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Showing posts from June 6, 2013

Howlite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Howlite is a white opaque stone that reminds one of   Magnesite , but this stone displays grey veins. This stone is often dyed blue to subsequently be sold as   Turquoise . You will notice the difference between dyed Howlite and real Turquoise, the dye often colours the stone equally without the characteristic black web of veins that is displayed on Turquoises, and Howlite's structure differs from Turquoise's. Howlite is a stone that positively influences the bones, nails and teeth, if your nails are very fragile, this is the stone for you! Next to that this stone may be used to protect you against nightmares.

Hiddenite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Hiddenite belongs to the same family as   Kunzite   has an excellent effect on the muscular system. It also gives great results for those that suffer from epilepsy and crams. Hiddenite also gives its wearer joy for life and strengthens the bonds of family.  

Hessonite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Hessonite is the cinnamon coloured variety of   Grossular   and is also called Cinnamon Stone. This special stone carries all of the properties of Grossular in it and also positively influences the nerves and protects its wearer against all kinds of paralysis. This stone may also be used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and relieves stuttering. Hessonite is very well suited for meditation.  

Herkimer Diamonds Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Herkimer Diamonds are strong healers, they harbor all the healing powers of   Clear Crystal Quartz   in them. Although this stone is called "Diamond" the Herkimer Diamond belongs to the family of Quartzes but received the name by its outstanding beauty and they are found in Herkimer County, New York. Herkimer Diamonds protect against infections, inflammations and broken bones, but also it can help in addition to the regular therapies against cancer. Herkimer Diamonds regenerate the entire body and strengthen the immune system. Herkimer Diamonds stimulate clearvoyance and astral travel.  

Hematite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Hematite is associated with clearvoyance, some people believe that this stone is an excellent aid in astral travel. It gives its wearer courage and strength to solve (spiritual) problems. It leads man back to his true being, strengthens his personality and promotes trust and insight. It aids in cases of anemia, physical weakness and tiredness, gives strength and courage, promotes healthy quiet sleep (without tossing and turning) and stops bleeding, against cramps (in the legs), eating disorders and is a grounding stone. Cures headaches and migraines, soars, female disorders, kidney and bladder stones, for heart, lungs, liver, spleen, cures infections, burns, for blood circulation, brain, strengthens in general. In case of hysteria and promotes the formation of red blood cells. Paleness, promotes oxygen absorption in blood, stimulates optimal transportation of oxygen rich blood to all parts of the body. Stimulates well being after illness, use in case of painful and difficult menstrual

Heliodor Golden Beryl Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Heliodor is the golden yellow variety of the   Beryl   group, and a cousin of Aquamarine, Beryl, Emerald and Morganite. From early on this stone was considered a gift from the Deities, Helios is the Greek Sun God and this name is still used to describe the sun in New Greek, Doron means gift. Therefore Heliodor literally signifies gift of the Sun God. This beautiful golden yellow stone is used to diminish and dispel ailment of the heart, the lungs and blood circulation, like arrhythmia, but also against pneumonia. You may wish to place this stone on your solar plexus during meditations, and it protects the central nervous system. Heliodor is the pick-me-up that you may turn to in times of need, it will show you the sunny side of life and give you the courage to continue.

Halite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Halite consists of sodium chloride, in other words it is Salt, and is found in the colours white, pink and blue. Salt and therefore Halite as well, is a mineral that is very protective and therefore it may be used in magic to i.e. protect the circle, but you may also use this mineral to protect your house by placing a layer of Salt (you may use kitchen salt for this) on your windowsills and thresholds. Candle holders made out of Halite may be used for protective and healing magic. In taking care of Halite you should be careful, because Halite is made of pure Salt crystals you should not cleanse this mineral with water. Salt dissolves in water, therefore Halite does as well!!