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Showing posts from December 8, 2011

Cure for Dyspepsia

Following are cure for Dyspepsis, try any one of the following:- Lemon:- Cut lemon into 2 pieces, sprinkle some warm salt on lemon juicy side, suck it. Neem  or Azadirachta indica:- 25 Neem leaves, 3 cloves, 3 black pepper, grind them all, take this mixture with one tablespoon of sugar with normal water in morning and evening. Pineapple:- cut pineapple into small pieces, sprinkle some salt and black pepper, eat it 3 time daily. Now find cure for any disease or health problems naturaly contact us now with any of your health problems now:- or call us +91-9811535600

Cure / prevention for dysentery

Cure / Prevention for dysentery, try any one of the following:- Castor seed oil - Drink 2 teaspoon castor seed oil with hot milk daily at night. Water - Drink one glass warm water with every meal three time daily. Black pepper powder - one quater spoon of black pepper powder with warm water 2 times daily. Basil - mix basil green leaves with sugar, have it 3 times daily. Tea - Take 1 table spoon tea, one cup milk, 1 teaspoon sugar. boil it and drink it twice daily. Now find cure for any disease or health problems naturaly contact us now with any of your health problems now:- or call us +91-9811535600

Cure prevent heart arteries cholestrol

One easy step to control cholestrol:- Take 2 cloves of garlic and take them with warm water daily in morning empty stomach. do this regularly. Now find cure for any disease or health problems naturaly contact us now with any of your health problems now:- or call us +91-9811535600