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Kidney Gall Bladder Stones Cure Remedy Treatment


The presence of oxalate, calcium, phosphate and purine in excess in the food cause stones. The flour of grains without  fibre is the main source of phosphate. Oxalate is found in plenty in green vegetables. Milk is the main source of calcium and phosphate. Therefore, The above mentioned things and Milk should not be taken by those having a stone problem. The patient should take food which contains very little of oxalic acid and purin.

 Coconut : Taking coconut water remove stones.

Spinach : Some people think that spinach causes stones. but you can take it for certain that the juice of raw spinach does not cause. Take spinach juice and get totally transformed.

Bitter gourd : It breaks the stones into pieces in the kidney or bladder and flushes them out with the urine. The patient should take the juice of two bitter gourds daily and also eat them as a vegetable. It will check the passage of blood with the urine.

Rice : Patients suffering from stones in the kidney or urinary bladder should not eat rice at all.

Lajwanti or Chhuimui : The juice of the root or panchang  (the five parts) of Lajwanti remove the urinary obstruction and flushes out the stones and also removes the swelling on the urinary organ.

Maize : Burn maize corns and barley to ash. Grind both of them separately and store in glass bottles and mark them with labels. Dissolve 2 tsp. Of maize ash in a cup of water, strain and drink it in the morning. It dissolves the stones and increases the flow of urine. Similarly, take barley ash in the evening.

Cumin Seeds :  Grind cumin seeds and sugar in equal quantity. Take a tsp. of it thrice daily with cool water. It will be beneficial.

Barley : Barley water flushes out the stones. The patients suffering from stones should take barley or barley products as roti made of barley flour, roasted barley or sattu. It helps in dissolving the stones and also prevents   the formation of stones.

 Sugar candy : Grind 15 cardamom.1tsp. of the kernel of melon seeds and 2 tsp. of sugar candy. Mix it in a cup of water and take it twice daily in the morning and evening. It dissolves the stones in the kidney.

Green grass : Take out the green with roots and remove the tender leaves. Wash the tender stems and roots with water, grind, strain and mix sugar to taste with it and drink it. Take it twice daily. It dissolves the stones and increases the flow of urine. Grind half kg. of stems and roots of grass at a time.

 Sahjan : Eaten as a vegetable, it breaks the stone into pieces and flushes it out with the urine.
Taking vegetable and fruits grown in summer flushes out the stones.

Melon : melon is very useful for patients suffering out stones.

Apple : Stones are generally formed in the kidneys and the gall bladder. Even it they are removed by an operation, they are generally formed again. Taking apple juice regularly checks the formation of stones and the ones already get eroded gradually and are flushed out with the urine. It also checks frequent micturition at night. It cleanses the kidneys and relieves kidney pain.

Mango : Grind mango leaves dried in the shade and take 8 gms. Of it in the morning with water kept overnight. It flushes out sand and stones from the body.

 Amla : Taking amla churan with radish is beneficial for patients  suffering from stones in gall bladder.

Coriander : Soak 50 gms. Each of sugar candy, aniseed and coriander seeds in 12 litre of water in the morning. Strain it in the evening, grind the soaked seeds and again mix with the same water and strain drink it. If you cannot take the entire quantity at a time, take it in two installments. Similarly, soak these things in the evening and repeat the process the following morning. It will increase the flow of urine and the stones will be flushed out.

Rose apple : Eating ripe rose apples provides relief from stones . The powder of rose apple stone taken with curd is also beneficial.

Dried dates : The use of dried dates is beneficial for patients suffering from the problem of stones.

Carrots : (1) For stones, swelling of the kidneys or for cleansing the kidneys, 150 gms. Juice each of carrots, beetroot, cucumber or gourd is very beneficial. Carrot juice flushes out stones from the kidney and the gall bladder. Taking only carrot, cucumber or gourd is very  beneficial. . Carrot juice flushes out stones from the kidney and the gall bladder. Taking only carrot juice of 3 times a day is also beneficial. When mixed with 250 gms. Juice of salad leaves, it helps in flushing out gall bladder stones.
(2) Fill a thick hollow radish with equal quantity of the seeds of carrots and turnips and close the opening. Roast it in fire with water twice daily in the morning and evening.

Cucumber : Cucumber juice is beneficial in stones. 250 gms. Of it should be taken thrice a day. It is also beneficial in burning micturition, Hesitancy and diabetes. To make the juice tasty, add a tsp of honey and squeeze half a lemon in it.

 Bathua : Bathua taken as a vegetable prevents the formation of stones.

 Chaulai : This vegetable dissolves the stones.

 Cabbage : Its use is beneficial in stones and urinary obstructions. The vegetable should be prepared in purified butter.

Potato : If there are stones in the one or both the kidneys, it will be beneficial for the patient to eat only potatoes. Eating only potatoes and taking water frequently will flush out the sand and stones from the kidneys.

 Onion : Onion juice mixed with sugar and taken as a syrup will dissolve the stone and flush it out.
Radish : (1) Boil 32 gms. Of seeds of radish in 2  Litre of water . When the water is reduced to half, strain  drink it. If it is taken regularly for a few days, it will dissolve the stones in the gall bladder and flush it out.

 Harmful Things to be Avoided : Those suffering from stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, should avoid rice and spinach as these are quite harmful.

Beet root : Taking the juice or soup of beet dissolves the stones and flushes them out. Take 30 gms. Of it four times a day, for few weeks.


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