Cure Dysentery Treatment Remedy Home Remedies Bacillary Dysentery Amoebic Dysentery


Dysentery is a disease of the intestines attended with frequent bloody and mucous stools. The patient does not feel hungry and feels weak. In the beginning, there are frequent stools marked by spasmodic pain in the stomach and passing of a white oily substance called mucous, but gradually the frequency of diarrheic stools increases. There is a bloody flux also. While passing the stool, one feels pain in the stomach. The dysenteric patient should take plenty of rest. The chief reason for dysentery is as inflammation in the lower part of ileum and the large intestine. There are two types of dysentery.

1.     Bacillary Dysentery: The patient feels the urge for passing the stools frequently. The stools are marked by a bloody flux. Sometimes he feels he has passed only blood. The frequency sometimes ranges between 20-30 times in a day and the patient sometimes develops fever. But the patient recovers soon. For prompt relief suck 10 globules of homeopathic medicine Merk cor five times a day.

2.     Amoebic Dysentery : It is caused by the germ Entamoeba Histolytia. It gets into the intestines with dirty food and causes inflammation. It gradually becomes chronic and then it is difficult to treat. But treatment through food proves effective. The frequency of stools is 2-4 to 8-10 times in 24 hours. The stools are large and loose and are marked by an urgency. This type  of dysentery is attended with frequent bloody and mucous stools. Because of the presence of blood, the stools are thin and loose. In some cases melaena is the major symptom and in others it is constipation. Because of the loose motions, the patient develops distaste for food, flatulence, stomachache or restlessness. If the patient works hard, he feels tired and giddy. Dysentery can lead Asthma, Eczema, inflammation of the liver and also ulceration.

Treatment Through food.

The patient of dysentery should not be given anti diarrhea drugs. The stool is attended with mucous, which is a kind of toxin. If the mucous is allowed to remain in the stomach it can lead to serious problems like swelling on hands, feet and face and jaundice, hepatitis, disorders of the spleen, leprosy, loss of appetite, low fever, dropsy etc. the physician treating the patients of dysentery should first ask about the history of mucous and diarrhea and if mucous has been restrained, treatment should be given to expel it. Dysentery is also caused because of accumulation of too much of stool in the intestines. Nature tends to expel it and clean the stomach. We should therefore, assist nature in this respect.

Castor oil : Take 2 tsp of castor oil mixed in hot milk as soon as you notice mucous in the stool. It will give prompt relief. Castor oil is beneficial in dysentery attended with both mucous and blood.
Bel: Ripe bel syrup provides a successful treatment for dysentery with mucous. It clears the bowels effectively.
Water: A glass of hot water taken regularly after meals is good for patients of amoebiasis.
Isabgol : It is very beneficial in amoebic dysentery. It expels amoebae and checks its formation.
(1) Put a tsp. of isabgol in hot milk, let is swell, then take it at bed time. Next morning mix isabgol in curd, let it swell, mix salt, dried ginger powder, cumin seeds and then eat it.
(2) Take 4 parts of isabgol, one part aniseed of which half should be roasted and one part sugar candy grind them and take 2 tsp. of the powder with waster twice daily.
(3) Soak a tsp. of isabgol in a cup of water for atleast six hous. Take it at the end of the meals. Soak another tsp. of isabgol for six hours and take it after the second meal.
(4) If it is not possible to take it as prescribed above the number 3, grind 75 gms. Raw aniseed and 25 gms. Raw aniseed and take a tsp. of the powder daily after meals. It will make life comfortable. It should be taken over long period.
(5) Take aniseed half of which should be roasted, coriander seeds, sugar candy, sun dried slices of bel all in equal quantity, mix with them one forth quantityof dired ginger powder and grind them together into a fine powder. Take 2 tsp. with cold water twice dialy. It will provide relief from dysentery, diarrhea and bloody flux. It is also beneficial in amoebiasis.
Lemon : Lemon juice in a cup of fresh water thrice a day is helpful in dysentery. Taking lemon in milk is also useful.
Fenugreek : (1) Eating fenugreek leaves fried in ghee cures dysentery.
Take 60 gms. Juice of fenugreek leaves with 6 gms. Sugar mixed in it. A tsp. of the powder of fenugreek seeds can be taken mixed in curd.
Rice: For patients of dysentery, rice is a good diet.
Wheat: Grind aniseed, mix the p[wder in water, strain it and use it to knead wheat flour. Prepare chapattis ( a thin cake of bread) and eat them during meals. It will be beneficial in diarrhea and dysentery.
Aniseed : Boil 6 gms. Aniseed in 82 ml of water. When the water is reduced to half the quantity mix 1 gm black salt and give to the patient. If the patient is a little child, give 12 ml. of it, thrice a day. It is highly beneficial.
Black pepper : Taking black pepper is useful for patients of dysentery.
Pomegranate : Boil 15 gms. Dried rind of pomegranante alongwith 2 ground cloves, strain it and drink half a cup of it thrice daily. Those who suffer from amoeiasis or dysentery of stomach cramps should use it regularly. It will be quite beneficial .
Dates : Taking dates with curd is beneficial.
Lady finger:  Eating lady finger as a cooked vegetable is useful in dysentery. It removes friction in the intestines.
Gram:  Soak two handful of gram husk overnite in water in a new clay pot, strain it the following morning and drink the water. If the blood in the stool follows burning and heat, the above treatment will provide relief.
Poppy seeds: Mix 2 tsp. of poppy seeds with a little water, grind it into a paste and mix in ¼ cup of curd. Eat it twice daily at an interval  of six hours. It will cure dysentery, diarrhea and spasms. Eating the kheer made with poppy seeds is also beneficial.
Alum Salt : Grind and mix 20 gms. Alum salt and 3 gms opium. Take small quantity ( approx. 2 gms.) of it twice daily with 2 tsp of water. It is beneficial in diarrhea. Afterwards take it with isabgol hust. It will cure dysentery attended with blood.
Cumin seeds: Grind roasted cumin seeds, mix a tsp. of it with honey and take it daily after meals. Take butter mild with cumin seeds powder added to it. It is beneficial in chronic dysentery and disorders of the stomach.
Tea : Tea contains pholyphenol which destroys the germs causing dysentery. The patients of dysentery can take tea. It will be beneficial.
Harad : Fry small harad and aniseed in clarified butter, grind it, mix sugar candy powder and take a tsp. daily with hot water. It will be useful.

