Cure For Spitting / Expectoration


Grapes:  Grapes  make the lungs strong  and  cure  coryza  and  cough.  Mucus   is   expectorated. Do not drink water after eating  Grapes.

 Mint Leaves :  4 cup of the juice of  mint  leaves mixed with equal quantity of hot water take thrice daily provides relief from cough.

Banana and Mulberry : They Both Provide relief from cough.

Mustard Oil   : In case of cough and accumulation of mucus in the chest, massage the chest with mustard oil mixed with rock salt . It will bring relif. It checks asthma and expectorates   mucus.

  Turmeric : (1) In case of discharge of mucus, take 2 tsp. of turmeric powder with hot milk.
     (2)  If it is hard to get sleep due to cough, take turmeric powder and salt mixed in hot water.
     (3) If the discharge of mucus take place in coryza   and asthma, take 2 gms. Of turmeric  powder thrice daily with   hot water.

Black Pepper :Boil 30 new leaves and 5 ground corns of black pepper in two cups of water. When the water is reduced to one- fourth, strain and add a tsp . of honey. Take it twice daily in the morning and evening. It brings relief from cough, mucus and congestion in the throat.

Basil : Mix 5 tsp. in 50 gms. Juice of basil leaves and prepare a syrup. Take a tsp. of it daily. it will provide relief from cough. The juice of basil leaves can facilitate expectoration by thinning the mucus.
