Self Urine Therapy
Drinking your own urine and applying it on your body is called Urine Therapy. If it is taken or used in a proper manner, it can cure several diseases.
How to use it:- Early in the morning while passing the first urine, allow the urine to flow out for a moment, then collect it in a clean bottle. In the beginning, drink around 25 ml. of urine, then gradually increase the quantity to two cups (200 ml.). You have to take your own urine, not somebody else. If you cannot digest the idea of drinking urine, at first only rinse your mouth with it and spit it out. After that, gargle with urine. Then one day shut your eyes and take a sip or two. Gradually, you will have no hesitation in drinking urine. You will see its effect in about 15 days. You will overcome the aversion to drinking urine. Those who suffer from Dysuria should not drink urine. It has to be taken only once in the morning.
External use of Urine:- Drinking of urine is to be accompanied by its external application also. It brings prompt relief. The external use means giving a massage to your body with urine, soaking a piece of cloth, cotton, gauze in urine and dressing a part of the body with it and bandaging it or flushing the wounds with it. After a urine massage wash yourself with lukewarm water after an interval of two or three hours. Do not use any soap. For massaging use only fresh urine in the morning.
The apprehension that self urine is not fit for drinking is baseless. It is not harmful. If you follow the proper method and take wholesome food, self urine therapy can be beneficial.
Rules to be followed during Self Urine Therapy:- During self urine therapy do not use any other system of medicine. If you have been taking some medicine, stop it and start self urine therapy after a week. If you have taken to it, do it with full interest and sincerity, otherwise don’t do it. While undergoing this treatment, do not take any other medicine, tobacco, meat, alcohol, chillies, spices, sugar, saccharin, fried food, polished rice, vegetable, ghee, canned food, salt, sour food and sweets. One can eat hand pound rice, jaggery, honey, loaf sugar fresh seasonal fruit, sprouts, fresh chapattis, boiled leafy vegetables without spices. Alongwith the above precautions, self control and abstinence from sex are also necessary.
While following the above rules, you can undergo self urine therapy and its external application to rid yourself of any disease. If a healthy person takes up self urine therapy for the protection of his health, he will grow healthier and will be safe from infectious diseases.
Diseases:- Self urine therapy is beneficial in heart diseases, weakness of heart, high and low blood pressure, the ailments of lungs and bones, cold and cough, asthma, the diseases of stomach and intestines, head, eyes, ears, piles, diseases of anus, skin diseases, disorders of semen, irregularity of periods etc.
There is mention of the virtues of urine therapy in ayurvedic system of medicine also.
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