Ischuria Urinary Retention Cure Remedy Treatment Therapy
Coriander :Take 20 ml. Of the juice of green coriander leaves mixed with 10 gms. Of sugar. Repeat it if one dose does not work.
Onion :Boil 45 gms. Of onion pieces I n 1 litre of water. Strain it, mix honey and take it thrice a day. It will clear the flow of urine without any pain. The frequency of urine is checked. If urine has stopped, its secretion will restart.
Milk :Taking hot milk jiggery is tackling urinary problems. It clears the flow of urine. There is no hesitan-cy. Take a glass of milk with jiggery every day.
Radish :If the secretion of urine stops due to kidney problems, take a dose of two ounces of radish juice . It will facilitate the secretion of urine. Taking 2 ounce of radish juice will check Burning micturition and pain.
Lemon :Grind lemon seeds and put the paste on the navel and pour cold water over it It will remove the obstruction and clear the flow of urine
Cumin seeds : Grind cumin seeds and sugar in equal quantity and take 2 tsp. of it thrice daily with water. It water. It will increase the flow of urine.
Turnip : If the flow of urine is obstructed, eat raw turnip and radish.
Cabbage :It is beneficial in ischuria. This vegetable should be prepared in clarified butter.
Cabbage :It clears the flow of urine.
Long cucumber : It is diuretic the flow of urine. Melon is also diuretic.
Banana :Four tsp. of banana juice mixed with 2 tsp. of clarified butter removes the obstruction in urine and increases the flow. It is very good recipe for curing ischuria. The clarified butter I the banana juice cannot be retained in the stomach and the flow of urine is increased.
Rice :Take half a glass of boiled rice water (maand) mixed with sugar. It will clear the obstruction .
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