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Showing posts from January 18, 2011

Natural cures for Chronic kidney disease- (CKD)

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a gradual and progressive condition that happens when the kidneys do not take out waste products for at least three months in a row. Causes of CKD The most common causes of CKD are high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Chronic kidney disease can also be caused by infections or urinary blockages. Symptoms of Chronic kidney disease Edema (abnormal accumulation of fluid), Anemia (decreased concentration of hemoglobin), Dyspnea (shortness of breath), Fatigue, Hypertension (High blood pressure), Anorexia (loss of appetite), Weight loss and General malnutrition Natural cures One of the most important part of treatment for chronic kidney disease is to control the disease that is causing it. If diabetes or high blood pressure is the causative factors, treatment for them should be the first, to slow the damage to the kidneys. Further the main aim of treatment is to Reduce the excretory work of the kidneys, maintain satisfactory nutritional status and P

MIRACLES OF CARROT JUICE – benefits of carrot juice in nature cure treatment

Carrot juice  is known as a miracle juice. It is rich in cavitamin A and removes bacterial infection from the kidneys and good for refractive errors in eyes, strong bones and healthy teeth. It is also rich in vitamin E. Which has proceed as antisterlity and anti cancer factor. It is also a powerful blood dexyfaying and to stop intestinal putryfaction. Carrot juice is one of the most health rejuvenating juice for invalids. All most in all Nature Cure Centres in India, patients are given carrot juice daily during their health rejuvenation. Carrot juice is rich in vitamin A, this vitamin A in the natural form gets easily assimilated in the body. Apart from Vitamin A, it also contain Vitamins B, C, D, E, G and K. Carrot juice is misunderstood to be heavy to digest and cough producing. In fact it acts as an appetizer and stimulates the secretion of digestive juices. It also strengthens the teeth. Carrot juice helps nursing mothers to enrich their milk. The chances of developing puerperal se

Health benefits of Amla (Indian gooseberry)

Amla (Emblic Myrobalans) Therapy Botanically called Phyllanthus emblica , syn.  Emblica officinalis  , ( Indian gooseberry)  it is a rich source of vitamin C, amino acid, tannin, polyphenolic compounds, fixed oil, lipids and other essential oils. It may be compared with ‘Amrita’ (nectar) of the heavens owing to the medicinal qualities of this divine fruit. Its regular consumption is an anti-dote for many ailments/disorders like acidity, septic fever, biliary colic, vomiting, insomnia, defective vision etc. Amla tree is found in all parts of India. It is generally 20-30 ft. high. Its bark is rough and brownish in colour. It has regular branches, bluish yellow flowers, small leaves like that of the Imli (tamarind) tree. Its fruit is round and greenish yellow in colour with six segments and a hard seed inside. Among all the varieties that are available, the best is Kalami for its fruit has lot of pulp, very small seed and is comparatively less sour and bitter in taste than others. It is e