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Showing posts from April 11, 2013

Multiple Miscellaneous Remedies Online Home Natural

HEAVINESS OF STOMACH Aniseed: Eating aniseed soaked in lemon juice after meals relieves heaviness of the stomach, improves appetite and clears the bowels. ERUCTATION Asafotida: If belching persists take a minute quantity of asafoetida with jiggery or a banana. Cumin seeds:  Grind roasted cumin seeds and take 1 tsp. of the powder with a tsp. of honey. It is beneficial in belching. EXCESSIVE THIRST Banana: Thirst can be controlled by eating two bananas at a time thrice a day. The dryness of the throat disappears. Millet: Eat millet flour rotis with butter milk daily. It reduces thirst.  People with body and those who are rheumatic should not take millet flour rotis. Salt: It evaporates glandular juices, therefore, one feels thirsty after taking salt. Those who feel too much thirsty, should take very little of salt. Barley: Pound one cup of barley and let it soak in water for eight hours. Then boil it. Gargle with hot barley water. It will reduce the feeling of thirst. Water-melon: It red