Dysmenorrhoea Menorrhagia How to Cure Relief What are Remedies Diet Causes Treatment Therapy
Menstrual discharge is natural activity of the female body. But in some cases menstruation is painful. It is called dysmenorrhea. It usually happens to women who have a sedentary life –style and are physically inactive between the ages of 18-25 year. It is of two types: (1) Congestive dysmenorrhea, and (2) Spasmodic dysmenorrhea.
Congestive Dysmenorrhoea.: Married women suffer from it and the pain is located in the parts around the uterus. The pain starts three-four days before menstruation and is relieved after menstruation starts. Women who do not do much physical work usually suffer from it. One gets relief by eating more of sugar and taking exercise.
Spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea: Out of the women with menstrual problems visiting hospitals, a large number of them suffer from spasmodic dysmenorrhea.. Usually unmarried women suffer from it. It usually begins with menstruation and lasts till the first child is born. The pain is located in the uterus. Acute pain lasts for an hour. It may be accompanied by shivering, vomiting sensation and vomiting.
Causes : It has not been possible to completely identify the causes of dysmenorrhoea. However, some of the known causes are : small uterus, insufficient blood in the uterus and lack of coordination in the functioning of reproductive organs. Hormonal imbalance is the chief reason. The food taken by us usually does not have sufficient sodium and potassium, which are necessary for maintaining a balance between the nerves and mental impulses. As a consequence, women suffer from mental tension. After marriage and first delivery, the disease automatically disappears.
Treatment Through Food
Take balanced diet. Take as little of pungent food, sweets, polished rice and meat as possible. During menstruation period unmarried women should take lemon water or orange juice. It supplements potassium in the body. Foment the painful parts.
Radish: Grind radish seeds into powder and take 4 gms. thrice a day each in the morning, afternoon and evening with warm water. It facilitates free flow of menstrual discharge and relieves pain.
Asafoetida: The use of asafoetida is beneficial in relieving pain during menstruation period.
Caraway seeds: Eating balwa prepared with jiggery and caraway seeds in clarified butter relieves menstrual pain and clears the flow of menstrual discharge.
Dried ginger powder: Prepare a concoction with dried ginger powder and old jiggery. It will relieve menstrual pain. Avoid cold drink and sour food. It will be beneficial. It is a proven formula.
Neem: If the pain is in the thighs during menstruation take the juice of neem leaves ( 6 gms.) mixed with ginger juice (12 gms.) in equal quantity of water. It will bring prompt relief.
Carrots: If menstruation does not take place, boil 2 tsp. of carrot seeds and a tsp. of jiggery in a glass of water and take it hot twice a day in the morning and evening. It will facilitate the menstrual activity and relieve menstrual pain.
Sometimes excessive menstrual bleeding takes place and lasts for several days and in some cases excessive bleeding takes place during climacteric period. When there is excessive bleeding, raise the bed of the patient by a few inches on the side of the feet. Do not give oily, spicy and hot food to the patient to eat. Cold drinks will be better. Do not let her work in a hot place like the kitchen.
Pomegranate:- Grind dried pomegranate rind finely and sieve it. Take a tsp. of the powder with cool water. It checks bleeding.
Coriander:- (1) Boil 20 gms. Coriander seeds in 200 ml. water. When it is reduced to 50 grams, strain it and add sugar candy and give it to the patient to drink. It checks excessive bleeding during menstruation. (2) Mix ground coriander seeds with loaf sugar and clarified butter in equal quantity. Take 2 tsp. thrice daily. It will check bleeding.
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