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Showing posts from February 26, 2013

Diseases Of The Gums How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy Diet

DISEASES OF THE GUMS Lemon : Squeeze a lemon in fresh water and rinse the mouth with it and drink some of it. It checks the swelling of gums and foul breath. Alum salt : Grind finely one part salt and two parts alum salt. Massage the gums with it thrice daily. Then mix 5 gms. of alum salt in a glass of hot water and rinse the mouth. It will strengthen the gums and mouth with hot saline water. The gums will remain healthy. Apple : In case of decay of teeth, cavities and swelling of gums eat an apple daily after meals. It will restore the health of the teeth and gums and prevent their going worse in future. Carrots : Taking 70 ml. of carrot juice daily prevents dental diseases and gum problems. Onion : Put a piece of onion between the teeth to get relief from toothache and pain in the gums. Turnip : Chewing a raw turnip with the teeth helps solve dental and gum problems and cleanses the teeth. Henna : Boil henna leaves in water and rinse the mouth with it. It cures incurable of the teeth

Toothache Swelling Of Gums How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

TOOTHACHE Onion : In case of toothache or pain in the gums, place a piece of onion at the exact spot. It will bring relief. Bottle gourd : Grind 24 gms. of bottle gourd and 20 gms. of garlic and boil in 1 litre of water. When it is reduced to half kg. Strain it and rinse the month with it. It will provide relief from pain. Mustard oil : Inhaling the smell of mustard oil from one nostril once twice relieves pain. Mix mustard oil, lemon juice and rock salt and massage the gums. It will clean the teeth, relieve the pain and tighten the gums. Mix very finely ground and sieved salt with mustard oil. Massaging the gums and teeth with it will provide from toothache and swelling  of gums. Asafoetida : If the teeth are rotten and painful, place a little asafoetida beneath the painful ones. It will relief pain. There is a homeopathic medicine made from asafoetida. Pain. The rotten teeth with its mother tincture. It will provide relief from pain. Soak a cotton swab in warm asafoetida water and pu

Bleeding Teeth Gums How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

BLEEDING TEETH Tomato : Tomato juice taken thrice a day is beneficial and checks bleeding.

Teeth Sensitivity to Cold Water How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

SENSITIVITY TO WATER Gallnut : It is available at a grocer’s shop. Grind it into a fine powder. Using it as tooth powder and massaging the gums with it daily solves the problem of the sensitivity of teeth to water. The teeth become strong and bleeding stops. It also checks general dental diseases.

Teething Pain How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

TEETHING Butter milk : If a child is given butter milk to drink daily he will have no teething problems and it will protect him from dental diseases. Honey : Massaging the gums with honey will facilitate teething without any trouble. Basil : The application of the juice of basil leaves mixed with honey on the gums of the child and making him lick a little of it makes dentition easy. The powder of basil leaves given with pomegranate syrup also makes teething easy. Grapes : During teething period, give the child 2 tsp. of grape juice daily. It helps in taste, honey can be added to grape juice. Aniseed : If teething is painful and the child cries, boil 2 tsp. of aniseed in a cup of water and given him tsp. of it four times a day. It will facilitate teething.