Cure Skin Diseases skin itching, eczema, boil, whelks, prickly heat, psoriasis, herpes remedy
There are several skin diseases which affect the skin itching, eczema, boil, whelks, prickly heat, psoriasis, herpes. etc.
Causes : Skin diseases are caused by increased levels of acidity and decreased levels of vitamin A and C and calcium in the body. These are caused by infection or contagion also. Skin diseases can be suppressed by the application of strong and effective ointments or taking strong medicines but are not totally cured. These appear again after some time.
Treatment :The first and basic thing to treat skin diseases is purification and cleansing. Observe fast. During the first take lemon water. observe fast for three days and take only lemon water and nothing else. Thereafter take orange juice for three days and nothing else. After that take boiled vegetables, salad, raw vegetables, seasonal fruit, carrot juice and amla juice in sufficient quantity. Make minimum use of strong spices, sugar, salt and soap. Take sun bath.
Lemon :it cleanses the skin. Application of lemon juice on skin disorders like boils, whelks, eczema, ringworm etc. or washing the wounds with lemon water or drinking it is beneficial. Squeeze two lemon in water and take it in the morning daily. It is beneficial in skin diseases.
Apple :Eating two apples daily is beneficial in the skin diseases. If your skin is oily, grind an apple an apple into a fine paste and a layer of it on your face. Wash after ten minutes with hot water.
Tomato :Tomatoes are sour. This sourness cleanses the blood. For blood purification take tomatoes alone, that is, without mixing them with anything else. If because of blood disorders, red blotches appear on the skin, bones of the face are swollen, gums bleed, possibility of your developing scurvy exists, diseases like eczema and beri- beri appear, taking tomato juice thrice a day will be beneficial. It will purify the blood. If you take tomato juice regularly for a few weeks, skin disases will disappear.
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