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Showing posts from March 14, 2013

Piercing of a Thorn

PIERCING OF A THORN Sesame seeds: Try to get the thorn out with the help of a needle. In case it does not get out, soak a swab of cotton in sesame oil mixed with salt, put it on the spot where the thorn has pierced and put a bandage on it. The thorn will come out. Jaggery: If thorn has pierced deep and does not come out. Easily, scrapple a little with a needle and apply hot jiggery with caraway seeds. The thorn will come out. Asafoetida: Application of asafoetida solution where the thorn has pierced is quite helpful. The thorn comes out after some time.

Diseases of the Lungs

DISEASES OF THE LUNGS Grapes: They are beneficial for all types of diseases related to lungs—T.B., Cough, Coryza, Asthma, etc. Fig: Boil 5 figs in a glass of water, strain it and drink it. It should be taken twice daily in the morning and evening. Garlic: The use of garlic reduces the severity of phlegm. Take garlic after meals. Honey: It is beneficial in diseases related to lungs. Honey is much used for the treatment of asthmatic patients. Spinach: In case of cough, sore throat and burning gargling with spinach juice is beneficial. Milk: Boil 5 pieces of long pepper in milk Add sugar and drink it every morning and evening. It will bring relief from cough and strengthen the lungs. Take the treatment for some months. Basil: If phlegm has accumulated in the lungs, grind dry basil leaves, catechu, camphor and cardamom in equal quantity Add nine times sugar; take a pinch of it in the morning and evening. It will act as an expectorant. It is nothing but homeopathic medicine called Triturati

Beauty Paste

BEAUTY PASTE Mix well the following ingredients :½ cup of gram daal flour, 1 tsp. of rose water, 2 tsp. of glycerine, 1 tsp. fine powder of sandal-wood, 1 tsp. of turmeric powder, ½ tsp. of milk and 6 drops of lemon. If you want to thicken it, add a little more of gram daal flour and if you want to make it thinner, add some glycerine. During winter, you can add a few drops of kewra or henna scent for fragrance. During summer or rains, add rose, add rose or khus scent. Massage the entire body with this paste. It will make the body beautiful. Application on the Face: Mix ½ tsp. each of the juice of tomatoes, radish, cucumber and rosewater. Add 6 lemon drops to it. Also add 1 tsp. butter and a pinch of turmeric powder and prepare a paste. Apply this on the face in the evening. Let it dry for half hour. After that wash with warm water and wipe with a clean coarse cloth in the upward direction. Now take a little glycerine and rosewater in your palm and rub on the skin of the face. It will m

Soft Skin Mask

SOFT SKIN MASK Mix cucumber juice (1 cup), hot water (1 cup), ¼ tsp. of boric acid powder, ¼ cup of glycerine and 1 tsp. of benzene tincture (available at allelopathic  medicine store). Apply on the skin, rub and sponge. It will make the skin soft. Barley: Mix ½ cup barley flour, 1 tsp. cream and the juice of half a lemon. Add a little water and prepare a paste. Smear the face and neck with it and wash off after 15 minutes. Do it regularly. The face will become beautiful and the skin will begin to glow. Long cucumber: Its juice cleanses the skin. It removes spots and copper coloured marks from the face. If you have pimples, drink long cucumber juice daily. Rub the face with it and wash with water. It will cleanse the oily skin. Spots and Marks on the Face: (1) Take a cup of cucumber juice daily. Apply the juice on the face and wash when it is dry. It will remove all types of spots, marks, freckles and marks of pimples except those of small-pox and beautify the face. (2) To enhance the

Body Massage Benefits

MASSAGE Take two or three tsp. of salt, mix it with on and a half tsp. of coconut oil and½ tsp. of lemon juice and massage the body with it daily before taking your bath. It will make your skin healthy and smooth. Hirsute Body: (1) If there are excessive hair on the face and body, it mars the beauty. To remove unwanted hair mix 1 tsp. of gram daal flour with a tsp. of turmeric powder and a little bit of mustard oil and prepare a paste for smearing the body with. Use it on the hairy parts over a prolonged period. (2) Get guggal from the grocer’s shop. Grind if finely. Prepare a paste with 1 tsp. of this powder by adding a little milk and apply it on your face rubbing well. It will remove the unwanted hair. Conditioning and Nourishing Mask: Mix a few lemon drops with a tablespoon of cream and apply it on the face. It will enliven the skin and make it smooth and soft. The New Beauty Mask: Prepare a paste with tablespoon and apply it on the face. It on the face. It is especially beneficial

Soft and Lovely Lips

SOFT and LOVELY LIPS ·          Take one spoon milk, one spoon milk-fat, and add a bit of saffron. Blend it by beating and keep it in the fridge. Apply a thin layer on the lips, and wipe it out with wet cotton wool. It keeps lips clean and gives them a pinkish shade. ·          Take a little quantity of milk, dip few rose-petals. After some time, mash the rose-petals in the milk, and take out the residue. The milk become pinkish. Add to it, ground almonds. Beat and blend, and stone in the fridge. Apply it on the lips and after some time, wipe it off with the wet cotton wool. Its regular use will keep the lips soft glowing with natural pink. ·          Apply pure clarified butter on the lips before going to bed. It will keep the lips soft and tender. ·          Apply clarified butter on the hot chapatti. Wipe a little bit of this application with the finger and apply on the lips. It is very useful for the lips.

Cheeks Tight and Red Glowing How to make

CHEEKS-TIGHT and RED-GLOWING The sunken and hollow cheeks give the impression of age, older then the real one, whereas the    puffy cheeks make you a laughing stock. The shape of the cheeks could be improved with the exercise suggested below: v   Breathe in, and exhale slowly sounding ‘O’ Repeat it for five times. v   Like you wrinkle up your nose and brows on seeing something unpleasant, make your face-wrinkle your nose, brows, and face. Keep it like that foe two seconds. Repeat it for five times. v   Swell your cheeks by inhaling and draw in your lips like you do for inflating a balloon. Keeping in this condition, press your cheeks with three fingers of each hand, slowly, continuously for 10 minutes, and exhale. This exercise is most useful for the sunken lips. v   Sit down facing the mirror, draw in your lips. Now, inhale and fill your mouth by inhaling and emulate laughing. Repeat it. It brings tightness to the cheeks. v   Press your cheeks using your both palms, and act like laugh

Cracked Heels How to Cure Relief Treatment

HEELS Just before daily bath, dip your heels in water for some time, then rub the heels with a sandstone, scrubber, or nylon brush, and apply vasline. It cures cracks. Heels often crack during extreme summer or extreme winter. It happens because of the collection of dust and filth in the pores of the heels. Wash your feet with lukewarm water added with few drops of lime juice, daily before going to bed, and apply vasline or glycerine. It the cracks are deep and bleeding, wash feet with hot water before going to bed and apply hot was in the cracks, it is curative. Application of henna on the heels keep the skin soft and the heels remain pink. The following crude from of the locally made ointment could also help cure the cracked heels: Ingredients: White vasline 100 gms., wax 50 gms., glycerine 20 gms., juice of two fresh limes (strained), any essence of your choice. Method: Put Vaseline and wax in a small empty container. Take a large container, fill it half with the water and heat it,

Hair Growth

HAIR The hair become dry on a account of the filth collected in the skin of the skull, and they fall. The dirty skin creates in the skull, and they fall. The dirty skin creates dandruff, which is a dead enemy of hair. One must, therefore, take due care of the cleanliness of the head and hair. Insufficient sleep, indiscriminate use of medicines, and worry are harmful for the health of the hair. It cause the hair to fall break, and gray.  Application of oil on the hair is necessary for healthy hair. The present day fashion to avoid the use of oil on the hair is harmful for the health of the hair. Wash the hair with reetha or with a shikakai with the water added with the lime juice by rubbing on the hair and its roots. It cures the dryness of the hair and brings splendor to the hair. Domestic shampoo: Pods of shikakai, dry amla, and reetha 250 gms. each, camphor kanchali, dry leaves of mehendi, and nagarmoth—grind all these ingredients into a powder, domestic is ready. Boil a spoon of thi