Multiple Miscellaneous Remedies Online Home Natural


Aniseed: Eating aniseed soaked in lemon juice after meals relieves heaviness of the stomach, improves appetite and clears the bowels.


Asafotida: If belching persists take a minute quantity of asafoetida with jiggery or a banana.
Cumin seeds:  Grind roasted cumin seeds and take 1 tsp. of the powder with a tsp. of honey. It is beneficial in belching.


Banana: Thirst can be controlled by eating two bananas at a time thrice a day. The dryness of the throat disappears.
Millet: Eat millet flour rotis with butter milk daily. It reduces thirst.  People with body and those who are rheumatic should not take millet flour rotis.
Salt: It evaporates glandular juices, therefore, one feels thirsty after taking salt. Those who feel too much thirsty, should take very little of salt.
Barley: Pound one cup of barley and let it soak in water for eight hours. Then boil it. Gargle with hot barley water. It will reduce the feeling of thirst.
Water-melon: It reduces thirst. Mix sugar candy In water-melon juice and drink it. It is very beneficial.
Orange: It reduces thirst.
Gulkand: Take three tsp. of gulkand made of roses twice daily in the morning and evening followed by a glass of water. It will quench the thirst.
Coriander: Prepare chutney using green coriander leaves and dry amla powder. Eating it daily will bring relief from excessive thirst and dryness of the throat.
Apple: Drinking apple juice mixed with water reduces thirst. Persons suffering from flatulence should not take it.
Plum: Sucking a plum reduces thirst.
Guava: Guava, Lychee, Mulberry and Cucumber—all help in quenching thirst.
Cloves: When the thirst is very powerful, boil cloves in water and drink. It reduces thirst. It is a proven formula.
Nutmeg: Sucking a piece of nutmeg will relieve thirst in any ailment.
Basil: Grind basil leaves, mix in water, add lemon drops and sugar candy and drink it. It will reduce thirst.
Water: If the thirst is due to dryness, taking hot water brings relief.
Lemon: Taking lemon water quenches thirst.
Cardamom: Boil the skin of 12 cardamoms in a glass of water. When the water is reduced to half, divide in into four doses and take a dose every two hours. It will control thirst in any ailment.


Lemon: When the stomach distends like a ball it is known as flatulence. 2 tsp. of lemon juice in hot water provides relief from flatulence.
Castor oil: 2 tsp. of castor oil in a glass of hot water is beneficial.
Salt: Mix one part rock salt and four parts desi sugar (unrefined sugar powder) and take it thrice daily. It provides relief from gas.
Caraway seeds: Grind 1 tsp. of caraway seeds, ¼ tsp. of black salt, mix in a glass of butter milk and drink it. It is beneficial in flatulence.


Lemon: Cut a lemon into two pieces, heat a piece, add a little salt and suck it before meals for some days. It will bring the enlarged spleen back to its normal size.
Mango: Mix 70 gms. mango juice with 15 gms. honey. Take it daily in the morning for three weeks. It is beneficial in the swelling and wounds of the spleen. Do not take sour food during the treatment.
Papaya: Regular use of papaya is beneficial in the ailments related to spleen.
Carrots: Eating carrot reduces the enlarged spleen.
Bitter gourd: 25 ml. of the juice of bitter gourd mixed in a cup of water taken thrice  a day cures the problem of spleen.
Brinjal: Eat fresh long brinjal cooked as a vegetable as long as the season lasts. It provides relief from enlarged spleen.
Caraway seeds:  Soak 15 gms. caraway seeds in the morning in a clay pot. Keep. It inside a room during the day but on the open terrace under the sky, during the night. Next day, strain and drink it. Do it for 15 days continuously. It will cure the enlarged spleen. If it is not possible to take the above treatment, take caraway seeds in sufficient quantity in any form you like Caraway seeds are highly beneficial in this ailment.

Clay: Application of wet clay on the stomach for a month is beneficial.
Bathua: Take the juice of bathua leaves or boil bathua leaves and take the water. It cures the problem of spleen. For taste salt can be added to it.


Apple: Taking apple juice helps in the healing of wounds in the intestines.
Ber: It heals intestinal wounds.


Butter milk: It clears and purifies the channels and pathways in the body and allows the circulation of digestive juice effectively. It prevents the diseases of the intestines.
Honey: To cure intestinal ailments, soak overnight three tsp. of ground amla in a glass of water. In the morning, strain, mix 4 tsp. of honey and drink it.
Radish: Its juice acts as an antiseptic for the intestines.
Curd: the ill-effects of antibiotics on the intestinal bacterial flora can be set off by taking curd.
Juice: Ulcer patients as well as patients with intestinal disorders can take fruit juices. Some people think that taking fruit juices or fruit causes hydrochloric acid in the stomach which is harmful for the ailments of the stomach and ulcers. But their belief does not hold good.
Ulcer and intestinal patients should give up pulses and eggs.


Carrots: Mix 185 gms. carrot juice with 150 gms. juice of beet-root and 160 gms. juice of cucumber and drink it. It is beneficial in the swelling of intestines.
Curd: Use of plenty of cured daily to get relief from the swelling of intestines. Eat it frequently. Whenver you feel hungry, eat curd instead of roti.


Garlic: Mix garlic juice (5 drops) with 3 tsp. of water and drink. It  is beneficial in intestinal consumption.


Ginger: (1) Grind dried ginger and mix with jiggery in equal quantity. Take two tablets of the size of peas daily in the morning and evening. It will check the secretion of mucous from the intestines.
(2) Mucous gets formed in the stomach because of indigestion. To get relief, boil ½ tsp. of dried ginger powder in 250 ml. of milk, then let it simmer for some time. Allow it to cool down. It should be taken before bed-time for 4-5 days. It will check the secretion of mucous.
Neem: If mucous passes with the stool, clean green neem leaves with water and dry them in the shade. Grind the dry leaves into a powder. Take ½ tsp. of it twice a day, with cool water. After a few days the secretion of mucous will stop.
Garlic: (1) Take a clove of garlic with a minute quantity of opium. It will provide relief from mucous.
(2) Mix 5 cloves of garlic with ½ tsp. of clarified butter and eat them by chewing properly. It brings relief from the problem of mucous.
Aniseed: (1) 5 drops of aniseed oil with½ tsp. of sugar taken four times daily will provide relief from mucous.
(2) Roast 100 gms. of aniseed and grind with 100 gms. of sugar candy. Take 2 tsp. of it after in the morning and evening with cool water.
Coriander: Grind 50 gms. coriander leaves alongwith 25 gms. aniseed, dissolve in a glass of water, strain ad drink it. It cures the problem of mucous. If a child suffers from mucous, given him the concoction of coriander and dried ginger powder.

Isabgol: (1) Take a tsp. of isabgol husk in hot milk before bed- time. In the morning take another tsp. in curd mixed with dried ginger powder and cumin seeds. If you take it for four days continuously it will provide relief from the problem of mucous.
(2) Mix one part each of harad and the dry pulp of bel and three parts of isabgol. Take 2 tsp. of it in the morning and evening with hot milk. It will bring relief from mucous.


Garlic: Take four cloves of raw garlic after meals daily. It will help in the healing of gastric ulcer.
Bathua: It strengthens the stomach.
Banana: Cook green raw bananas as a vegetable and eat without adding salt or chilli powder or take 3 tsp. of the powder of dried raw bananas twice daily in the morning and evening with cool water. It facilitates the healing of gastric ulcer.


Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammatory and ulcerative condition of the colon. It leads to loose motions and passing of mucous and blood with the stool.
Carrots: Carrots contain Vitamin B-complex which strengthens the digestive system and cures colitis.
Banyan tree: Take 1 kg. of the hanging roots of the banyan tree of the thickness of a human finger and into small pieces of the size of an inch. Boil them in 5 litre of water. When the in a glass bottle. Take 2 tsp. of it twice daily in the morning and evening. It provides relief from both ulcerative and amebic colitis.
Water: Taking hot water, as hot can tolerate, after meals provides relief from colitis.


Extreme or dislike foe food is called aversion.
Pomegranate: Grind ½ tsp. of black pepper, 1 tsp. of roasted cumin seeds, very little quantity ( equal to the weight of 1 piece of gram pulse) of roasted asafoetida, rock salt to taste and 70 gms. of dried pomegranate seeds. It will make a tasty churan. Take it daily. It will provide relief from aversion and keep you cheerful.
Phalsa: Taking phalsa with black pepper powder and rock salt to get relief from aversion.
Radish: Eat radish daily with black pepper and rock salt to get relief from aversion.
Mint leaves: Mix 3 gms. paste of mint leaves, cumin seeds powder, asafoetida, black pepper powder and salt in a glass of hot water and drink it. It is quite beneficial.
Moth: Eating fried and salted moth available with namkeen vendors provides relief from aversion.
Coriander: Grind coriander seeds, cardamom and black pepper in equal quantity and eat adding ¼ tsp. of clarified butter and sugar. It brings relief from aversion.
Sugar: Mix tamarind pulp ¼ tsp. of black pepper powder and sugar to taste in a cup of water and strain it .Take it four times daily. It will provide relief from aversion and improve the appetite.
Caraway seeds: Grind caraway seeds, add salt to it and take it will with hot water. It will solve the problem of aversion.


Garlic: The use of garlic prevents cancer of the stomach cancer patients should be given ground garlic dissolved in stomach. Cancer patients should be given ground garlic dissolved in water It can cure cancer of the stomach. Eating garlic after meals thrice a day keeps the bowels clean. It causes contraction in the stomach muscles. As a consequence, the intestines do not have to over work. It also stimulates the liver which facilitates the flow of oxygen and blood to the capillaries of the stomach walls
Bread: If you want to protect yourself from cancer of the stomach, increase the intake of bread with your meals. Bread plays a preventive role because according to nutrition experts bread is more easily digestible than other edibles. As a result, it eliminates the chances of cancer of the stomach.



Curd: If bad smell emanates from your body, mix curd with black gram flour and rub on the body.
Basil: Smelling the juice of basil leaves or the powder of dried leaves removes bad smell from the nose and kills germs.
Onion: After eating onions jiggery or a betel leaf to curb onion smell. Or you may chew coriander seeds or cardamom. It will also serve the purpose. To curb the onion smell from the vegetables cooked with onions, add a little sugar dissolved in water when the cooking begins. To remove onion smell from utensils, clean them with salted lukewarm water.               
Garlic: Chew coriander seeds after eating garlic to curb its smell.
Radish: Eat jiggery after eating a radish. It will check the smell expelled with burps.
Carrots: Carrot juice improves the digestive system. It checks the strong smell in the stool and kills the germs. Take’ Take juice and Transform Yourself’.


Guava: White passing the stool in cases the anus emerges out. Press it in and apply the paste made by grinding guava leaves. It will provide relief from the problem.
Alum salt: Dissolve alum salt in water and insert the solution into the anus with the help of a syringe. It is beneficial. Also dissolve ½ tsp. of alum salt in a glass of water and cleanse the anus with it. Soak a piece of cloth in alum salt water and place it on the anus.
Gallnut: Grind two gallnuts and mix in a glass of water and boil for some time. Allow it to cool down. Clean the anus with it. It will check the emerging out of the anus.


Lemon: Application of lemon juice on the corns makes them soft. You can put a piece of lemon on the corn and bandage it with gauze. Or soak a swab of cotton in lemon juice and put it on the corn and bandage it.
Castor oil: Application of castor oil on the corns for two months provides relief from them.
Onion: Application onion juice on the corn thrice daily. When it becomes soft, cut it off.


Gwar: Boil sesame seeds and gwar in equal quantity, grind and apply on te sprained or injured part. It will relief pain
Green grass: If the bleeding is because of a cut or injury, grind green grass and soak a piece of cloth in its juice and bandage it on the injured part to stop bleeding.
Kerosene oil: Application of kerosene oil twice a day after bathing provide relief from injury, sprain or swelling because of injury and sprain or from chronic pain.
Ice: If there is bleeding because of injury, use an ice pack and also a piece of ice. It will stop the bleeding.
Banana: In case of injury or abrasion: (1) Place a banana peel on the injured spot and bandage it with piece of cloth. It will check swelling.
(2) Knead a ripe mashed banana and wheat four in water, heat it and apply on the injured spot.
Garlic: Grind cloves with salt and use it as a poultice on the injured spot and bandage it with a piece of cloth. It will be beneficial in injury and spasms.
Fenugreek: Apply the poultice made of fenugreek leaves and bandage it up. It will relieve swelling caused by injury.
Castor oil: (1) In case of an injury or bleeding or wound, apply castor oil and bandage it up. It is beneficial.
(2) Smear a leaf of the castor tree with sesame oil and heat it. It provide relief from swelling and pain caused by injury.
Alum salt: If the injury is internal taking 4 gms. of ground alum salt mixed in half a glass of milk is beneficial.

Turmeric: (1) Taking a tsp. of turmeric powder in a glass of hot milk relieves pain and swelling caused by an injury. It mends the wear and tear of the body. Knead turmeric powder in water and apply the paste on the injured spot. If there is bleeding because of injury, fill injured place with turmeric powder. It will come off only with the dry incrustation. Turmeric powder is useful even in an injury.
(2)Mix 2 tsp. of turmeric powder, four tsp. of wheat flour, a tsp. of clarified butter, ½ tsp. of rock salt and make halwa using a little water. Spread it on the injured spot and bandage it up. You can reduce or increase the quantity of the ingredients as per your need. Mix ½ tsp. rock salt in 500 ml. of boiling water. Cover the pot and keep it for some time. When it is bearably hot, soak a piece of cloth and foment the injured spot with it. It will provide relief from pain.
(3) In case of a bone fracture, the use of turmeric powder is beneficial.
(4) Grind an onion and mix a tsp. of turmeric powder and tie it in a piece of cloth. Heat it in sesame oil and foment the injured part. After fomenting for a little while spread the contents on the apply the injured part and bandage it up.
(5) Mix two parts of turmeric powder and one part of lime and apply the paste on the injured or swollen part. It will relieve pain.
(6) Grind 10 cloves of garlic with½ tsp. of turmeric powder and heat it in a tsp. of oil. Apply it on the swollen part, place on it a little cotton and bandage it up. It will relieve swelling.
Sesame seeds: Cook oil cake in water and provide relief from sprained part while it is bearably hot. It will relief from pain.
Onion: Mix a tsp. of turmeric powder with 2 tsp. of onion juice. Tie it up in a piece of cloth and soak it in hot mustard oil and foment the injured part with it. Afterwards spread the contents on the injured spot and bandage it up with the same piece of cloth. Also put some cotton and use another bandage. Mix 2 tsp. of onion juice with 1 tsp. of honey and take it twice daily. It will relieve both pain and swelling caused by injury.
Water: When you slip and fall or injure yourself and there is swelling on and around the injured spot it is painful. If there is swelling due to injured spot it is painful. If there is swelling due to injury do hot fomentation. Cold fomentation is helpful. Foment with ice or cold water. It reduces or removes swelling. As soon as you receive an injury, foment with ice or cold water. Then bandage it and position it upwardly. Cold fomentation should be done for fifteen minutes and then repeat it every two hours for ten hours. Increase the gap in the next ten hours. Then do alternate cold fomentation with hot fomentation.

Wheat: When you have a bone fracture, injury or sprain, eat halwa made with jiggery and wheat flour. Mix 2 tsp. of wheat ash with jiggery and clarified butter and eat twice daily in the morning and evening. It will relieve pain and help in the joining of the bone.
Rock salt: Mix rock salt and unrefined sugar powder in equal quantity and take a tsp. twice daily in the morning and evening. It will relieve pain caused by injury.

Salt: (1) Heat salt on a hot plate. Tie it up in a piece of coarse cloth and foment the bruised or sprained part while it is hot. It will relieve pain.
(2) Foment with hot saline water.
Ginger: If you have developed pain due to injury, lifting something heavy or because of some part of the body has been crushed, apply a thick layer of ginger paste and bandage it up Remove the bandage after two hours and apply hot mustard oil on the layer of ginger paste and foment. Repeat it for a few days.   It will relieve pain.
Potato: Sometimes there are blue spots because of an injury. Grind a raw potato and apply the paste on the affected part.



Phalsa: To check bleeding from any part of the body, taking phalsa syrup regularly proves to be quite effective.


Amla: To stop bleeding caused by a cut apply fresh amla juice.
Green grass: Soak a piece of cloth in the juice of green grass and bandage it on the injured spot.  It will help in checking bleeding.
Kerosene oil: To control bleeding caused by a cut, soak a piece of cloth in kerosene oil and bandage it tightly on the injured spot. The bleeding will stop. It will also relieve pain Keep adding a few drops of kerosene oil to the piece of cloth tied on the injured spot every now and then.


Banana: If the bleeding has caused by an injury apply the juice of banana stem. The bleeding will stop. There will be no pus formation in the wound. It will also accelerate the healing of the wound.
Ice: If the bleeding is because of an injury, put an ice pack on the injured spots and also place a piece of ice on it. The bleeding will stop.


Orange: Eating oranges will accelerate the process of healing of a wound.
Grapes: Eating grapes helps in the prompt healing of wounds.
Sahjan: Grind sahjan leaves and apply the paste on the wound. It will quicken the healing process.
Carrots: Boil carrots and prepare pulp. It helps in the healing of rotten wounds. It is a common practice in England. Taking carrots juice is also beneficial. The application of carrot pulp on a cancerous wound is also beneficial.
Cabbage: Its juice beneficial and helps in the healing of wounds. Add 5 times water to cabbage juice.
Onion: (1) washing a wound with onion juice mixed with four times water and putting a gauze soaked in the same juice on the wound helps in the healing of a wound.
(2) Application of onion poultice made in clarified butter on a wound is beneficial.
Garlic: If you have got a wound caused by a cut, soak a piece of gauze in garlic juice mixed with parts water and put it on the wound. It will accelerate the healing process. Also eat garlic.
Wheat: Grind water grass and apply  its paste on boils and wounds. It will be beneficial
Castor oil: It is beneficial to apply castor oil on the wound and bandage it.
Alum salt: If the wound is fresh, it has been caused by injury or scratch and it is bleeding, wash the wound with alum salt water and sprinkle alum salt powder on it. The bleeding will stop.

Turmeric: (1) Mix turmeric powder in clarified butter or oil, heat it and soak a piece of cotton in it and bandage it on the wound.
(2) Grind a piece of turmeric in water and apply it on the wound. It kills the germs. Sprinkle some turmeric powder on the wound.
Honey: (1) Dressing the wound with gauze soaked in honey brings relief.
(2) Dress the wound with one part yellow wax and four parts honey. Heat the wax and honey, you will get an ointment. It cures even the incurable wounds.
(3) Mix honey with sesame oil and soak a piece of cotton or gauze in the mixture and dress the wound. It facilitates the healing process.
Basil: Smelling at the powder of basil leaves is beneficial in the healings of wounds. Grind dry basil leaves finely, sieve through a fine muslin cloth and sprinkle the powder on the wound. Or you can grind green basil leaves and apply the paste on the wound.
Water: If the wound has been caused by an injury, soak a piece of cloth in cold water and dress the wound with it. Keep the cloth wet. It heals the wound. In case of swelling caused by an old wound, drink hot and water twice a day.
Neem: (1) Boil 2 tsp. of the juice of neem leaves, 2 tsp. of mustard oil and four tsp. of water. When the water evaporates and only the oil is left, let it cool down, strain and apply it on the wounds and dress. The wounds will heal soon.
(2)If the wound has been caused by the pinching of shoes, apply neem oil and sprinkle the fine powder of dried neem leaves on the wound.
(3)Grind green neem leaves and squeeze out the juice. Soak a cotton swab of the size of the wound in the juice and heat it in clarified butter. Dress the wound with it when it is hot. It helps the wound to heal quickly. Even old incurable wounds get healed. It is based on my personal experience.
Clarified butter: Heat a tsp. of clarified butter in a bowl. Put in it a swab of cotton soaked in water but after squeezing out the water. When the wet cotton swab loses its moisture, dress the wound with it when it is bearably hot, place leaf on it and bandage it up. Change the dressing daily. The wound will get healed
Millet: Eating millet is beneficial in the healing of wounds


Basil leaves: Boil basil leaves and wash the wounds with the water. Sprinkle the powder of dry basil leaves on the wounds. Soak a piece of gauze in the juice of basil leaves and dress the wound with it.
Mint leaves: Grind mint leaves, prepare a poultice and dress the wound with it. It kills the worms.


Lemon: Squeeze two lemon in one glass of water and take it daily in the morning to get relief from sinus.
Mustard oil: Soak a cotton wick in the medicinal plant swallow wort’s milk and allow it to dry. Then light it take a lamp in mustard oil and prepare kajal in a clay pot. Apply the kajal on the sinus.
Cloves: Grind cloves and turmeric and apply it on the sinus. It will provide relief.
Neem: Dress the sinus with the poultice of neem leaves.
Turmeric: Sprinkle turmeric powder on the wound. It will kill the worms in the wound and facilitate its healing.
Garlic: Grind ten cloves of garlic with ¼ tsp. of salt and fry it in clarified butter. Apply it on the verminous wound and bandage it. It will kill worms and accelerate the healing process.


Pomegranate: Boil a handful of fresh pomegranate leaves in two glasses of water. When the water is reduced to half, strain and use it to foment the anus when it is bearably hot and then wash. It will provide relief from the fistula.
Wheat: Taking the juice of tender wheat grass is beneficial in the healing of fistula.


Paralysis of one side of the body, e.g., the paralysis of the right arm, is known as hemiplegia.
Black gram: Boil black gram and dried ginger in water as you boil tea give the boiled water to the patient of hemiplegia to drink.
Bitter gourd: It is beneficial in hemiplegia
Dried dates: It is beneficial in hemiplegia but one should not take more than 4 pieces at a time, otherwise they generate a great deal of heat in the body. If you eat them after soaking them in milk, they are more nutritious.
Onion: Taking onion juice in adequate quantity facilitates blood circulation and the use of beneficial in hemiplegia.
Garlic: (1) Grind 10 cloves at a time and eat with hot clarified butter twice daily in the morning and evening.
Dry massaging of the affected parts of the body with hands is helpful.. Do it for two months.
(2) In case of hemiplegia, boil 25 gms. of peeled and ground cloves of garlic in milk. When it becomes thick like kheer, eat it when it cools down. Take it regularly for some time.
(3) Boil 250 gms. of ground garlic in 500 ml. of mustard oil and 2 Liters of water in an iron pan. When the entire water has evaporated, allow it to cool down. Strain it and massage the body regularly with it. Its use for a month will enable the patient to recover from hemiplegia.
(4) Grind 7 cloves of garlic, mix with a tsp. of butter and eat it. It is also beneficial in hemiplegia.
(5) Take two cloves of garlic and a cup of milk. Take 3 cloves the following day. Chew a clove at a time and take a draught of milk. Increase the number by one clove every day and also the quantity of milk by one sip every day. This way continue the treatment for twenty five days, that is, take 25 cloves of garlic with milk on the 25th day. After 25 days decrease the number of cloves by one each day the quantity of milk by one sip each day. After 50 days the patient will recover from hemiplegia. If it is not possible to take one big doses of garlic and milk, divide it into two or three doses and take them after an interval of a few hours.
Grind: (1) Grind 500 gms. of black gram daal and fry in clarified butter. Add jaggery to it taste and 200 gms. of ground ginger. Make laddoos and eat one laddoo daily.
(2) Boil 20 gms. dried ginger and 50 gms. of black gram Take the boiled water. It cures hemiplegia.
Honey:  Boil one ounce water. Add 2 tsp. of honey when it is bearably hot give it to the patient to drink. It will provide enough calcium to him. In this way, give honey to the patients for three weeks.  The parts affected by hemiplegia will begin to function again.
Walnut: Apply walnut oil into both the nostrils daily in the morning. It will provide relief from hemiplegia.
Black pepper: Grind black pepper into a very fine powder. Mix 1tsp. of this powder with three tsp. of clarified butter and apply it on the parts affected by hemiplegia.
Basil: Boil basil leaves in water and steam the affected parts and then wash them with the boiled water. Grind basil leaves with rock salt and curd. Apply on the affected parts with this unguent
Mixed Fruit Juice: Take mixed juice of apple, grapes and pear in equal quantity. It provides relief from hemiplegia. It has to be taken for a few months.
Sugar: As a preventive measure do not let children eat sugar as a safeguard against hemiplegia.


Onion: If a woman has fainted or gone hysteric, making her small onion juice will bring her back to consciousness and make her normal.
Red chilli: Putting a few drops of the homeopathic medicine Capsicum Annun in the nostrils brings a man back to consciousness.
Basil Leaves: Grind basil leaves with salt and put a few drops of the juice into the nostrils of the patient. It is beneficial in bringing the patient back to consciousness.
Water: Sprinking cold water on the face of the person who has fainted helps him in regaining consciousness.
Mustard oil: Sometimes a women faints because of miscarriage or a man faint because of an injury or excessive bleeding. The eyes remain wide open and the person loses consciousness. There is a gurgling sound in the throat caused by cough. In such a case, first massage the head and then the body with mustard oil. Make him drink a little clarified butter. He will regain consciousness.
Ginger: (1) Mix 2 tsp. of ginger juice and 2 tsp. of ground sugar candy in a cup of cool water the patient drink it. He will soon come round.
(2)Mix a tsp. of ginger juice and tsp. of honey and make the patient drink or lick it. He will regain consciousness.
Mint leaves: The smell of mint leaves is helpful in regaining consciousness..


Orange: Those who usually live on polished rice, develop the disease called beriberi because of the lack of Vitamin B-1.It is characterized by pain in the sinews, paralysis, the dryness of muscles and swelling. Orange juice is beneficial in beriberi.
Potato: Beriberi means ‘unable to walk’. The main symptom of the disease is the weakness in the veins of the thighs. Grind potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Give a dose of 1 tsp. of the juice to the patient at a time. Or the patient can chew a raw potato and swallow the juice. This is equally beneficial.


It is an infectious disease of the throat and glands in which false membranes are formed. It is characterized by pain and swelling in the throat and obstruction in breathing.
Lemon: Dr. E.P. Andrews in his book, Therapeutic Byways writes that a German Physician successfully treated 80 patients with lemon juice and only one of the paitents died. He made the patients gargle with lemon water or asked them to suck a little piece of lemon.
Pineapple: Its juice destroys the false diptheric membrane and keeps the throat clear. Pineapple is the chief medicinal fruit for diptyeria. Fresh pineapple contains pepsin which is the main element of bile. It is beneficial for a sore throat.
Garlic: Chewing and slowly 60 gms. of garlic cloves in four hours is beneficial in diphtheria. Children should be given garlic juice mixed with syrup. It should be frequently repeated.


Banana: It is beneficial in diabetes. It increases the weight. Eat two bananas followed by a glass of hot milk daily for three months. If you suffer flatulence do not eat bananas.


Turmeric: Take 8 gms. of turmeric powder twice every day in the morning and evening. Grind a knob of turmeric in water on a stone and apply it on the affected part. Its use for some days brings relief from scrofula.
Carrots: Taking 310 ml. Of carrot juice with 125 ml. of the juice of spinach provides relief from scrofula.


1.      Milk, curd cottage cheese, and other items made of milk.
2.      Meat, fish, chicken, etc.
3.      Items containing potassium in excess—chocolate, coffee, milk, churan, beer, wine and dry fruits.
4.      Fruit, vegetable, etc.
5.      Items containing sodium in excess—bread, cake, pastry etc.
6.      Namkeen, butter, cheese, etc.
7.      Chutney, papad, pickles, etc.

Carrots: Carrot juice provides relief from Adenoids.

Mango: Grind 25 gms. mango leaves and 10 gms. rock salt, heat it a little and apply it on the testicles. It will provide relief from hydrocele.
Raisins: In case of dropsy of the scrotum or testicles, eating twenty raisins daily will be beneficial.
Arhar: In case of hydrocele in a child, grind soaked arhar daal and apply the paste on the testicles.
Water: Fomenting with hot and cold water alternately provides relief from hydrocele.

When the viscera in the abdomen forms a bunch and protrudes through a rupture in the abdominal wall and passes into the blood vessels of the thighs causing protrusion of the size of an egg, it is known as hernia.                                                                                                                                                                                           When the patient lies down, the protrusion disappears. When he stands, the protrusion reappears. While passing the stool with pressure, sneezing or coughing the protrusion of hernia is clearly visible. While sneezing, the hand automatically reaches the part where the protrusion is and presses it. There appears to be a soft swelling there. In fact, hernia is not a disease as such. It is the weakness of the muscles of stomach walls because of which intestinal protrusion occurs.
The patients of hernia should eat abstemiously and avoid constipation and should not pass the stool by exerting pressure otherwise the likelihood of your developing hernia will increase. Dyspepsia and constipation should certainly be avoided in hernia. If you have bulging belly, reduce the bulge.
Castor oil: In case you have hernia testes in which the protrusion has entered the scrotum and the testes seem to the blown up with air and are painful, take 2 tsp. of castor oil in a cup of milk daily for a month. It will be beneficial in hernia.
Coffee: Taking coffee repeatedly and washing the affected part with solution of coffee expels the air and the blown up part becomes normal. It is beneficial even in near fatal hernia.

Daily Routine During the Summer: (1) Take a sun-bath for 15 minutes at the times of sunrise. Then take your bath with cold water and rub your body fully well.
(2) Eyes: Splash cold water frequently on your eyes during the summer. It will keep your eyes refreshed and healthy.
(3) Do not go out in the sun with empty stomach. Keep the head covered when you move out.
(4)After taking your lunch lie down on your bed for a little while during summer days.
Mulberry: Eat mulberry fruit daily during summer days.
Barley: Sathu made of barley has a cooling effect on the body and imparts stamina to tolerate heat.
Harad: Grind barad and mix with jiggery in equal quantity and make pea-sized pills. Take two pills with water daily after breakfast. It prevents the disorders common in summer days.
Amla: Taking amla syrup during summer days quenches the thirst and prevents common disorders.
Pomegranate: Pomegranate has a cooling effect on the body. One should take pomegranate syrup during the summer.
Rice: It has a naturally cool effect. When the stomach is full of heat eating rice will provide a cooling effect during summer days.

Lemon: If you have a feeling of suffocation because of heat, take lemon water. It will give you a refreshing feeling.
Cucumber: Eating cucumber is beneficial in summer.

Sweat mainly consists of water contains various kinds of salt as chlorides of sodium and potassium and other chemicals. It is, therefore, saltish in taste.
Sweat is formed in sweat-glands which are situated below the skin, especially that of the palms of hands and the soles of feet and also that of the head. Usually their number ranges between20 to 30 lakhs in a human body. Women have greater number of sweat glands than men. Yet, they do not sweat so much as men because of the testosterone hormone.
The formation of sweat depends upon the instruction received from the brain which is activated by hypothalamus. When our body is heated up due some reason, the heat passes on the blood and when the hot blood reaches the hypothalamus part of the brain, it gets agitated. Consequently the process of keeping the heat under control and making the temperature normal begins through vibrating nerves and forming of sweat in the sweat-glands starts and the various parts of the body begin to sweat. Due to atmospheric heat and dryness, the sweat begins to evaporate. In this process it uses body-heat thus reducing body temperature. During the summer season the human body excretes ½ litre sweat every hour to keep the body temperature normal. As a result the body loses 125 calories of heat every hour. This is how we feel cool.
Normal sweating is an indication of good health. Sweating keeps the pores in the skin open and the skin gets proper oxygen. Consequently, it retains its shine and smoothness.
Excessive sweating results in the loss of two much water and salts leading to headache, sleepiness, peevishness and sometimes vomiting the patient finds himself at a loss. The body becomes cold. breathing becomes fast and the pulse rate goes up.
The patient should be given tomato mixed with salt and water in a small quantity, frequently. Lemon water also compensates for the loss of water and salts in the body. Do not work for the loss hours with empty stomach in hot weather.
Green gram: Roast kidney deans and grind them into powder. Knead it by adding water and smear the body with the paste. It will check excessive sweating.
Harad: Grind barad finely. Smear the part which sweats excessively with paste. Wash yourself after ten minutes. It will check excessively sweating.
Moth: Roast moth and grind it Mix ½ tsp. of salt in a handful of moth flour. Rub it dry on the part which sweats excessively. It will check excessive sweating.
Arhar: Mix a handful of a arhar daal with 1 tsp. of salt and ½ tsp. of dried ginger powder and fry it in mustard oil and then grind it. Massage the body with it. It will check excessive sweating It can also be used for excessive sweating during delirium.
Salt: If your sweat is foul smelling reduce the intake of salt to the minimum.
Water: If your feet sweat profusely, immerse the feet first in hot water and then in cold water. Rub the feet together and then wipe them with a towel. Continue with the treatment for a week. It will be beneficial

Brinjal: Application of the raw juice of brinjals two glasses of cold water soles checks profuse sweating.
Alum salt: Wash hands and feet with two glasses of cold water mixed with 1 tsp. of alum salt. It will check sweating.

You may have a sun-stroke if you move about in the hot sun during the summer season.
Symptoms of sun-stroke: Lack of sweating, redness of face, high fever (106-108°C), increased pulse rate, difficulty in breathing and giddiness.
1.      Do not move about in the hot sun. If you have go out in the sun, cover your head and neck with a piece of cotton cloth. Use an umbrella and a cap.
2.      Do not go out in the sun with empty stomach.
3.      Keep away from crowded places and suffocating atmosphere.
4.      Take cold drinks, salt onions and raw mango juice water.
1.      Take the patient to a shaded and cool but open place
2.      Remove his clothes or loosen them.
3.      Place cold wet pads on the forehead.
4.      Given him some cold drink, salt and lemon.
5.      Do not given anything hot to drink.
6.      If the fever is high and the temperature does not come down, consult a doctor.
Mango: It is beneficial to take raw mango water during a heat stroke. If the patient of heat stroke complains of dryness of the mouth and tongue, sweating on the forehead and hands and feet, restlessness and excessive thirst, give him raw mango boiled and diluted with water. Boil or roast a large raw mango. Keep it in cold water for some time. Remove the skin, mash it well, add jiggery, cumin seeds, salt and black pepper powder to the pulp and then add water to it as per your requirement,. Take a cup at a time thrice daily. It will be beneficial in a heat stroke.

Onion: Massaging the temples and the chest with onion juice and drinking the juice is also beneficial in heat stroke. Eat onions twice daily during summers and also keep one with you to protect you from a sun-stroke. Whenever you take your meals, take onion also. If you take the chutney of mint leaves and onions regularly during the summer it will minimize the risk of your having a heat stroke.
Cardamom: If you want to protect yourself from the scorching sun, chew a cardamom before you venture out. This recipe has become quite popular in Gulf countries. Most of the Arabs chew cardamom to save themselves from the scorching sun.
Coriander: Mix sugar in coriander water and drink it to protect yourself from a heat stroke.
Basil: Mix sugar in the juice of basil leaves and drink it. It protects you from a heat stroke. If you have already suffered, even then it will be beneficial. It relieves giddiness.
Ice: Remove the clothes of the patient and let him have some air. Make him cool by sponging his body with ice cold water. Soak a sheet in iced water and wrap his body with it. Thus bring his temperature down to 102°C.
Water: Taking water frequently during the summer is a good antidote to heat-stroke. Sponge the body of a heat stroke patient with water. As a safety measure or to relieve heat the cold water pads are highly beneficial for the patient of heat stroke. Put cold water pads on the head, chest, abdomen and other parts of the body.
Lemon: Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water, add sugar to taste and drink it. It will reduce the severity of a heat stroke.
Mulberry: Eat mulberry fruit as a preventive measure.
Tamarind: Smear the palms and soles of the patient with ripe tamarind pulp. It will reduce the severity of the heat stroke. Drinking tamarind water in summer is beneficial. Soak tamarind in water, mash it, strain and drink it. It will be more beneficial if you mix jiggery in tamarind water.
Phalsa: Phalsa syrup is a wholesome drink in a heat stroke. It releases the unnecessary heat from the body and fulfills the essential requirement of water in the body.

Lemon: The typical diseases of the rainy season are: stomach disorders, fever and boils and ulcers. The use of lemon is beneficial during the rains. Squeeze a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and take it daily in the morning at least for 95 days.

Red chilli: Fry red chillies in clarified butter. If people travelling inland and abroad eat such fried chillies, the change of climate and water will not affect them adversely.

Basil: If someone has fainted because of electric current or because he has been struck by lightening, massage his head and face with basil juice. He will come round.

Turnip: Boil turnip in water. Use the water to wash the affected part of the feet. Then rub turnip on it. After the application at night wrap the foot with piece of cloth. It will cure chilblain.
Clarified butter: Milk salt in clarified butter and rub on cracks in the heel. It makes the skin soft. It also prevents the heels from cracking.
Mustard oil: Massaging the feet with mustard oil prevents the heels from developing cracks.                                                                               Application of warm mustard oil on the feet facilitates the healing of cracks.
Sesame oil: Native yellow wax is available at a grocer’s shop. Mix one part of this wax with gour parts of sesame oil, heat it and make ointment. The application of this ointment will help in the healing of cracks and chaps on the heels.
Henna: application of henna paste on the cracks is beneficial
Black pepper: Mix black pepper, resin, catechu in equal quantity and grind Mix 2 tsp. of clarified butter, four tsp. of jasmine oil and heat it in an iron vessel. Then store it in a bottle. Its. Application on cracks and chaps helps in their early healing.
Salt: Washing and fomenting hands and feet with hot saline water is beneficial in chilblain.
Onion: Grind raw onions and apply the paste on the affected part. It will be beneficial.
Papaya: Grind dried peel of papaya into a fine powder. Mix it with glycerine. Its application on cracked heels twice a day will bring prompt relief.
Castor Oil: Wash the feet with hot water and massage them with castor oil. It will prevent the heels from cracking.
Turmeric: Mix turmeric powder in unboiled milk. Massage hands and feet with it. It will make the skin soft. Hands and feet will not get cracked or chapped. If they are already cracked fill the cracks with turmeric powder. It will help in their early healing.                                                                                                                                                    If the skin has become dull and drab because of cold, mix lemon juice in unboiled milk and soak a swab of cotton in it and lightly apply on the face. After a little while wash it with clean

If the heels are cracked and have developed fissures, massage them with mustard oil before going to bed. In the morning rub the heels lightly on the floor and wash them. It should be done regularly for fifteen days. Don not keep your feet wet for a long time. Apply oil on the heels during the day.
If your finger have gone black because of household chores, mix lemon juice and few drops of glycerine in milk. Apply it on the hands for fifteen minutes, then wash them.
During the winter, chapped and rough hands are a common problem. Wash and clean the hands with lukewarm water. Then massage the hands with oil for ten minutes. The skin of the hands will become soft and smooth and you will get rid of roughness.

Apple: Rubbing the juice of sour apples on the warts is beneficial. Warts disintegrate and fall off.
Onion: Application of onion juice on the warts destroys warts.
Castor oil: Soak a piece of gauze in castor oil and dress the warts and bandage them. It will provide relief from warts.
Coriander: Grind coriander leaves and apply the paste on the warts.

Skin is of two types—oily and dry. Dry skin is hard. It does not get natural oils to keep it soft because its sebaceous glands do not function properly. Therefore, the skin is not fully hydrated. On the other hands, because of vaporization water disappears from the skin. As a result, the skin becomes dry.
The water level in the millions of skin cells is regulated by hormones and atmospheric changes. If the weather is hot, water will evaporate from the skin quickly and the skin will get dry. If it is rainy season, the skin retains moisture. There are some natural substances in the skin which also help it to retain hydrate. But with the advancing age, such natural resources dry up and the skin becomes dry.
Dry skin needs moist and oily substances. The skin around the throat and eyes especially becomes dry because the secretion of natural oils in these areas is not sufficient and fine wrinkles appear around the throat and eyes.

The use of bathing soap makes the skin drier. Therefore, the use of soap on these spots should be minimized. Also avoid the sun as possible because it reduces the water level of the skin still further.
After 40 year of age a woman nears the menopausal stage. As a result  of hormonal changes, the sebaceous glands begin to contract and the output of natural oils is diminished. Therefore, the skin becomes dry and dehydrated and cracked. It also loses its smoothness.
Despite the dryness of the skin, the problem of acne buring sensation and redness.
In such a case, avoid hot drinks and chillies and spices. Do not use too oily a lotion or cream for treatment.
Special care should be taken of diet. If you are a vegetarian, make sure that you are getting sufficient protein. Take a balanced oily diet and plenty of green vegetables and fruits. Also ensure that you are taking sufficient fibre in your food. Reduce the intake of salt. Drink plenty of water. Reduce the intake of tea, coffee and soft drinks.
Make it a point to take exercise every day atleast for 20 minutes. Massage your body with oil.
Smoke and drinks dehydrate the skin. Avoid them.
Treatment for Dry Skin:
Orange: Grind orange peel dried in the shade. Knead the powder in milk and rub the dry skin will regain its softness.
Clarified butter: Mix the powder of ten corns of black pepper in a tsp. clarified butter. Take it daily in the morning for two months. It will tackle the problem of dryness of the skin.
Milk: Rubbing the skin with milk cream ( malai) makes it soft. To protect your skin from sun burn rub milk cream mixed with rose water. Alternatively, milk cream can be mixed with honey.
Papaya: Grind a ripe papaya and rub the pulp on the face. It will make the facial skin smooth and soft and enhance the beauty.
Oil: Apply any suitable oil on the dry skin and give a massage to your body with oil.


Oily skin has a shine and is sticky, Till the age of twenty, the skin is usually oily. The reason behind this is the hyper-activity of sebaceous glands which become over-active because of hormones. Besides, the skin is affected by changes in the weather. During the winter, the oily glands become more hyper-active. Some people are naturally more affected by it than others. They also have to face the problem of acne.
But the oily skin has its own advantages. Oily skin is less prone to wrinkles and the signs of old age not so loudly visible in them.
Whenever you feel that your skin is oily, take care of your emotions diet, health and activities because the state of your skin can be an indication of imbalance in one of the above factors. Do not partake of oily food items, pastries, cream based items and fatty foods. Instead, taking fresh fruits and green vegetables will be better. Take at least eight glasses of water daily. Have your full quota of sleep. Take exercise in fresh air so that blood circulation in the body improves, thus a few changes as indicated above will rectify the imbalance. Also try to control your emotions.

Water: If the extra oil in the skin is removed the problem will be solved. For this, cleanse the skin with hot water.
Sandal-wood: Knead sandal-wood powder in rose-water and rub on the face. It removes spots on the facial skin as well as and pimples.
Lemon: Spots, stains and pimples appear on oily skin. People with oily skin should wash the face with soap and water twice daily. Rubbing lemon on the facial skin a beneficial
Apple: Grind an apple fully well and apply the paste on the face. Wash it off after ten minutes.
Gram daal flour: Mix daal flour in rose-water and rub it on the face and the body. Take your bath after 10 minutes It will remove the extra oil from your skin.

Mint leaves: Boil 10 gms. mint leaves and 20 gms. of jiggery in 200 ml. of water, strain it and drink it. It provides relief from oft recurring urticarial.
Gram daal flour: Eating laddoos made of gram daal flour with black pepper powder sprinkled on them relieves urticarial.
Clarified butter: Massage the body with clarified butter mixed with rock salt. Then lie down and cover yourself with a blanket and let your body sweat. It will relieve urticarial.
Asafoetida: Mix asafoetida with clarified butter and massage the body with it.
Cumin seeds: Boil cumin seeds in water. Use the boiled water for bathing. It provides relief from itch and urticarial.
Black pepper: Taking clarified butter mixed with black pepper powder. Also massage the body with it.
Caraway seeds: (1) Take a tsp. of caraway seeds with rock salt added to taste on empty stomach in the morning with water. It will be beneficial in urticarial.
(2) Boil 1 tsp. of caraway seeds and 12 tsp. of jiggery in two cups of water. Drinking it is beneficial urticarial.
(3) Mix 1 gram of caraway seeds with 3 gms. of jiggery and eat it. It will provide relief from urticarial.
Honey: (1) When the patient does not get any relief even after trying costly medicines and taking injections, he will certainly get relief if he takes 6 gms. of nag-kesar with 25 gms. of honey twice daily in the morning and evening. It is a proven prescription.
(2) Take a tsp. of honey with a tsp. of triphala twice daily in the morning and evening. It will provide relief from urticarial.
Turmeric: (1) Mix 1 tsp. of turmeric powder2 tsp. of wheat flour, 1 tsp. of sugar and prepare halwa by adding ½ cup of water. Allow it to cool down. Eat it daily in the morning followed by a glass of milk. It relieves urticarial.
(2)Mix ½ tsp. of turmeric powder and sugar candy or honey and take it twice daily. It will provide relief from urticarial.
Neem: Mix neem oil with mustard oil and heat it or burn the kernel of neem seeds in mustard oil. Given a massage to your body with this oil. Chew neem leaves unless you find them very bitter. It relieves urticarial.
Mustard oil: First, take a laxative and cleanse the bowels. Then massage the body with mustard oil and take a hot bath. It is beneficial in urticarial.
Alum salt: Dissolve½ of alum salt in ½ cup of hot water and apply the solution on the affected parts and wash. It will be beneficial.
Onion: It is beneficial to eat onions in urticarial.
Betel leaf: Grind three betel leaves and 1 tsp. of alum salt by adding a little water. Apply the paste on the affected parts. It will provide relief from urticarial.
Basil: Eat one piece of amla preserve daily twice with¼ tsp. of basil seeds. It will relieve urticarial.
Siras: Grind siras flowers in a little water and apply the paste on the affected parts. Also mix 1 tsp. of honey with a tsp. of the paste of siras flowers and lick. It will be beneficial.

Small boils and sometimes larger ones, appear on hands, face and the body with the onset of summer and rainy seasons. They are quite painful. They become red in colour and suppurate. The older ones disappear but new ones come up. Such boils can appear in other seasons also, but mostly they appear in summer. There are several reasons:
(1)   Accumulation of sweat in the skin—The body dispels filth through sweat. If because of some reason the sweat accumulates in the skin, boils appear and the filth comes out through them. During summer when sharp not winds blow, a lot of dirt settles on the body blocks the sweating process.
(2)   Eating food items of hot nature—Eating mangoes, melon, water-melon, etc., in excess, increases heat in the body which causes boils.
(3)   Synthetic clothes—Nylon and terylene clothes, plastic shoes, etc. have an adverse effect on the skin and cause boils.
(4)   Treatment: Take bath twice daily. Take cool drinks and food items which have a cooling effect on the body. Eat blood purifying food so that the blood remains clean.

Multani mitti: Soak multani mitti and then grind it. Mix camphor and smear the body with it. Bathe yourself after an hour.
Lemon: Lemon cleanses the skin. Application of lemon juice of washing and bathing with lemon water is beneficial in the various diseases of the skin like boils, whelks, shingles of boils and eczema. There is a marked increase in the appearance of boils and whelks in the rainy season. The use of lemon is highly beneficial in this season. Take warm lemon water every day in the morning at least for three months.
Pineapple: Application of pineapple pulp on the boils is beneficial. Pineapple juice makes the unhealthy tissues healthy.
Cumin seeds: Grind cumin seeds in a little water and apply the paste on eczema, boils and painful parts. It is beneficial.
Water: Foment the swollen part and boils first with hot water for three minutes followed by cold fomentation for a minute. In this way, fomentation for about ten minutes twice daily in the morning and evening will bring results beyond expectation.

Guava: Eat 250 gms. of guava daily in the afternoon for four weeks. It will bring relief from boils and itch. Guava will clear the bowels, remove excess heat from the body, cleanse the blood and heal boils and whelks.
Tamarind: Mash ripe tamarind in water, strain it and drink it. Take it regularly for some days. It will be beneficial.
Ber: If boils have developed in and outside the nose, smelling ber and application of its pulp will be beneficial.
Carrots: Dress the boils with carrot poultice. It allows the coagulated blood on the boils to melt down.
Potato: Drinking the juice of raw potatoes provides relief from boils.
Walnut: If you are prone to boils, eat four walnuts daily throughout the ear.
Henna: Boil caraway seeds in wash the boils with it.
Caraway seeds: Boil caraway seeds in water and wash the boil with it. Grind caraway seeds in water and apply on the boils. It will be beneficial.
Honey: Prepare a paste by mixing wheat flour and honey. Spread it on a piece of cloth and dress the boil with it. Take three tsp. of honey in a glass of hot water daily for a few months.
Basil: If a boil has developed inside the nose, smelling at ground dry basil leaves is beneficial. Heat the juice of basil leaves mixed with coconut oil in equal quantity. When the water part has evaporated mix 12 gms. of yellow wax and stir. An ointment will be ready. Its application on burns, eczema, boils and whelks is beneficial.
Neem: In the months of march-April you can get tender neem leaves. Grind 30 gms. of reddish neem leaves alongwith rock salt and eat on empty stomach daily in morning. It purifies the blood and the boils are healed. Apply the paste of neem leaves on the whelks. If the pain is too much, heat the paste and then apply. You can grind neem bark in water and apply on the boils. Neem ointment is also highly beneficial.
Method: Grind 175 gms. neem leaves without adding water. Heat 100 ml. of mustard oil in a copper vessel. When the oil gets heated, add the neem paste to it. When the paste eventually gets blackened, allow it to cool down. Add 5 gms. camphor and 20 gms. yellow wax and grind well. The ointment is ready.
Camphor: Mix 5 gms. camphor in 50 ml. of coconut oil and apply on the boils. It checks itching. If coconut oil is not available you can use an edible oil.

Bathua: Grind bathua leaves, dried ginger and salt and tie the paste in a wet piece of cloth. Wrap wet clay around it and heat it. Untie it and apply it hot on the boils. It will reduce pain and help in the excretion of pus.
Black pepper: Grind black pepper in a little water and apply it twice daily on the small whelks as long as they do not subside.
Red chilli: Boil red chilli powder in oil, then strain the oil and apply it on the boils. It will be beneficial.
Garlic: Taking¼ tsp. of garlic juice mixed in¼ cup of hot water thrice a day facilitates the healing of boils.

Symptoms: Leprosy is caused by Myobacterium lepria. It is not hereditary or venereal. It is of two types: infectious and non-infectious. The infectious one is called lepromatus leprosy in which nodular cutaneous lesions are infiltrated and the patient’s nose, throat and skin are infected with leprosy. The skin of his face. Ears and at other places becomes thick. The affected parts lose the feeling of sensation. The patient is not sensitive to cold and heat. Even if a nail pierces his soles he will have no sensation of pain. The germs of leprosy and T.B. are almost similar. That is why leprotic also suffer from T.B. Leprosy is more common among the poor. The disease does not necessarily disfigure the body. The bodies of 20 per cent patients can be disfigured Leprosy can now be treated and one can fully recover from it. At the social level, the patients deserve sympathy and not hatred. There are effective homeopathic medicines for the treatment of leprosy. Below are mentioned some of the general prescriptions which can be beneficial if the treatment is taken over a prolonged period. These can be used alongwith whatever treatment the patient may be taking. These will be beneficial.
YAM: Eating yam as a vegetable provides relief from leprosy. It should be taken regularly over a prolonged period.
Bathua: Boil bathua leaves, squeeze out the juice and drink it. Also eat bathua as a cooked vegetable. Wash the skin with the water in which bathua has been boiled. Grind raw bathua leaves and sesame oil and heat on slow fire. When the water content has evaporated, strain in a bottle and apply on the affected part daily

Gram: Eating gram sprouts regularly for three years is beneficial to a patent of leprosy. If the patient does not eat anything except gram for six months he will recover from leprosy. Soak gram overnight in water, next morning boil it in the same water and eat it. Whenever you are hungry, eat gram—roasted or otherwise or roti prepared from gram flour. Also drink the water in which gram has been boiled. Do not use any salt or chillies.
Amla: Taking a tsp. of amla powder twice daily in the morning and evening with water.
Turmeric: Take a tsp. of turmeric powder twice daily in the morning and evening with water. Grind turmeric in water and apply on the affected part.
Basil: Eat 15 leaves of basil daily and also grind some leaves in water and apply on the affected parts.
Neem: (1) Mix neem and chalmogra oils in equal quantity and apply on the affected parts.
(2) The use of neem is helpful in every respect in treating leprosy. The patient should be kept under the shade of a neem tree Massaging the body with neem oil, taking gour tsp. of the juice of neem leaves twice daily in the morning and evening, spreading fresh neem leaves daily on the bed and bathing  yourself with the water in which neem leaves have been and boiled or the juice of neem leaves has been mixed are beneficial. The treatment should continue for a considerably long period.
Pomegranate: Application of the juice of pomegranate leaves on leprotic wonds is beneficial.
Cauliflower: It contains a lot of sulphur which is beneficial in itching, leprosy and such other skin diseases.
Parwal: Eating it as a cooked vegetable is beneficial for patients of leprosy.
Conch shell: Listening to the sound a conch ( shank) destroys the germs of leprosy. The germs react to the sound of a conch and are destroyed. Leprosy patients should therefore listen to the sound of a conch.

Lemon: Dr. Herring says that lemon juice should be applied to get relief from sharp pain of a mosquito bite. The application of lemon juice mixed with salt relieves pain if you have been bitten by a scorpion, spider, wasp, bee bed-bug or flea.
Mango: If you have been bitten by a rat, monkey, mad dog, poisonous spider, scorpion or wasp, grind mango kernel in water and apply on the affected part. It will provide relief from burning sensation and pain.

Swallow-wort: Immediate application of the milk of swallow-wort on the affected part provides relief if you have been bitten by a snake, scorpion, wasp or bee. It diminishes the effect of the poisonous bite. Swallow-wort is a wild plant. When you pluck its leaves, a kind of milk is secreted.
Pomegranate: Application of the paste of pomegranate leaves is beneficial if bitten by a scorpion, wasp, etc.
Water: If you have been bitten by a scorpion, wasp, bee, chameleon or rat, apply clarified butter on the bitten spot and then place it under a tap and release water with pressure on it continuously for some time. It will relief pain of the bite.
Onion: If bitten by a dog or jackal, application of onion paste mixed with honey and taking onion juice dispels the poisonous effect. The application of onion paste is also beneficial if bitten by a bee, poisonous insect, wasp, scorpion, etc. In case of a scorpion bite, eat onion pieces with salt. You can also eat jiggery.
Mint leaves: If bitten by poisonous creature you can apply the juice of mint leaves on the bitten spot. The poison will gradually begin to subside.
Garlic: Application of garlic juice will eliminate the effect of the bite of a poisonous insect.
Asafoetida: The homeopathic medicine Mother-tincture of Asafoetida should be used if bitten by a scorpion or wasp.
Salt: When stung by a poisonous flea or wasp, pour water over the sting and then rub salt In will relieve burning and pain and check swelling. Also drink some saline water.
Honey: If bitten by a jackal, dog, scorpion, etc., application of honey on the bitten part is beneficial. Also eat some honey.
Basil: Grind basil leaves, mix some salt in it and apply on the part stung by a wasp, black bee or scorpion. It will promptly relieve burning and pain. The juice of basil leaves is quite beneficial. If it is applied on the body, mosquitoes will not bite you. Also drink some juice mixed with water.
Neem: Grind neem leaves and apply on the part stung by a beer or scorpion. Also chew some leaves.
Clay: A wet clay bandage on the part stung by a scorpion or wasp is useful.
Match- stick: If a wasp or bee has you, grind the firework part of a match stick in water and apply on the sting.

Garlic: (1) Eat three tsp. of honey mixed with juice of one garlic bulb. Grind ½ tsp. of salt with 6 cloves of garlic and apply the paste on the affected part. It will neutralize the poison. As soon as you get relief, wash off the paste.
(2) Grind garlic and dried raw mango and apply it on the part stung by a scorpion. It will provide relief.
Radish: (1) Apply salt on a piece of radish and place it on the affected part. It will relieve pain. Those who eat radish regularly are not affected severely by the poisonous pain. Those Who eat radish regularly are not affected severely by the poisonous sting of a scorpion.
(2) Give to the patient radish to eat and apply radish juice on the affected part.
Mint leaves : Smear the affected part with ground mint leaves and drink mint juice. If bitten by a rat, bandaging the affected Part with poultice is especially beneficial.
Bottle gourd: Grind bottle gourd and apply on the part stung by a scorpion. Also drink its juice. It will neutralize the poison.
Alum salt: Grind alum salt in water and apply on the affected part.
Red chilli: Grind red chilli and apply it on the part stung by a scorpion. It will have a cooling affect.
Salt: Put four drops of salt saturated solution in the ear on the opposite side of the right foot, put the above drops in the left ear. It will bring prompt relief. Also apply solution on the part stung by scorpion and take a sip. It is a proven and successful experience.
How to prepare the solution : Keep adding salt to water and keep stirring. When the salt does not dissolve in water anymore even after stirring, you will have salt saturated solution.
(1)   Add one part of salt to 5 parts of water and apply it into the eyes like kajal. It will quickly neutralize the poison of scorpion bite. The above saturated solution provides relief from the poisonous of hot water and immerse the affected part in the solution or put a gauze soaked in it on the part stung by a scorpion. It will relief pain and burning
Pomegranate: Grind pomegranate leaves and apply the paste on the part stung by a scorpion or wasp. It will be beneficial. To know about the prescriptions of mango, onion, asafoetida, honey, basil leaves clay, etc.
Water: If you have been stung or bitten by a scorpion, wasp, bee, chameleon, rat, etc., continuously spray water on the affected part with a syringe. It will relieve pain and buring vaused by the poisonous bite.

Apple: Grind an apple into a fine paste and apply on the affected part. Also eat an apple.
Tamarind: Break tamarind kernel into two, soak one piece in water and put it on the affected part and press it so as to make the kernel well stuck there. It will suck the poison and fall off automatically.
Caraway seeds: Grind caraway seeds in water and apply the paste on the part stung by a scorpion. It will relieve pain and burning.

Identifying a snake bite: The taste of red chillies will not appear to be bitter to a victim of snake- bite. It is how you can recognize a snake-bite.
Banana: As soon as a person has been bitten by a snake, remove his clothes and let him lie down on banana leaves so that the juice of banana leaves enters his skin through the pores. Also extract 20 gms. juice from the stem of banana tree, strain it and mix 12 ground black pepper corns and give it to the patient to drink.
If the patient has become unconscious, spoon-feel the juice to him. When he comes round give him half a glass of banana juice every 20 minutes. This treatment neutralizes the effects of snake poison in the body of the patient and death can be averted. Till the patient does not get the expected relief keep feeding the juice to him every little while. After extracting the juice, use the pulp and skin to dress the bitten part and bandage it. Also you can use the juice of the stem of banana tree for massaging the body of the patient. Drinking the juice of the stem of banana tree neutralizes snake poison.
Onion: Crush onion and squeeze out 15 ml. of juice, mix 15 ml. of mustard oil and give it to the patient to drink. It will make one does. Give three such does at an interval of 30 minutes each. The patient will recover and the snake poison will be neutralized.
Garlic: Snakes do not appear in the house where garlic bulbs are kept. If the appearance of a snake is apprehended, place some garlic bulbs there. The snake will not come near.
Castor oil: Grind 10 gms. of tender leaves of castor oil plant and 5 gms. of black pepper corns, mix some water and give it to the drink. It will cause vomiting and expectoration. After a little while repeat the does. It will expel the poison.
Alum salt: Give alum salt dissolved in water to the patient to drink.
Neem: If the person bitten by a snake chews neem leaves and they taste bitter, it means the poison has been neutralized. If the leaves taste sweet, it means the poison has not been neutralized. Chew neem leaves alongwith salt and black pepper corns.

Identifying a bite by a Mad Dog: Knead wheat flour I water and prepare roti. Put it unbaked on the spot where the dog has bitten and bandage it. Untie the bandage after fifteen minutes, remove the roti and offer it to some other dog to eat it, it means the patient has been bitten by a mad dog. If the roti is eaten by the dog, it implies that the person has not been bitten by a mad dog.
Gwar-patha: Peel the gwar-patha on one side and sprinkle rock salt on the soft part. Put it on the spot bitten by a dog and bandage it. Dress the bitten part daily for four days.
Red chilli: Grind red chillies in water and apply it on the part bitten by a dog. It is beneficial. It causes a lot of sweating thus allowing the poisonous saliva of the dog to ooze out.                                                                                                                To know about the use of mango, onion, honey etc.
Chaulai: If the patient has gone mad after the bite by a mad dog and begins to pounce on others to bite them, grind 50 to 125 gms. of the root of wild thorny amaranth, mix with water and give it repeatedly to the patient to drink. It will save even a dying man. It neutralizes the poison. Its paste can be applied on all types of poisonous bites.
Soap: Wash the part bitten by a dog with soap and water. It washes off the poison of dog-bite.
Walnut: Grind walnut, onion and salt in equal quantity, mix honey and dress the dog-with the ointment and bandage it. It will neutralize the poison of the dog-bite.
Cumin seeds: Grind 2 tsp. of cumin seeds and 20 corns of black pepper in water and dress the wound of the dog-bite with it. It will neutralize the poison of the dog-bite.

Bala ( Naru) is aused by dirty infected water. Its larvae are found in water. They get into the stomach of a human being when he takes unfiltered infected water. The larvae are fully developed within 8-12 weeks after getting into the stomach. The patient remains unaware of its development. When it is fully developed the female bala can be as long as 1.25 metre and is thin like a thread. While moving inside the body it discharge a poisonous substance which causes burning sensation and blister appears on that spot with swelling around it. When the blister bursts, the bala comes out as a thin and long thread causing great pain to the patient.

When a bala patient bathes himself in a river or pond, countless larvae come out of his blister and infect the water. If this infected water is consumed by some one, he catches the diseases.
The best way for prevention is to drink boiled and filtered water. So far medicine is available for its cure.
Clarified butter: Drinking 50 gms. of heated clarified butter once a day for three days checks the disease.
Brinjal: Roast a round big brinjal, crush and mash it, mix with curd and apply at the blister where from the bala is issuing out for ten days.
Asafoetida: Mix asafoetida of the weight of a pea with 30 gms. of moth flour, add water, stir well and heat it. When it becomes sticky, use it to dress the blister and then bandage it. It will draw out the thread- like bala. Also dissolve 5 gms. of asafoetida in a glass of cool water and drink it twice daily in the morning and evening for days. It will prevent recurrence of the disease.
Basil: Grind the root of basil plant in a little water and apply it on the blister where the bala will come out by 2-3 inches. Tie it up Next day repeat.

at the above application. In this way, repeated application will force the bala to come out completely. The basil application should continue for some days even after the bala has come out for neutralizing the poison in the blister.
Swallow-wort: Heat sesame oil and apply on the blister Also heat an swallon-wort leaf, smear it with the above oil, heat it and place it blister and bandage it. The bala will come out.
Neem: Grind neem leaves and apply the paste on the blister.

Clarified butter: Contact with a spider causes blisters sometimes. Application of clarified butter mixed with salt is beneficial in such a case

Gram: Soak overnight two handful of the husk of gram in two glasses of water in a a new clay pot. Strain the water next morning and drink it. It will relieve burning sensation.
Millet: Mix millet flour in water and apply on the body. It will relieve burning sensation.
Henna: Those who have a constant burning in the soles during the summer, application of henna is beneficial for them.
Phalsa: (1) Drinking phalsa syrup relieves burning in the body.
(2)   Eating 20 gms. of phalsa with sugar relieves burning sensation in the body. If you feel hot or heated up or painful, eat ripe phalsa with sugar.
Cucumber: It is beneficial in burning sensation. Drink cucumber juice regularly.
Mulberry: Eating mulberry fruit or taking its juice relieves burning sensation in the body.
Coriander: If you feel a burning sensation in the body:
(1)   Soak overnight coriander seeds and rice in water. Heat it in the morning and drink it.
(2)   Soak coriander seeds overnight and next morning mix sugar candy, strain and drink it. It is beneficial in case of burning sensation in the body and stomach.
Fenugreek: Grind fenugreek leaves into a fine paste, mix in water and drink it. It is beneficial in case of pain burning sensation in the body.
Water: If your feet sweat a lot, immerse your feet in hot water for some time, rub them together, than take them out and wipe them well. Take this treatment for a week.

Henna: Soak overnight 100 dry leaves of henna in a glass of clean water. Decant in the morning and drink the water. It will have a cooling effect on the body and cleanse the blood. It is a very beneficial treatment for of allergy.

Children who are over-indulged and much doted upon and whose wishes are fulfilled because of their obstinate insistence, do not want to lose easily their ‘ privilege’ and take resort to crying whenever they want their wish to be fulfilled.
Thus, whereas over-indulgence is one of the reasons why a child cries, neglect is another is another reason for a child to start crying even on unconvincing grounds.
Sometimes a child keeps awake till late in the night and does not get full sleep necessary for him. As a result, he becomes irascible. Parents should be careful about the food-habits of children. Too much of sweets, oily and spicy food makes children obstinate and peevish.
Some children are obstinate. Obstinate children cry a lot.Naughty and obstinate children behave better when they are busy playing in the open air. They give up the habit of obstinacy and become cheerful.
It is absolutely essential to have a tension-free and cheerful atmosphere at home if you want your child to give up his habit of crying. To provide a healthy entertainment to the child, it will be helpful if he is told stories that have a moral.
If the child is grown up and can ask for what he wants, do not give him anything if he takes resort to crying and obstinate persistence. If you give him what he wants because he is crying, it will encourage him to repeat the trick whenever he wants his wish to be fulfilled.
On the other hand, if you do not oblige him despite his crying he will realize his trick cannot succeed and he will possibly give up the habit of crying. But it will take time for him to improve his habit and become normal.

As you advance in years and you are in the range of 50-60, You begin to feel that you are getting old, the body is getting debilitated. Old age is usually a difficult stage of life. You wonder how old age will affect you. Life becomes insipid as strange thoughts occupy your mind.
What is Old age is a natural stage in every body’s life. After you have lived a long life, wrinkles appear on the skin, it becomes dry, joints become weak, the body becomes stiff and it is difficult to keep the back straight: teeth fall off, the hair turn grey, eyesight becomes weak, knee joints develop pain, bladder control is difficult, arteries are clogged with cholesterol, prostat is enlarged and the presence of excess alkali in the body are indications of old age.

Old age is not measured or known by years. Sometimes a young man spoils his body and is in a worse state than an old man and has less stamina than him. On the other hand, an old man may be more active and agile than a young man. A man is all aspirations, is tired all the times, feels debilitated and food seems tasteless, it provides no pleasure. He is pestered day and night by cough and phlegmatic congestion. The definition of old age given above is common knowledge.
The arrival of Old age: Whoever is born will die some day. Today we are young but we will grow old some day. We do not want to grow old, yet old age overtakes the body in due course.
Gradually, there is an accumulation of acidity and toxic matter in the body. These are enemies of health and give birth to disease-causing germs in the body. The gums get swollen because of excess of salts in the body: there is a prickly sensation on the tongue and it becomes whitish, the gums and teeth begin to bleed—all this happens because of excess of filth and salts in the body. The arteries begin to contract and the body loses its agility and power of movement. Blood-cells decrease and old age overtakes us.
Loss of Memory in Old age: Human brain is a mass of nerve tissues. An adult has the same number of nerve tissues as he is born with. The bone and skin cells multiply with age, rather their number is reduced by advancing age. The cells that are dead are not replaced by new ones. By the age of 70-80 almost one-fourth of the nerve cells are dead. That is why an old man’s hearing is impaired to some extent and loss of memory occurs.

Whether we are healthy or sick, proper diet is essential. When you are sick it is more important to pay your diet than medicine. To keep the body healthy, normal food is required. Energy is consumed when you work hard, tissues are broken or damaged To replenish them we need special kind of food. Food compensates for the losses in the body. As we advance in years, our food-intake is reduced. We need very little quantity of food. But sometimes to satiate our hunger we eat more than is required.
In wedding parties, social lunches or dinners and on several other occasions we usually over-eat to satisfy our taste-buds but this practice is harmful. If you regularly over-eat, your digestive system will get upset.
The belly and intestines swell; thir functioning is impaired and gas-formation creates problems. Fat accumulates in the body, one gets obese and the walls of the stomach should be strong and flexible become thick and heavy. The stomach should not exceed the waist-line. The best way to avoid all these troubles is to eat sparingly.

How Much Food Should We take? It has been found by experiments that eating in excess or eating simply for taste is a harmful practice. Always eat less than your appetite or what you can eat. Such a quantity will provide sufficient nourishment and energy. In fact, even if we eat in excess, only a little of it gets digested, which provides nourishment and energy. It is, therefore, suggested that you should eat less than your capacity to eat.
Food and Sleep: If you go to sleep immediately after eating you do not get good sleep. The intestines do not relax as much as they should during sleep. Therefore, you should eat three hours before you go to sleep. Eat three times in a day. Do not eat anything during the intervals. Do not eat unless you are quite hungry. Chew your food well. When you are worried or angry, do not eat. Only drink warm water. Be cheerful when you are eating. Your breakfast mainly consist of starch and lunch of protein. In the evening it will be better to take only fruits, raw vegetables and salad.
Food during Winter: We take food to subsist. If we take food in keeping with seasonal requirements we will get proper energy and will have a strong and sound body.
When cold wind touch our body in winter we feel very cold to protect ourselves from cold winds we wear warm clothes so that the heat of the body does not escape. If the body remains warm, it is helpful in digesting the food. During winter, nights are long and days are short. Hence, the body gets more rest. As a result, we are able to digest easily even oily, heavy and nourishing food.
When it is very cold, take nourishing and invigorating food alongwith seasonal fruits. Nourishing food includes clarified butter, milk, butter, black gram daal, halwa, kheer, rabri, jalebi prepared in pure ghee and milk, various dishes made with black gram daal, green gram or carrot halwa, cashewnuts, pistachio, almonds, walnut, etc.
The sesaonal things include amla, banana, carrots, guava, honey, ground nut, ripe tomatoes, spinach, fenugreek, etc. They should from a part of your diet.
After meals, do take a glass of sweetened milk after 2-3 hours. You may also take 1 tsp. of clarified butter with it. If you want to take honey in milk, allow the milk to cool down, then add 2 tsp. of honey and drink. Do not take milk in gulps, rather sip it slowly.
During the days of intense coild, may eat laddoos made of sesame seeds and jiggery.
Massage your body with mustard oil. After the winter is over and the spring season starts, eat 15 fresh tender neem leaves daily in the morning for a month. It will protect you against blood disorders, skin diseases and fever throughout the year.
Nourishing Dishes in Winter—Almonds- Poppy seeds Halwa: Ingredients—Almonds 250 gms., Poppy seeds—125 gms., wheat flour-1 bowl, sugar 250 gms., milk 1 cup, water 2 cups and clarified butter 1 bowl, saffron and cardamom to your
Method: Soak overnight almonds and poppy seeds in cool water. In the morning grind both the items finely after peeling the almonds. Pour clarified butter in a pan and heat it. Add ground almonds and poppy seeds and roast it well on slow flame till it turns pink. When sweet smell begins to rise, mix wheat flour and continue stirring till clarified butter visibly separates. Boil in a pan one cup of milk mixed with two cups of water. Add this to almonds and poppy seeds halwa, put it on high flame and keep stirring. Add sugar. When the consistency is right, remove it from the flame. Also grind saffron and cardamom in a few drops of milk and add to the halwa mixing it well. Serve it hot in plates. It is highly nourishing for the mind. It should be definitely taken in winter by students, those who are engaged in mental work and those thos who have a weak mind.
Almond powder: Ingredients: Almonds 200 gms., acacia tree gum 50gms., sugar powder 200 gms.
Method: Soak almonds in water and peel them. Grind them after they are dry. Fry gum in clarified butter and grind it. Mix both the items with sugar powder.
Take 2 tsp. of it daily with a cup of warm milk and take your meals after hours. For the second dose take only 1 tsp. of it with milk two hours after meals and one hour before going to bed. Take it for two-three months. It is highly beneficial.
During winter, sore throat, cough, tonsillitis and pain in the throat are common complaints. For this, take a glass of warm water, add ½ tsp. each of salt and baking powder and less than ¼ tsp. of alum salt to it and gargle. Do it thrice daily.

Anxiety leads to mental tension. Several types of worries overtake us in our daily life. How we are affected by anxiety and worries depends on our nature and tolerance. There can be a person who does not worry about even big things but another person worries about petty things and easily loses temper or gets impatient. Whatever the case, we all think that the subject of our worries is apparent to us. But we are mistaken in this regard, because if we think deeply we will find that the root-cause of our worries is altogether different. Try to understand the truth.
The real cause of worries and anxiety is lack of salt-confidence and faith in God. If we do something in an anxious state of mind, we will not be able to do it properly because of lack of salf-confidence nd it will be marked by uncertainty. Our performance and style of functioning will be adversely affected. Moreover, whatever is happening to us because of our disbelief in God will increase our sorrow because we will hold ourselves responsible for it while the fact is that we can do only our duty, our karma and

have no control over wish is not in our hands otherwise everybody in the world have got what he wanted. Those who have total, strong and unquestionable faith in God never fall a prey to anxiety in any way because they leave everything to God and accept whatever is given to them. If you do not worry about yourself, almighty God will take care of you, just as parents look after their innocent child and take total care of him in every respect. But when the child grows up and is self- dependent, parents stop worrying about him. You can cultivate the qualities of self-confidence and faith in God by constant practice. You should know that it is necessary to get rid of mental tension caused by anxiety.
How to Relieve Yourself of Mental Tension: Whenever you are overtake by a problem, anxiety and trouble, do not keep it to yourself. Discuss it and share it with those close to you, because it will prevent you from reaching the stage of frustration. Moreover, you friend may offer some help to relieve you of the problem you are faced with. If not that, atleast a few words of sympathy may bring relief to you mentally.
Do not spend your time alone so that your mind does not become a single track one. Attend musical programmes, go to museums and libraries to pass your time meaningfully. If you do not feel like doing anything, go for a walk or read a newspaper. Divert your attention some how or the other.
If you do not get sleep at night, get up and start reading light short stories. It will relieve the burden on you mind. While going to bed, do not brood over the day’s activities or what you are going to do on the following day.
Mental tension is also caused by want and poverty. According to the Psychologist Page, “Happiness is crucial to a successful life. In happiness, he should look at those above him and make efforts to reach their heights. When in sorrow, look at those who are below you. Only can feel fully contented.”
If you have to reach a place or complete an assignment at a given time, do not do it in haste. You can begin a little early in order to be on time. But do not invite tension which is caused by haste.
It is not proper to interfere in somebody else’s work or to interrupt while he is talking. It is better to listen rather than be over-talkative. Pay greater attention to what is useful and interesting than trivia.
When you are burdened with excess work, do not panic Rather, take up things in order of priority according to their importance.
If you have learnt to be relaxed, it will be easier to adjust with circumstances in Life. Try to change your attitude. Do not pay heed to petty things.
Whenever you feel by doing too much of mental work, immediately shift to some physical activity. The change of work will bring mental relief and peace to you. If are in service, enjoy your week-ends.

Spare some time out of your work to indulge in gossip with the neighbor. Walk a little. Will certainly relieve tension caused by over-work.

When you have leisure time, write letters to friends and relative because receiving letters is a matter of joy. But do not indulge in too much of letter-writing otherwise it will cause tension if you do not receive back letters.
One of the easier ways of getting rid of tension is to give up your stubborn attitude and ill-will towards others. Have an eye for beauty because a thing of beauty is a joy for ever. It is quite refreshing.
You can certainly succeed in getting rid of mental tension by resorting to the above methods. If in the so-called modern society we not able to check stress and tension, it may prove fatal for many of us. Therefore, think over the problem without being under stress. Have faith in God.
The Road to a Healthy and Happy Life: Do not want to lead a healthy and happy life? If yes live intelligently and with determination. Lord Buddha has said,” Understanding is the best treatment of all ailments and problems and lack of it is the root-cause of all troubles.” 90% of the patients can recover without the assistance of a medical practitioner because human body is filled with a natural and general immunity system that tends to protect the body from disease and infection. Chanting God’s name also induces mental and physical health. Lord Tennyson used to repeat his own name using the beads of a rosary. An author named Cove maintains that a man may not mould himself to his liking by his thoughts but he can do it by his emotions. He should take recourse to auto-suggestion, saying, “I am getting better day by day.” It will definitely change him for the better. One should follow the following rules in life to be always healthy and happy in every respect:
1.      If somebody sows a thorn for you, sow a flower for him You will get happiness and will get pain.
2.      Kabir says that you may be living in the neighbourhood of slayers but you need not worry because they will reap as they sow
3.      Whatever has to happen is pre-determined.
4.      God is everywhere and whatever has happened or is happening or will happen must be good.
5.      Good men never face sorrow in this world or in the other world.
6.      The essential massage of Vedas and Shastras is —You receive what you give; happiness begets happiness, sorrow begets sorrow.
7.       Goodness always brings happiness. Therefore, always be good and do good.
