Ear Diseases Ache Otorrhoea Insect Water Cure Remedy Treatment


Diseases of the ear are caused when water, sand  or an insect gets into it or by hurt, loud noise, accumulation of wax in it, scratching it or by cold or a whelk, etc. keeping in mind the above factors, proper care should be taken of ears.


Sometimes an ear develops a terribly sharp pain. It is caused by cold, injury or a whelk. It should be treated  after ascertaining the  cause.
Mustard oil : (1) Putting warm mustard oil in the ear provides relief from pain.
(2)Burn a few cloves in mustard oil. Putting drops of this oil in the ears will be beneficial. Mustard oil is useful if an insect has got into the ear, there are-noises or there is deafness.
(3)Boil garlic in mustard oil and strain. Putting these oil drops in the ears relieves pain, heals wounds and controls pus- formation.

Neem :Boil neem leaves in water. Steam the ears with it. It will clear wax and relieve pain.
Brandy :A drop of brandy will bring relief from intense pain

Ginger :Put there or four drops of strained lukewarm  ginger juice in the ear. It will bring relief from pain caused by cold, accumulation of wax, or injury . if the pain persists, put the drops in the ear again.

Basil leaves :The juice of basil leaves used as ear drops relieves pain. If there is pus in the ear, continue the treatment for some days.


Lemon :Squeeze a lemon in water and drink it daily it the morning. It is beneficial in otorrhoea.

Garlic :Heat a clove of garlic and 12 gms. Of sindoor in  60 ml.  of sesame oil. When the clove of garlic gets burnt up, strain the oil and store it in a bottle. Put two drops of this oil this oil in the ear daily. It will bring relief. From otorrhoea, itching, tinnitus etc. boil garlic in mustard oil and as ear drops to get relief from ear-ache, injury, otorrhoea, etc.

Onion ;Put 5-7 drops of warm onion juice in the ear. It will bring relief from ear-ache, otorrhoea, rustling noises in the  ears and deafness.


Mustard oil :put a few drops of warm of mustard  oil into the ear and insect will be expelled.

Alum salt :If an ant has got into the ear and you have a strange sensation, dissolve alum salt in water and put a few drops into the ear to expel the ant.

Water :If an insect has got into the ear, dissolve a little salt in warm water and put it into the ear. Then tilt down the ear, The insect will die and get out.


While bathing, swimming or getting drenched water sometime gets into the ear and does not  get out fully. In such a case : (1) Put warm sesame oil into the ear.

(2)stand on one foot on the side of the affected ear and tilt the head on the same side and jump a few  time. The water will get out.
