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Showing posts from February 6, 2012

Cure Dysentery Treatment Remedy Home Remedies Bacillary Dysentery Amoebic Dysentery

Dysentery Dysentery is a disease of the intestines attended with frequent bloody and mucous stools. The patient does not feel hungry and feels weak. In the beginning, there are frequent stools marked by spasmodic pain in the stomach and passing of a white oily substance called mucous, but gradually the frequency of diarrheic stools increases. There is a bloody flux also. While passing the stool, one feels pain in the stomach. The dysenteric patient should take plenty of rest. The chief reason for dysentery is as inflammation in the lower part of ileum and the large intestine. There are two types of dysentery. 1.      Bacillary Dysentery : The patient feels the urge for passing the stools frequently. The stools are marked by a bloody flux. Sometimes he feels he has passed only blood. The frequency sometimes ranges between 20-30 times in a day and the patient sometimes develops fever. But the patient recovers soon. For prompt relief suck 10 globules of homeopathic medicine Merk cor five