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Diabetes cure remedy treatment type 1 type 2


Diabetes is a disease characterized by excessive flow of  urine containing sugar. This disease develops gradually and the patient usually does not know for a long time that he is suffering from it. It is more common in men than women . Fat persons usually suffer from diabetes. In the past, mostly people between 40-50 years of age or after it were liable to get diabetes but now even small children become diabetic . Hereditary factors are also responsible for this disease.

In the human body, insulin is secreted by pancreas gland which is connected with the digestive system. Insulin helps the blood is convert sugar into energy. The pancreas gland retains as much sugar as is required by the body and burns the rest of it. But if the pancreas gland stops secreting insulin or its quantity is reduced Or There  is some obstruction due to some reason, it leads to diabetes. In these circumstances, sugar gets into the blood and does get converted into energy and is also expelled out of the body through urine. There are two types of this disease : (1)Diabetes Mullites,  and  (2)Diabetes Insipidus  (polyuria).

Symptoms : Diabetes is caused when pancreas does not secrete an appropriate  amount of insulin. Sugar in blood and urine is a sure sign of diabetes. Excessive thirst, hunger, frequent passing of urine, frequent appearance of boils, Wounds not Healing pain in the feet, poor eyesight, constipation, T.B weakness due to increase in sugar levels, restlessness, Higher blood pressure, unconsciousness, headache, dry skin, itching, etc. are the symptoms of diabetes.

Excess TV watching−A cause for Diabetes : Occasional TV watching as a part of hobby is not harmful for the health, but excessive TV watching is giving an invitation to diabetes. Researchers in USA state, Men watching TV for 20 hours or more in a week are more prone to become diabetic at some later stage. Men at 40 or above, spending excessive time on watching  TV are more susceptible to the dangers of this disease. The obese adults of this age group generally become its victims. The researchers are of the view that the lifestyle of watching TV for unexpectedly long hours has direct connection with this disease. Regular exercises can spare the scourge of diabetes.

Treatment : Diabetics should not eat sweet food items such as sugar, jiggery, sugarcandy,  sweet fruits, rice and products made of fine flour (maida) . Physical exercise, walking and light diet are beneficial. If diabetes is not under control, do not eat wheat flour rotis alone, mix it with barley and gram (3 kg. barley,1kg.wheat and 2 kg. gram and grind it). The patient should consume more of green vegetable daal and curd. Bitter gourd (raw or cooked as a vegetable) and rose apple are beneficial. Taking triphala  churan is beneficial. It also relieves constipation. Diabetes can be cured by proper diet and physical exercise. It cannot  be cured with medicines alone if the required type of food is not taken. The foods mentioned below, if taken in sufficient quantity, can cure diabetes :

Diabetes causes weakness in the body. Eat raw or tender coconut to gain energy. Also take cashews, groundnuts and walnuts soaked in water . Taking curd, butter milk and soyabean is also beneficial.

  Diabetic patients should observe fast on every seventh day. On the day of fast they should take only fruits, vegetables and lemon water without sugar. They should not eat anything else.

Lemon : I n case of excessive thirst taking lemon water is quite beneficial in diabetes.

Orange: An orange a day id okay. For a  diabetic patient. Orange peel should be dried in the shade and ground into powder from. boil 4 tsp. of it in a glass of water, strain and drink it daily.

Mango ; Mixed juice of mango and rose allpe in equal quantity taken regularly for a few days will cure diabetes.

Amla: Fresh amla juice mixed with honey cures diabetes.

Rose apple : (1) a diabetic patient should take rose apples daily. In homeopathy, the juice of rose apple known as cegium jambolinum mother tincture is used for the cure of diabetes.2 tsp. of the rose apple kernel taken daily in the evening with water cures the problem of sugar in the urine.
(2) Grind dried rose apple kernel and bitter gourd in equal quantity. Take a tsp. of it with water twice a day.
Tomato ; Tomatoes are very beneficial for patients of diabetes. It gradually reduces the sugar in the urine. They are also useful in other urinary diseases.

 Carrots  : Take mixed juice of carrots(310gms.)and spinach (185 gms.)

Radish : It is beneficial for diabetics. Its juice is also useful.

Bitter Gourd : (1)Take 15 ml. of the juice of bitter gourd  mixes with 100 litre of water thrice daily for three months. Also eat bitter gourd as a cooked vegetable. Taking 6 gms. powder of bitter gourd dried in the shade once every day will provide relief from sugar in the urine.
(2) Boil 250 gms. Of bitter gourd in  2  litre of water. When it is reduced to half the quantity, strain and drink it.

Lady Finger : Cut the stems of ladies finger and dry it in the shade. Grind it into a fine powder and sieve it. Mix sugar candy in quantity and take 2 tsp. of it with cool water daily in the morning on empty  stomach . It will cure diabetes.  This has been corroborated by the experience of patients who have benefited from it.

Turnip : Diabetics should regularly eat the vegetable of turnip.

Wheat : The juice of wheat grass is beneficial in diabetes.

Fenugreek : (1) The use of fenugreek seeds cures diabetes. Its seeds reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. They also reduce the sugar in the urine by 65 per cent. Its effect can be noticed within ten days. Taking fenugreek seeds with water 15 minutes before the meals is quite beneficial. Its does varies from 25 to 100 gms. It can be taken in any from−cooked as a vegetable, with water, in powdered from mixed with wheat flour and baked as chapatis, with rice, pulses, chutney  or its powder mixed in milk or water.
If calories are restricted to 1200-1400 per day, its effect is noticeable within a short period. Continue its use as long as urine contains sugar. It not only reduces thesugar but also lowers the cholesterol. When you are using fenugreek seeds. Gradually reduce the intake of medicines for diabetes and finally stop them altogether.
(2) Soak 60 gms. of finely ground fenugreek seeds in a glass of water. Strain and drink it after twelve hours, take it twice daily in the morning and evening for 6 weeks to cure diabetes. Also eat fenugreek leaves cooked as a vegetable along with it.

 Gram : (1) Soak overnight 28 gms. of black gram in milk and eat it the following morning. Also mix black gram and barley in equal quantity and grind it. Use this flour to prepare chapatis and eat them in the morning and evening.


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