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Showing posts from June 15, 2013

Sardonyx Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sardonyx is a combination of   Onyx   with reddish brown   Sard   and displays reddish brown and white layers, in some cases also black layers are visible in the stone. This stone was used in the past, and even today, to cut cameos and intaglios. For this the two colours of the stone were used, just like with   Bandonyx ,   Chalcedony   and Onyx. Sardonyx makes its wearer a pleasant person, it attracts friends and promotes self control and marital bliss. This stone also promotes success in legal matters. On the physical level this stone protects against bites, stings, pain, infections and poison. In the past Sardonyx was used to dispel the 'evil eye'. Sardonyx is a grounding stone.  

Sard Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sard helps overcome infections and inner sores in the intestinal tract and brain. This stone can also bring relief in case of meningitis. Sard stabilizes the blood pressure and can be used in case of high blood pressure as well as low blood pressure. Protects against bed wetting, stimulates liver and gall bladder functions, heals ailments of the liver like yellow fever and hepatitis. Use in case of diarrhea, throwing up and fever. Protects its wearer against false friends and stimulates friendship. Sard is used in defensive magic and to attract protection.  

Sapphire Star Sapphires Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sapphire is the stone of faithfulness and is frequently used in engagement rings. It promotes sincerity, strengthens intuition, eyes, use in case of eye-disease and glaucoma. Against fever, melancholy, insomnia, shingles, nervousness, kidney problems, ulcers. Sapphire gets rid of poison in the body. This stone attracts good people, gives pure thoughts, protects against bad influences and false friends, brings help in need. Sapphire lowers the blood pressure, against indecision, stress and gives its wearer peace of mind. Against black magic and protects against captivity." Star Sapphire The Star Sapphire is a rare variety of the Sapphire, because of needles that have formed in a parallel pattern inside the stone, the light is refracted which causes a white star inside the stone, a very impressive phenomenon. This stone is seen as a stone of wisdom and happiness. It helps one to organise one's thoughts and protects against false friends and unfaithful lovers. The Star Sapphire h

Rutilated Quartz Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Rutilated Quartz is an excellent stone when you suffer from bronchitis, asthma, coughs, pneumonia, whooping cough, stimulates and cleanses the bronchial tubes and lungs. This stone promotes action and strengthens the immune system, brain, promotes a long life and against depression.  

Ruby Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This gemstone dispels melancholy, and protects against miscarriages if worn during the 2nd until the 4th month of the pregnancy. Ruby gives the unborn child vital strength and makes sure that the expecting mother stays active. Helps against fatigue, gives strength and courage and promotes will power. Good for stomach, against flatulence, headaches, pain in general, fever, nightmares, has a positive influence on the active higher thinking, strengthens intuition and creativity. Ruby is an activating stone and heals pancreatic problems, liver problems and kidney problems, use in case of diabetes, against all problems related to the nervous system and stimulates the ovaries and testicles. In magic Rubies are used to attract protection, strength, power, joy and wealth.  

Rubellite Pink Red Tourmaline Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Rubellite gives one more power, especially in the morning when one has to get up and doesn't feel like it. Use in case of head colds and asthma attacks, diminishes the formation of kidney stones, against rashes and itching, diminishes pain caused by rheumatism, stimulates the healing of skin problems and against cramps. Use when you suffer from insomnia. Will give you a positive outlook and against behavioral problems, dejection, over-sensitivity and will-lessness. Diminishes irritability, shyness and memory problems.  

Rose Quartz Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Rose Quartz stimulates the good in mankind, promotes love and art, makes creative, helps when one is homesick, softens the emotional life, against exasperation. An excellent stone for children. Makes one appreciate beauty, painting, poetry and music, makes us fall in love and enthusiastic, heals emotional wounds, comforts, good for the heart, gives inner peace and joy for life, learns us to forgive. For dyslexia, cures and stops diarrhea, stomach cramps, intestinal problems and gets rid of small worms.  

Rhyolite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Rhyolite protects all organs that are regulated by the vegetative nervous system, as well as the vegetative nervous system. The production of the hormones in the glands is stimulated and harmonised by this stone. It may give relief in sciatica, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. Rhyolite may also be used for ailments of the skin and rashes. It is a stone that promotes change, diversity and progress, and it makes its wearer creative. Rhyolite's energies are most suited for meditations.  

Rhodonite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Rhodonite promotes the oxygen flow in the lungs and protects the bronchial tubes and is an excellent stone against Parkinson's disease, eases changes, against depression, stimulates hearing, bones and lungs, against fear and for self respect. The stone eases pains caused by cramps, irritability without a specific reason, enhances the memory. Rhodonite stimulates personal development and personal insight. In magic this stone is used because of its peaceful vibrations and to see things in perspective.