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Showing posts from February 24, 2013

Backache How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Therapy Treatment

                                                                BACKACHE Lemon : Mix a tsp. each of lemon and garlic juice and 2 tsp. of water and drink it. Take it twice, daily in the morning and evening. It will provide relief from backache. Fenugreek : Taken as a vegetable is beneficial in backache. Sahjan : Eaten as a vegetable, Flowers or pods of sahjan are beneficial in backache. Dried dates : It is beneficial in backache. Potato : Prepare a poultice from raw potatoes and apply it on the back to get relief from pain.. Wheat : Licking 12 gms. of the ash of burnt wheat and an equal quantity of honey provides relief from backache and pain in the joints Bake a roti of wheat flour on the side. On the other side apply sesame oil and tie the roti on the painful part. It will provide relief from pain. Castor oil : Grind 5 kernels of the seeds of castor plant in milk and drink it. It is beneficial in backache. Nutmeg : Grind nutmeg in water and heat it well in sesame oil. Let it cool down