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Showing posts from March 28, 2013

Stomach Ailments

STOMACH AILMENTS Rose apple: It is beneficial in the ailments of stomach. It has the potency to regulate the motion. Take rose apple juice with rock salt to get relief from stomach-ache, diarrhoea  and loss of appetite. Banana: For different kinds of stomach related ailments, eating bananas as a part of the meals helps in recovery. It is a nutrient for the weak person and children. In the case of diarrhea, gastritis, colitis and gastric ulcer, banana is helpful food. It removes the swelling of the intestines. Pomegranate: It helps in recovery from debility of stomach, spleen and liver, sprue, diarrjoea, vomiting and stomach-ache It is constipative. It being sour and sweet, it improves the digestive system and is diuretic. It helps in producing digestive juice in sufficient quantity.  Carrots: Carrots contain Vitamin B-Complex which strengths the digestive system. It also provides relief from intestinal gas, spasms, swelling, ulcers,  dropsy, appendicitis smell. As soon as you take carr