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Showing posts from December 27, 2011

Cure Treatment for Prickly Heat Miliaria

CURE / TREATMENT FOR PRICKLY HEAT Henna :- During the summer season prickly heat appears on the neck and the tender skin of the body. Application of henna paste is beneficial and relieves pain. It is a proven formula. Bitter Gourd :- Application of the juice of bitter gourd is helpful in prickly heat during the summer season. Mix 1 tsp. of baking powder in ¼ cup of the juice of bitter gourd. Two or three applications will provide relief from prickly heat. Email:-

Dysmenorrhoea Menorrhagia How to Cure Relief What are Remedies Diet Causes Treatment Therapy

CURE / TREATMENT FOR MENORRHAGIA Menstrual discharge is natural activity of the female body. But in some cases menstruation is painful. It is called dysmenorrhea. It usually happens to women who have a sedentary life –style and are physically inactive between the ages of 18-25 year. It is of two types: (1) Congestive dysmenorrhea, and (2) Spasmodic dysmenorrhea. Congestive Dysmenorrhoea.: Married women suffer from it and the pain is located in the parts around the uterus. The pain starts three-four days before menstruation and is relieved after menstruation starts. Women who do not do much physical work usually suffer from it. One gets relief by eating more of sugar and taking exercise. Spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea: Out of the women with menstrual problems visiting hospitals, a large number of them suffer from spasmodic dysmenorrhea.. Usually unmarried women suffer from it. It usually begins with menstruation and lasts till the first child is born. The pain is located in the uterus. Acute p

Cure for Napkin Rash

CURE FOR NAPKIN RASH Napkin rashes are common in first year of the child’s birth. The child develops whelks on the rectum because of defects in mother’s milk, or not cleaning it properly after passing the urine and stools or leaving it wet after a bath. The whelks are red in colour. In an aggravated condition, ulceration and bleeding take place. Apply any one of the following paste on the affected part:- 1.      Grind Basil leaves and make the paste. 2.      Mix turmeric powder with butter and prepare the paste. 3.      Grind green grass and apply the paste. Email:-