Amethyst Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones
Amethyst calms and gives inner peace, works wonders against insomnia, stress related headaches and migraines. Relaxes the muscles of the neck and shoulder blades, against venereal diseases, hysteria, hallucinations, puerperal fever, rage, hatred and anger, fear, pain and homesickness. Amethyst cures impurities of the skin, against dropsy and colour blindness, strengthens kidneys and eyes. Works against all kinds of addictions, alcoholism, pulls the negativity out of its wearer, gives energy, clears the mind, for flexibility and openness, against concussions and related head aches. Against infections, strengthens stomach, liver and gives love of mankind and friendship, strengthens pancreas, thyroid, thymus and metabolism. Use to regain strength after illness, paleness and painful menstruation. Amethyst is an ideal stone to decrease fear, sorrow and homesickness. Also it's an ideal stone to use for sprains. Amethyst can be used to sharpen the sixth sense and that's why a lot of people keep an Amethyst with their Tarot set or Runes. An Amethyst worn by a man will attract a good woman. In magic this stone is used against alcoholism, for courage, as a protection against thieves, for health, peace, love and psychism.
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