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Showing posts from July 24, 2013

Supta-ekapadakarshanasana Navel Posture 1 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-ekapadakarshanasana (Navel Posture 1) Lie down on your abdomen with the arms stretched towards the head. Inhale, retain the breath and the left towards the back. Hold the right leg at its ankle and draw it upwards. Keep this arch like posture for some time; exhale and return to the normal position. Benefits:- Relives constipation and strengthens spine, neck, chest and stomach.

Nabhidarshanasana Navel-gaze Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Nabhidarshanasana (Navel-gaze Posture) Sit down with the legs stretched in front of you. Place the palms firmly on the ground, fingers pointing backwards. Inhale. Then, stretch the whole body on the arms and heels, fix the gaze on the navel. Benefits:- This posture nourishes the whole body by improving the circulation of blood. Strengthens the nerves of hands and prevents diabetes.

Grivachakrasa-na Neck-revolving Postu-re Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Grivachakrasa-na (Neck-revolving Postu-re)   Stand erect. Make your neck a little limp and movie it in a circle, touching the chest, shoulders and back with it. Move it in both directions. If preferred, it may be done with the breath retained in. Benefits:-This posture makes the nerves of neck elastic and strong, voice sweet, and prevents wrinkles on the neck; gives strength to the eyes and teeth.

Chakrasana Circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chakrasana (Circle Posture) Technique 1:-Lie down on your back. Bend the legs at the knees. Let the heels touch the hips. Now, take your hands towards the head, over the shoulders, and place them on the ground. Then, with the support of the hands and feet, raise up the chest and waist. Bring the hands feet quite elose to make almost a circle of your body. With the support of the hands and feet, raise up the chest and waist. Bring the hands and feet quite elose to make almost a circle of your body. Technique 2:- Stand straight. Take your hands back over the shoulders and slowly bend backwards so that the palms finally rest on the ground. Now, gradually try to bring hands and feet together so that body eventually assumes the form of a circle. Benefits:- Strengthens and makes flexible chest, back, stomach waist, neck, arms, hands, legs, knees, feets, etc., and keeps them healthy. Gives perfect control over the body and makes it agile and nimble. Prevents hunch-back in old age and tremors

Ekahasta-prish-tha-konasana One-Hand-back-angle-Pose-ture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekahasta-prish-tha-konasana (One-Hand-back-angle-Pose-ture) Stand with your feet about a foot and a half apart. Inhale. Place firmly the left palm on the back of the left knee. Raise the right arm and bend from the waist as far back as possible. Then, stand erect and hold the right ankle with hands and touch the right knee with the head. Now, keeping the right palm on the back of the right knee, raise the left arm and bend backwards as before. Finally, stand straight again, hold the left ankle with the hands and rest the head on the left knee. Do alternately on your right and left sides. Benefits:- It strengthens waist, legs, lungs and Prana.       

Mushtibadha-hastachakrasana Locked-palms-revolving Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Mushtibadha-hastachakrasana (Locked-palms-revolving Posture)      Stand with feet about two feet apart. Stretching the arms in front of you, make a finger-lock. Inhale, raise the arms over the head and move them in a circle around the waist. Make an equal number of circles in both directions. Benefits:- It develops the chest; increases the strength of the shoulders; if practiced after a glass of water but without pranayama, it relieves constipation.

Utthita-eka-pada-Janushirasana Knee-head Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utthita-eka-pada-Janushirasana (Knee-head Posture) Stand with feet kept together. Raise the right foot straight in front of you and hold the big toe with right hand. Inhale and hold it with the left hand also. Then lower the head to rest on it. When exhaling, return to the normal position. Practise it with the left leg also. Benefits:- This posture is especially beneficial to the legs and waist.

Hastabadha-shirapadmasana Head-in-steps Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hastabadha-shirapadmasana (Head-in-steps Posture) Stand erect, keeping your feet a little apart. Bend forward from the waist. Place the hands on the toes after taking the arms from between the legs and bringing them near the ankles. Retaining the breath in, Place the head between the ankles. Raise the head at the time of exhaling. Benefits:- Strengthens the lungs and tones up Prana. 

Ashtavakr-asana Eight-curve Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ashtavakr-asana (Eight-curve Posture) Stand straight. Place the right knee on the left and adopt half-sitting posture. Rest the right elbow on the right knee and keep the chin and cheek on the palm of the right hand. Rest the left arm by holding the right leg by the ankle. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:- Nerves of feet and legs become strong and enlargement of testicles is prevented.

Utthita-janu-shira-samyuktasana Head-on-knees Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utthita-janu-shira-samyuktasana (Head-on-knees Posture) Stand erect. Bend forward from the waist. Put the palms on the ground in front at a distance of about one foot from the toes. Exhale and touch the knees with head. Repeat it several times. Benefits:- It improves digestion and reduces belly.