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Showing posts from June 7, 2013

Labradorite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Labradorite is an excellent protector and healer. It relieves and clears the spiritual insight and balances the aura. Labradorite enhances meditations and telepathy. Gives one self esteem and a sense of reality, heals after illness, protects against external influences, brings hidden talents to the surface, an excellent stone for sensitive people. Strengthens the muscular system, enhances self healing and is protective. Cleanses the energy flow to bronchial tubes, for kidneys, liver and pancreas, stimulates the intellect and the mind. Gives rest and diminishes intellectual irritability.  

Kyanite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Kyanite stimulates speech and heals all problems of the voice box and the throat in general. Also use against stuttering, aphasia, throat aches, angina and goitre. Clears its wearers pronunciation and concentration. Kyanite opens the chakras and stimulates their co-operation. An excellent meditation stone.  

Kunzite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Kunzite frees its wearer from fears, worries and depressions. This stone also helps diminish the sense of inferiority and is also an excellent help when you are stressed. It also dissolves negativity. The lilac variety of Kunzite harmonises the function of the thyroid and has an excellent effect on the hormones in the human body. Next to that lilac Kunzite influences the health of the blood and can cure blood poisoning. The pink variety of Kunzite mainly works on the brain and protects against heart attacks. This variety also provides excellent results for those that suffer from arthritis and gout.

Jet Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Just like Amber, Jet has been associated with magic since the beginning of time. Jet absorbs energy, especially negative. Jet promotes clearvoyance and is used in spells that have to do with health. Jet protects its wearer against false friends, black magic and accidents. Jet has an excellent influence on the airways, joints and bones. Use when you have tooth or jaw aches and the headaches that result from these pains. Jet promotes a happy attitude and is therefore an excellent help in depressions.

Jasper Brown Red Yellow Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Jasper arrow heads are worn to attract good fortune. Brown Jasper Brown Jasper connects us to the earth's powers and connects the body, mind and spirit. It is a grounding stone. Red Jasper Red Jasper helps against morning sickness in pregnancies, disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys, epilepsy and cystitis, strengthens the bladder, against bladder stones. Protects against strokes, against anorexia and boulemia, use when you are retaining water, for the lungs, blood, strengthens the will and sense of smell. For liver, gallbladder, kidneys, nausea, stomach pains, against fear, gives insight and sensitivity. Against all sorts of radiation and negative rays. During the first three months of the pregnancy this is a very protective stone. Enhances concentration and makes one see difficult situations in a different light. Against egoism, promotes tolerance, strengthens the mind and dispels negative thoughts. Red Jasper is a protection stone and is used in defensive magic, it sends a

Jadeite Jade Violet Yellow Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Jadeite, usually referred to as Jade, is considered one of the most important symbols of purity and serenity. It is also a symbol of love. Carry a piece of Jade with you for business meetings and court appointments, it will help negotiations and attracts justice. Strengthens kidneys, bladder and eyes, against arthritis, stomach disorders and infections, promotes digestion and protects during pregnancies. Stone of wisdom and harmonizes and restful. For fertility, against accidents and promotes a long life. Use in case of influenza, stimulates the immune system, larynx, liver, spleen, neuralgia, gives courage, personality, the power to love and selflessness. Jade is used in magic to attract love, in China a butterfly created of Jade is used for this purpose. When you use Jade while working in the garden your flowers and plants will grow, bloom and stay healthy. Jade can also be used in money spells.   Violet Jadeite Violet Jadeite contains all the great qualities of Jadeite and next to t

iolite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

One of the most remarkable properties of this mineral is dichroism, the stone can appear a light grey-ish to blue-ish and when the stone is turned 45 degrees, it will appear a royal blue: a fantastic phenomenon! Iolite heals the intestinal tract and stomach, due to this property it stimulates the metabolism. Protects its wearer against cancer of the stomach and intestines. Use when you have vicarious veins and oedema.   Iolite is also known as Cordierite, named after the French scientist Cordier.  

Indigolite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This blue to dark blue variety of   Tourmaline   is a stone that provides rest in meditations, but in everyday life as well. This stone may also be used to dispel insomnia and it stimulates creativity and love, loyalty and commitment. Indigolite provides its wearer with patience and mental protection. This stone stimulates the immune system and enhances metabolism. It also makes its wearer more fertile and stimulates pregnancy. Against bed wetting, constipation and inflammation of the large intestine.  

Iceland Spar Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Iceland Spar belongs to the   Calcite   group, but differentiates itself from the other members of this group by its double refraction index; when you place this stone on a piece of paper on which words have been written down, the text will be displayed twice inside the stone. Iceland Spar positively influences the bones, teeth and hair because of the high concentration of calcium in the stone. It also positively influences the skin. Iceland Spar is a stone that promotes communication because it will make us understand the double meaning of words.

Hypersthene Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Hypersthene can help you to dispel irritation and teaches us to voice critique in a positive way. Next to that this stone can help you make your relationships flourish, on both the business and personal level. This stone stimulates clairaudience and the discovery of the astral plane. On the physical level this stone may be used to protect you for over-acidity of the stomach, diminish pain and lower fevers.