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Showing posts from June 11, 2013

Obsidian Blue Gold Sheen Mahogany Rainbow Silver Sheen Snowflake Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Against bacteria, inflamations, infections, ulcers, for intestines, muscular tissue, metabolism, gives vital strength, is grounding and protects, helps against diseases of the eye and promotes vision. Against low blood pressure, osteoporosis and promotes tissue regeneration after injury, keeps the respatory tract healthy and cures head colds and flu. Against problems problems of the nervous system, stimulates the pancreatic function, also liver function and kidney functions. The stone influences anemia positively, also for paleness and painful menstruation. Promotes the healing process and a full recovery. Obsidian is a grounding stone and a very powerful meditation stone. Obsidian is associated with the inner mysteries of the Goddess.   Please note!   Obsidian is a confrontational stone, one that shouldn't be used for fun, the stone is not suited for unstable people and children! Obsidian transforms the power of the mind into deeds, protects against dishonesty. Blue Obsidian When

Nephrite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Nephrite cures all illnesses related to the kidneys and kidney stones, in fact this is hidden in its name, 'nephros' is the Greek word for kidneys. Nephrite also strengthens the bladder and against bed wetting. Against osteoporosis, hernias and promotes the development of the skeleton. Supports pregnancy and stimulates breast feeding. Nephrite can influence the aging process favourably. Against all intestinal problems, like gastroenteritis and constipation, menstruation complaints, against anemia. Nephrite protects its wearer against love magic.