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Showing posts from June 28, 2013

Yoga Some Dos and Dont's in the Practice of Asanas & Pranayamas Benefits Beginners Hatha Yogic History

Some Dos and Dont's in the Practice of Asanas The best time for the practice of Asanas in the morning time If there is time, one may practise them in the evening also. However, The Asanas to the practiced in the evening must not be strenuous because at evening time the stomach is not so light and empty as it is in the morning time the stomach is not so light and empty as it is in the morning after defecation. The best hours of practice during morning and evening are between five and seven o’ clock. During winter, the morning session may extend upto eight o’ clock. The hours of practice should be fixed after taking into consideration the climate and weather. In the cold countries of Europe, U.S.A.,etc., these may be practised only during the evening hours because are not accustomed to get up so early in the morning. The Asanas may be practised by men and women of all ages between 12 and 60 or even 70 without any fear of ill effects. However, Strenuous postures may not be attempted b