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Showing posts from June 18, 2013

Sunstone Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sunstone is an excellent companion during meditation. Against allergy, hernia, osteoporosis, tooth decay and stimulates the healing of bones. Strengthens the heart, back, the eyes and kidneys, against gloom and melancholy, rejuvinates vital strength. Against anemia and abnormal menstruation. Supports pregnancy and promotes breast feeding. Dispells unrest, irritability and over exhaustion.

Sugilite New Age Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sugilite is the only stone for those that have been infected with the AIDS virus, this stone protects you against the HIV virus, and is the only gemstone that can heal this disease in the first stages. Extraordinary results with HIV patients have been reported in the US! Sugilite promotes rest and calm when someone has strong spiritual experiences. The stone is protective and harmonizing, gives one a deep sleep. Gives power and stabilizes, dispels doubt and teaches self control and humility. For heart and heals scars. Against headaches, anemia, paleness and painful menstruations, promotes healing after illness and enhances the blood flow in the brain. Dispels stress and infections.  Sugilite is also called the New Age Stone.  

Staurolite Cross Faery Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Staurolite is also called Cross Stone or Faery Stone, and has been used for protection for centuries, the name Staurolite is derived from the Greek stauros, which signifies cross. In magick Staurolite is used to symbolise the four elements, but also to attract health, protection and money. On the physical level this stone may be used to heal headaches and diseases of the vegetative nervous system. Staurolite brings its wearer back on earth, with both feet, and therefore it is most suited for those that have the tendency to overdo things in like overactive imagination, phantasma etc.  

Spinel Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Spinel has been confused with Ruby in the past. This stone has a positive influence on the muscles and nerves, which is why it may be used to dispel neuritis and to heal painful and torn muscles. This stone also protects you against fears.  

Sphalerite Blende Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sphalerite or Blende may be used to heal and diminish ovarian infections and inflammations, but may also be used to dispel other ailments of the female reproductive system. It does not only influence the female sex organs, but also the male reproductive system can be positively influenced by wearing or the laying on of this stone. Because this stone contains Sulphur it also positively influences the skin, especially in cases of eczema and acne. Do you want to spice up your sex life? Sphalerite can help, it is an erotic stone! Sphalerite may also be used in meditations and trances.  

Sodalite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sodalite sooths restlessness, promotes faithfulness, intuition and the third eye, against high blood pressure. Sodalite harmonizes, strengthens the nerves, is grounding and promotes self faithfulness. Also Sodalite gives one the courage to stand behind ones own opinions and to realize goals. For lymph nodes, brain, against x-ray radiation and promotes vitality. Puts one at ease especially those that suffer from nervous disorders. For pancreas, liver, kidneys, ovaries and testicles. Against ringing ears and dizzy spells. For a healthy sleep, against irritability, exhaustion, fears and strengthens self esteem. In magic Sodalite is used for healing, peace and wisdom. Sodalite is also an excellent meditation stone.  

Soapstone Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Soapstone can be used to diminish and cure itching, eczema and skin rashes, for this it is best to gently rub a piece of Soapstone over the irritated skin. This stone may also be used to diminish irritations and skin rashes caused by stinging nettles and poison ivy, but also for sun burns and allergies. A very interesting property of Soapstone is that it can make wrinkles disappear, for this rub a piece of Soapstone on your wrinkles on a daily basis. Soapstone is also used to stimulate the liver and gall bladder. This stone also assist you to get used to new situations and to embark on new adventures and challenges.  

Smokey Smoky Quartz Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Smokey Quartz is the ideal stone to help someone quit smoking and makes its wearer steadfast in making decisions. Promotes concentration, gives one the strength and power to realize ones dreams. For connective tissue, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, heart, muscles, kidneys, nerves, against depression, whooping cough and is a grounding stone. Smokey Quartz protects against thoughtless actions and connects its wearer to the earth, this is why it is an excellent talisman in difficult situations.  

Serpentine Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Serpentine activates the thymus gland and therefore it stimulates the immune system as well as the hormones in the body. Serpentine activates the production of the red blood cells, the haemoglobin and the plasma. This stone protects the heart, the kidneys and the lungs for illness and infections. This stone also has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and can therefore be used in cases of hypoglycaemia and diabetes. Other than that Serpentine raises the Kundalini and teaches its wearer that the world does not exist because of material things and opens the heart to spirituality.

Selenite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Selenite is a variety of Gypsum and positively influences the sex organs, like the prostate, uterus and ovaries. Because of this quality this stone is most suited for women during pregnancy, it protects the unborn child, but it also protects the mother against cramps and other ailments during pregnancy, this tone also strengthens the placenta and this makes this stone indispensable for anyone who is pregnant. Also vomiting and nausea in the first trimester will diminish by wearing this stone. Selenite can also be used to correct diseases and malformations of the skeleton, and during pregnancy it may be used to diminish the chances of any of these diseases. On the spiritual level, this stone is used to invoke visions. Please note!   A note is in order.   Never   try to cleanse this stone with water! Because Selenite is a Gypsum variety, this may harm the stone!! Also one should be careful with this stone, because of its scanty hardness it can easily be scratched.  

Schörl Black Tourmaline Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Schörl neutralizes energies that are emitted by electrical suppliances and computer and television screens. It stops the growth of cancerous cells, for nervousness, blood-poisoning and infectious diseases, promotes eloquence and inspiration, reconsiles friends, dispels enemies, protects against flu, for gall, kidneys, lymph nodes, and brings order in ones love life. Protects against all injuries, for self esteem, against nervousness. Also this stone is an excellent helper for those that have dyslexia.