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Showing posts from June 10, 2013

Moss Agate Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Moss Agate is harmonizing and calming, sooths the eyes, promotes the ability to grow and talk to plants and to absorb the earth's energies. Makes one feel more secure and gives self esteem, use in case of allergies, diabetes, for blood vessels, pancreas, large intestine, infection, skin, lymph nodes, spleen, heart rate, viruses, metabolism and blood circulation. Against ringing ears, promotes vitality, against rigidness, intestinal cramps, stimulates will power, work fulfillment and stamina during intellectual activities, protects against memory loss and promotes optimistic and dynamic thinking.

Morganite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This rare pink variety of   Beryl   helps overcome phobias, fatigue and homesickness. Use in case of asthma, common cold, coughing and tuberculosis. Eases the pain of all kinds of ailments of the joints like arthritis, RSI and sciatica. Regulates the water inside the body and strengthens the urinal tract. Morganite strengthens the bond with nature and gives its wearer empathy.  

Moqui Marbles Shaman Stones Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

These stones are also called Shaman Stones and their energies may be compared with those of the Boji Stones. The energies of the Moqui Marbles flow along the chakras and may be used to cleanse and align the chakras. It is important you purchase a set of two Moquis, a female and a male Moqui, this enables the marbles to be recharged by themselves and hence there'll be no need to cleanse and recharge them yourself. Moquis may be used to dispel ailments of the veins and muscles. Wear these stones with you to enhance your immune system, and put them under your pillow at night to increase profetic dreams. Above all, appreciate and cherish these treasures of Mother Earth!  

Moonstone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Promotes pregnancy, harmonizes the hormones, against stomach acid and menstrual problems, promotes happiness, softens the emotional live. Against anorexia, promotes the ability to learn, gives harmony, negotiation skills, sensitivity and well balance. For stomach, pancreas, intestines, lymph nodes and spleen. Against travel illness, accidents and poisoning and promotes a healthy metabolism. Moonstone protects on journeys and gives inspiration in love. This stone attracts love and is therefore used in love spells.  

Mookaite Mook Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Mookaite or Mook Jasper is a pinkish red stone with yellow inclusions that hails from Australia and is named after the first place where it was found Mooka Ranch. This stone positively influences the skin and gives one a fresh and healthy appearance. This stone also protects you against the dangers of direct sunlight and the effects it has on the skin, against sun burn and sun allergies. Mookaite water will cure all kinds of eczema, which makes this an indispensable stone in many stone first aid kits.