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Showing posts from July 26, 2013

Padasanachalanasana Cycling Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padasanachalanasana (Cycling Posture) Stand straight. Inhale and bend forward. Keep your palms on the ground and arms straight in front about a foot and a half apart. Now keeping the palms fixed, move your legs quickly backwards and forwards between the arms one after the other. Do it several times retaining the breath in. Benefits:- It makes arms, legs, feet and waist strong.

Utthita-bhujotthanasana Palms-balance Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utthita-bhujotthanasana (Palms-balance Posture) Sit in Utkatasana (Knee-supports Pose) and place the palms in front of you about a foot apart. Place the right leg at knee, bend on the right elbow and similarly the left leg on the left elbow and balance the body on the palms. Place one foot over the other in lock-position. The breathing should be normal or the breath retained in. Benefits:- Strengthens arms and knees; keeps the flow of Apana Vayu (Breath in the region from navel to the tip of the toes) normal.

Shilasana Rock Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shilasana (Rock Posture) Sit with feet stretched in front of you. Take the legs up and place them on the neck. Exhale and bend from the waist, take the head forward and place it on the ground. Now, bend the arms and place them under the legs so that the elbows are covered by the legs. Benefits:- It improves digestion and keeps the body healthy.

Padmashirasana Head-cum-lotus Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padmashirasana (Head-cum-lotus Posture) Perform padmasana ( Lotus Pose-1) and place the palms firmly on the ground. Hold the body on the hands, keeping Padmasana. Gradually bring the head down to touch the ground and keep the knees on the elbows. Remain in this posture for some time.   This posture should not be kept for than two to three minutes. Benefits:- Head, eyes, chest, etc, becomes strong; digestion improves; constipation is relieved and cold is cured as well as prevented.

Shukasana Parrot Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shukasana (Parrot Posture) Sit on your toes as you do in Utkatasana (Knee-support Pose). Force the heels together. Then, place the palms firmly on the ground, the arms touching the folded legs. Inhale, retain the breath and balance the body on the fingers in such a way that the posture looks like the form of a parrot. Remain in this position for some time. Do the exercise several times. Benefits:- The muscles of arms and fingers become strong. 

Viparita-padma-shayanasana Inverted-Lotus Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Viparita-padma-shayanasana (Inverted-Lotus Posture) Adopt Padmasana (Lotus Pose-1) and lie down on your belly. Take the arms to the rear and hold the calves firmly with the hands. Raise your chest, neck and hands. Direct your gaze at the sky. Raise the knees also a little above the ground, supporting the body on the stomach. Benefits:- It strengthens the head, neck, chest, shoulders and waist.

Nabhi-Asana Navel Posture 2 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Nabhi-Asana (Navel Posture 2) Lie down on the ground on your belly. Stretch the hands in front of you. Inhale and fill the stomach to the maximum and retain. Now, raise the legs up from the ground and balance the body on the navel. Keep this boat-like posture and seesaw as long as you can. Exhale while resuming normal position. Benefits:- It cures indigestion and disorders of the stomach. Spleen and liver work more efficiently.

Shalabhasana Locust Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shalabhasana (Locust Posture) Lie down on your belly, keeping the hands to the sides, palms facing up. Inhale and raise the lower half of the body from navel to feet. The legs should be kept together. Then, raise the head a little and stretch the neck. Remain in this position for some time before you return to the n o r m a l position. Benefits:- Strengthens the muscles and muscles and joints of legs; helps in checking diabetes and disorders of the  three humours.