that you are here on this earth to give love. On the physical level Porfierite helps you to overcome ailments of the skin, eyes and skeleton, but it can also be used to combat growths.  

Pietersite Eagle's Eye Storm Stone Falcon's Eye Tiger's Eye Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This stone reminds one of a combination of   Falcon's Eye   and   Tiger's Eye   and it is also called Eagle's Eye or Storm Stone because the chatoyancy manifests itself as spots or vortexes. Pietersite is a soothing stone that calms outbursts of anger and stimulates loyalty and courage. On the physical level this stone stimulates the hormones and the endocrine glands. It is an excellent meditation stone and stimulates visions and clairvoyance, this is why it is considered a highly spiritual stone and it is suited for spiritual teachers.  

Phenakite Phenacite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Phenakite or Phenacite is a stone of love, not just physical love, but spiritual love is also brought into your life by this wonderful stone. The clear variety of this stone opens your third eye and crown chakras, which enables meditation, astral travel, clairvoyance and communication on the spiritual level. This stone may also be used to cleanse the body, for this hold a piece of Phenakite in your hand and visualise the light that the stone emits gliding over your body, washing away all illnesses and outside influences from your body, by its strong healing powers.  

Phantom Quartz Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Phantom Quartz is a variety of   Clear Crystal Quartz   and it positively influences the blood circulation and the lymph system. This stone protects you against thrombosis and arteriosclerosis. It can also be used by children against bed wetting, and next to this Phantom Quartz also dispels nightmares. Next to these properties on the physical level, Phantom Quartz also has a few spiritual properties; this stone may be used during the quest for your spiritual guide and to recall past life experiences.  

Petrified Wood Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Petrified Wood is an excellent stone to keep the bones and joints healthy, in addition this stone protects against rachitis and rheumatic diseases. Also in cases of arthritis and gout this stone gives excellent results. Petrified Wood keeps the veins healthy which diminishes the change of heart infarction and thrombosis, and also varicose veins can be healed by wearing this stone. Petrified wood is a stone that soothes anger and harmonizes the home. It is also a stone of transformation which assists one in achieving the highest goal possible.  

Petalite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Petalite enhances and stimulates clairvoyance, clairaudience and telepathic communication. It is a spiritual stone that will protect you on vision quests and astral travels. Petalite deepens meditation as well. This stone will protect you against accidents and may be used to heal diseases of the eyes. It can also be helpful in treating serious illnesses like cancer and AIDS. Petalite stimulates friendship and balances blood pressure.  

Peridot Olivine Chrysolite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Especially good for the eyes, for insight and inspiration, promotes eloquence, against weather sensitivity, arrhythmia, constipation, melancholy, is grounding and gives balance. Against anemia, stimulates recovery after illness, operations and tissue regeneration after injuries. Strengthens the heart, gives inspiration and eloquence, protects against negative influences. Peridot is an excellent stone to wear during pregnancy, but also for women that suffer from post partum depressions. Peridot is a protection stone that enhances psychic powers. Also enhances insights when divinating and the possibilities of the higher self. Just like all other green stones Peridot is used in money magic.   Peridot is also called Olivine or Chrysolite.  

Pearl Pearls Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Good for skin and complexion, for procreation, blood cells, intestines, stomach, muscles, spleen, nerves, vitality and metabolism, promotes tenderness, intuition, initiative, against fear, leads us towards the white light and forms enzymes. Promotes the healing of bones, against asthma, tooth decay and osteoporosis. Pearl is used in love and money magic.  Sudden changes of temperature are bad for Pearls. After you've worn them do not put them down on a cold surface, but put them on a piece of cloth so they can adjust to the change of temperature. Pearls are hypersensitive to make-up and perfume. Jewerly with Pearls should be kept in a place with a high humidity, put a glass of water next to the piece of jewelry, this way the Pearl will retain its beauty.    Although Pearls are beautiful, some people object to use these 'stones' in healing or magic, because the oyster that produces the Pearl is killed when the Pearl is 'harvested'. The choice whether or not you use P

Opal Opalite Black Fire Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

It is said that an Opal can make its wearer invisible, it strengthens the energies of the wearer and warns us against negative influences because it falls away (by breaking or simply falling from its setting etc.). Against ailments of the bones, its properties are abundant, depending on the conciousness, good for eyes, blood circulation, against leukemia, strengthens bones, against depression and lethargy, for clarity and intuition. Against thymus gland and respitory problems. Especially ailments of the lungs can be cured by the strength and energy of the Opal. Also against tuberculosis, Opal positively influences cholesterol levels and lowers high blood pressure, stimulates tissue regeneration and against osteoporosis. Opal is used to obtain insight in past lives and to enhance psychic powers. Opal is often seen as a bestower of ill luck. Fortunately this is not the truth, but you can give the stone this power and intention when you keep this in mind when you are programming the stone

Onyx Black Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Onyx is a powerful grounding stone. Against accidents, deafness and ringing ears, promotes hearing, listening and concentration, makes one serious and strengthens ones sense of reality. Against skin disorders, suppurating wounds, heart disease, strengthens the eyes, the hair, skin, gives the skin a positive glow, gives perseverance, against blocked circulation and for heart, stomach, spleen, nerves, kidneys and weather sensitivity, against sadness and negativity, against high blood pressure, weak heart. Promotes a good energy flow in the body, against respatory illnesses especially tuberculosis. Promotes seriousness, gives meekness and perseverance, controls passion and calms. Onyx is a protection stone, it protects against negative influences, but also against astral attacks and all negativity. This stone suppresses sexual impulses, for most people this is not a good idea, because sex is a natural release and part of life. But for those whose sexual impulses are too strong this stone