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Showing posts from January 18, 2013

Cure Dengue Fever Symptoms Treatment

DENGUE  FEVER Symptoms : Sudden sharp fever without cough or cold, acute pain in the body. The dengue fever is generally  accompanied  by  pain  in  the  bones, therefore,  this fever  is also known as the bone breaking fever. Severe pain in forehead, pain in inner-side of the eyes, muscles and joint pain. loss of appetite and taste, appearance of small raised spots on the chest, nausea and vomiting etc.        Hemorrhage also takes  place in the dengue fever. The patient gets irritated  in the light. Vomiting and feeling of restlessness is possible. Sometimes, there are repeated  attacks of this fever which generally happens after rains. These all the general symptoms of dengue fever. Mostly it spreads like an epidemic taking a heavy toll of life.   Symptoms of Hemorrhage : Continuous acute stomachache, cold, yellowish and sticky skin, red raised spot on the face, hands and feet. Hemorrhagic dengu cold cause internal bleeding. A Patient bleeds through mouth, nose and anus, which could